"Music Collection", "button_file_browser" => "File Browser", "button_internet_radio" => "Internet Radio Stations", "button_albumart" => "Album Art Manager", // Tooltips for Buttons across the top of the information panel "button_togglesources" => "Toggle Sources Panel", "button_back" => "Back", "button_history" => "History", "button_forward" => "Forward", "button_toggleplaylist" => "Toggle Playlist", // Tooltips for playlist buttons "button_alarm" => "Alarm Clock", "button_prefs" => "RompЯ Preferences", "button_clearplaylist" => "Clear Playlist", "button_loadplaylist" => "Load Saved Playlist", "button_saveplaylist" => "Save Playlist", // Tooltips for playback controls "button_previous" => "Previous Track", "button_play" => "Play/Pause", "button_stop" => "Stop", "button_stopafter" => "Stop After Current Track", "button_next" => "Next Track", "button_love" => "Love this track", "button_ban" => "Ban this track", "button_volume" => "Drag to change volume", "button_closewindow" => "Close Window", // Configuration menu entries "config_language" => "LANGUAGE", "config_theme" => "THEME", "config_hidealbumlist" => "Hide Music Collection", "config_hidefileslist" => "Hide Files List", "config_hideradio" => "Hide Radio Stations", "config_hidepodcasts" => "Hide Podcasts", "config_hideplaylistslist" => "Hide Saved Playlists", "config_hidepluginplaylistslist" => "Hide Personalised Radio", "config_hidebrowser" => "Hide Info Panel", "config_fullbio" => "Retrieve full artist biographies from Last.FM", "config_lastfmlang" => "Language for Last.FM and Wikipedia", "config_lastfmdefault" => "Default language (English)", "config_lastfminterface" => "RompЯ's interface language", "config_lastfmbrowser" => "Browser's default language", "config_lastfmlanguser" => "This specific language:", "config_langinfo" => "Last.FM and Wikipedia will fall back to English if information can't be found in your language", "config_autoscroll" => "Auto-Scroll playlist to current track", "config_autocovers" => "Automatically Download Covers", "config_musicfolders" => "To use art from your music folders or get lyrics from your files, enter the path to your music in this box:", "config_crossfade" => "Crossfade Duration (seconds)", "config_clicklabel" => "Music Selection Click Behaviour", "config_doubleclick" => "Double-click to add, Click to select", "config_singleclick" => "Click to add, no selection", "config_sortbydate" => "Sort Albums By Date", "config_notvabydate" => "Don't Apply Date Sorting to 'Various Artists'", "config_updateonstart" => "Update Music Collection On Start", "config_updatenow" => "Update Music Collection Now", "config_rescan" => "Full Local Music Rescan", "config_editshortcuts" => "Edit Keyboard Shortcuts...", "config_audiooutputs" => "Audio Outputs", "config_lastfmusername" => "Last.FM Username", "config_loginbutton" => "Login", "config_scrobbling" => "Scrobble tracks to Last.FM", "config_scrobblepercent" => "Percentage of track to play before scrobbling", "config_autocorrect" => "Use Last.FM to auto-correct artist names etc", "config_tagloved" => "Tag Loved Tracks With:", "config_fontsize" => "FONT SIZE", "config_fontname" => "FONT STYLE", "config_alarm_on" => "Alarm Clock Enabled", "config_showartistbanners" => "Show Artist Banners", // Various buttons for the playlist dropdowns "button_imsure" => "I'm Sure About This", "button_save" => "Save", // General Labels and buttons in the main layout "label_lastfm" => "Last.FM", "button_searchmusic" => "Search Music", "label_yourradio" => "Your Radio Stations", "label_podcasts" => "Podcasts", "label_somafm" => "Soma FM", "label_icecast" => "Icecast Radio", "label_emptyinfo" => "This is the information panel. Interesting stuff will appear here when you play some music", "button_playlistcontrols" => "Playlist Controls", "button_random" => "SHUFFLE", "button_crossfade" => "CROSSFADE", "button_repeat" => "REPEAT", "button_consume" => "CONSUME", "label_yes" => "Yes", "label_no" => "No", "label_updating" => "Updating Music Collection", "label_update_error" => "Failed to generate music collection.", "label_notsupported" => "Operation not supported!", "label_playlisterror" => "Something went wrong retrieving the playlist!", "label_downloading" => "Downloading...", "button_OK" => "OK", "button_cancel" => "Cancel", "error_playlistname" => "Playlist name cannot contain slashes", "label_savedpl" => "Playlist saved as %s", "label_loadingstations" => "Loading Stations...", // Search Forms "label_searchfor" => "Search For", "label_searching" => "Searching...", "button_search" => "Search", "label_searchresults" => "Search Results", "label_multiterms" => "Multiple search terms can be used at once", "label_limitsearch" => "Search Specific Backends", // General multipurpose labels "label_tracks" => "tracks", "label_albums" => "albums", "label_artists" => "artists", "label_track" => "Track", "label_album" => "Album", "label_artist" => "Artist", "label_anything" => "Anything", "label_genre" => "Genre", "label_composer" => "Composer", "label_performer" => "Performer", "label_rating" => "Rating", "label_tag" => "Tag", "label_discogs" => "Discogs", "label_musicbrainz" => "Musicbrainz", "label_wikipedia" => "Wikipedia", "label_general_error" => "There was an error. Please refresh the page and try again", "label_days" => "days", "label_hours" => "hours", "label_minutes" => "minutes", "label_noalbums" => "No Individual Albums Returned By Search", "label_notracks" => "No Individual Tracks Returned By Search", "label_duration" => "Duration", "label_playererror" => "Player Error", "label_tunefailed" => "Failed To Tune Radio Station", "label_noneighbours" => "Did not find any neighbours", "label_nofreinds" => "You have 0 freinds", "label_notags" => "Did not find any tags", "label_noartists" => "Did not find any top artists", "mopidy_tooold" => "Your version of Mopidy is too old. Please update to version %s or later", "button_playradio" => "Play", // Playlist and Now Playing "label_waitingforstation" => "Waiting for station info...", "label_notforradio" => "Not supported for radio streams", "label_incoming" => "Incoming...", "label_addingtracks" => "Queueing Tracks", // Now Playing - [track name] by [artist] on [album] "label_by" => "by", "label_on" => "on", // Now playing - 1:45 of 6:50 "label_of" => "of", // Podcasts "podcast_rss_error" => "Failed to download RSS feed", "podcast_remove_error" => "Failed to delete podcast", "podcast_general_error" => "Operation failed :(", "podcast_entrybox" => "Subscribe to RSS feed:", // Podcast tooltips "podcast_delete" => "Delete this Podcast", "podcast_configure" => "Configure this Podcast", "podcast_refresh" => "Refresh this Podcast", "podcast_download_all" => "Download All Episodes of this Podcast", "podcast_mark_all" => "Mark All Episodes as Listened", "podcast_undelete" => "Undelete Deleted Episodes", "podcast_removedownloaded" => "Remove Downloaded Files", // Podcast display options "podcast_display" => "Display", "podcast_display_all" => "Everything", "podcast_display_onlynew" => "Only New", "podcast_display_unlistened" => "New and Unlistened", "podcast_display_downloadnew" => "New and Downloaded", "podcast_display_downloaded" => "Only Downloaded", // Podcast refresh options "podcast_refresh" => "Refresh", "podcast_refresh_never" => "Manually", "podcast_refresh_hourly" => "Hourly", "podcast_refresh_daily" => "Daily", "podcast_refresh_weekly" => "Weekly", "podcast_refresh_monthly" => "Monthly", // Podcast auto expire "podcast_expire" => "Keep Episodes For", "podcast_expire_tooltip" => "Any episodes older than this value will be removed from the list. Changes to this option will take effect next time you refresh the podcast", "podcast_expire_never" => "Ever", "podcast_expire_week" => "One Week", "podcast_expire_2week" => "Two Weeks", "podcast_expire_month" => "One Month", "podcast_expire_2month" => "Two Months", "podcast_expire_6month" => "Six Months", "podcast_expire_year" => "One Year", // Podcast number to keep "podcast_keep" => "Number To Keep", "podcast_keep_tooltip" => "The list will only ever show this many episodes. Changes to this option will take effect next time you refresh the podcast", "podcast_keep_0" => "Unlimited", // Podcast other options "podcast_keep_downloaded" => "Keep all downloaded episodes", "podcast_kd_tooltip" => "Enable this option to keep all downloaded episodes. The above two options will then only apply to episodes that have not been downloaded", "podcast_auto_download" => "Automatically Download New Episodes", "podcast_tooltip_new" => "This is a new episode", "podcast_tooltip_notnew" => "This episode is not new but it has not been listened to", "podcast_tooltip_downloaded" => "This episode has been downloaded", "podcast_tooltip_download" => "Download this episode to your computer", "podcast_tooltip_mark" => "Mark as listened", "podcast_tooltip_delepisode" => "Delete this episode", "podcast_expired" => "This episode has expired", // eg 2 days left to listen "podcast_timeleft" => "%s left to listen", // Soma FM Chooser Panel "label_soma" => "Soma.FM is a listener supported commercial-free radio station from San Francisco", "label_soma_beg" => "Please consider supporting Soma.FM if you like these stations", // Your radio stations "label_radioinput" => "Enter a URL", //Album Art Manager "albumart_title" => "Album Art", "albumart_getmissing" => "Get Missing Covers", "albumart_showall" => "Show All Covers", "albumart_instructions" => "Click a cover to change it, or drag an image from your hard drive or another browser window", "albumart_onlyempty" => "Show Only Albums Without Covers", "albumart_allartists" => "All Artists", "albumart_unused" => "Unused Images", "albumart_deleting" => "Deleting...", "albumart_error" => "That didn't work", "albumart_googlesearch" => "Google Search", "albumart_local" => "Local Images", "albumart_upload" => "File Upload", "albumart_uploadbutton" => "Upload", "albumart_newtab" => "Google Search in New Tab", "albumart_dragdrop" => "You can drag-and-drop images from your hard drive or another browser window directly onto the image (in most browsers)", "albumart_showmore" => "Show More Results", "albumart_googleproblem" => "There was a problem. Google said", "albumart_getthese" => "Get These Covers", "albumart_deletethese" => "Delete These Covers", "albumart_nocollection" => "Please create your music collection before trying to download covers", "albumart_nocovercount" => "albums without a cover", "albumart_getting" => "Getting", // Setup page (rompr/?setup) "setup_connectfail" => "Rompr could not connect to an mpd or mopidy server", "setup_connecterror" => "There was an error when communicating with your mpd or mopidy server : ", "setup_request" => "You requested the setup page", "setup_addressnote" => "Note: localhost in this context means the computer running the webserver", "setup_port" => "Port", "setup_advanced" => "Advanced options", "setup_leaveblank" => "Leave these blank unless you know you need them", "setup_password" => "Password", "setup_unixsocket" => "UNIX-domain socket", // Intro Window "intro_title" => "Information About This Version", "intro_welcome" => "Welcome to RompR version", "intro_viewingmobile" => "You are viewing the mobile version of RompЯ. To view the standard version go to", "intro_viewmobile" => "To view the mobile version go to", "intro_basicmanual" => "The Basic RompR Manual is at:", "intro_forum" => "The Discussion Forum is at:", "intro_mopidy" => "IMPORTANT Information for Mopidy Users", "intro_mopidywiki" => "If you are running Mopidy, please read the Wiki", "intro_mopidyversion" => "You must be using Mopidy %s or later", // Last.FM "lastfm_loginwindow" => "Log In to Last.FM", "lastfm_login1" => "Please click the button below to open the Last.FM website in a new tab. Enter your Last.FM login details if required then give RompЯ permission to access your account", "lastfm_login2" => "You can close the new tab when you have finished but do not close this dialog!", "lastfm_loginbutton" => "Click Here To Log In", "lastfm_login3" => "Once you have logged in to Last.FM, click the OK button below to complete the process", "lastfm_loginfailed" => "Failed to log in to Last.FM", "label_loved" => "Loved", "label_lovefailed" => "Failed To Make Love", "label_unloved" => "Unloved", "label_unlovefailed" => "Failed To Remove Love", "label_banned" => "Banned", "label_banfailed" => "Failed To Ban", "label_scrobbled" => "Scrobbled", "label_scrobblefailed" => "Failed to scrobble", // Info Panel "info_gettinginfo" => "Getting Info...", "info_newtab" => "View In New Tab", // File Info panel "button_fileinfo" => "Info Panel (File Information)", "info_file" => "File:", "info_from_beets" => "(from beets server)", "info_format" => "Format:", "info_bitrate" => "Bitrate:", "info_samplerate" => "Sample Rate:", "info_mono" => "Mono", "info_stereo" => "Stereo", "info_channels" => "Channels", "info_date" => "Date:", "info_genre" => "Genre:", "info_performers" => "Performers:", "info_composers" => "Composers:", "info_comment" => "Comment:", "info_label" => "Label:", "info_disctitle" => "Disc Title:", "info_encoder" => "Encoder:", "info_year" => "Year:", // Last.FM Info Panel "button_infolastfm" => "Info Panel (Last.FM)", "label_notrackinfo" => "Could not find information about this track", "label_noalbuminfo" => "Could not find information about this album", "label_noartistinfo" => "Could not find information about this artist", "lastfm_listeners" => "Listeners:", "lastfm_plays" => "Plays:", "lastfm_yourplays" => "Your Plays:", "lastfm_toptags" => "TOP TAGS:", "lastfm_addtags" => "ADD TAGS", "lastfm_addtagslabel" => "Add tags, comma separated", "button_add" => "ADD", "lastfm_yourtags" => "YOUR TAGS:", "lastfm_simar" => "Similar Artists", "lastfm_removetag" => "Remove Tag", "lastfm_releasedate" => "Release Date", "lastfm_viewtrack" => "View track on Last.FM", "lastfm_tagerror" => "Failed to modify tags", "lastfm_loved" => "Loved", "lastfm_lovethis" => "Love This Track", "lastfm_unlove" => "Unlove This Track", "lastfm_notfound" => "%s Not Found", // Lyrics info panel "button_lyrics" => "Info Panel (Lyrics)", "lyrics_lyrics" => "Lyrics", "lyrics_nonefound" => "No Lyrics were found", "lyrics_info" => "To use the lyrics viewer you need to ensure your local files are tagged with lyrics", "lyrics_nopath" => "To use the lyrics viewer you need to ensure your local files are tagged with lyrics and set the music path in the preferences", // For Discogs/Musicbrainz release tables. LABEL in this context means record label // These are all section headers and so should all be UPPER CASE, unless there's a good linguistic // reason not to do that "title_year" => "YEAR", "title_title" => "TITLE", "title_type" => "TYPE", "title_label" => "LABEL", "label_pages" => "PAGES", // For discogs/musicbrains album info. discogs_companies means the companies involved in producing the album // These are all section headers and so should all be UPPER CASE, unless there's a good linguistic // reason not to do that "discogs_companies" => "COMPANIES", "discogs_personnel" => "PERSONNEL", "discogs_videos" => "VIDEOS", "discogs_styles" => "STYLES", "discogs_genres" => "GENRES", "discogs_tracklisting" => "TRACK LISTING", "discogs_realname" => "REAL NAME:", "discogs_aliases" => "ALIASES:", "discogs_alsoknown" => "ALSO KNOWN AS:", "discogs_external" => "EXTERNAL LINKS", "discogs_bandmembers" => "BAND MEMBERS", "discogs_memberof" => "MEMBER OF", "discogs_discography" => "%s DISCOGRAPHY", // Discogs info panel "button_discogs" => "Info Panel (Discogs)", "discogs_error" => "Nothing was found by Discogs", "discogs_nonsense" => "Couldn't get a sensible response from Discogs", "discogs_noalbum" => "Couldn't find this album on Discogs", "discogs_notrack" => "Couldn't find this track on Discogs", // Musicbrainz info panel "button_musicbrainz" => "Info Panel (Musicbrainz)", "musicbrainz_error" => "Did not get a response from MusicBrainz", "musicbrainz_contacterror" => "There was an error contacting Musicbrainz", "musicbrainz_noartist" => "Could not find this artist on Musicbrainz", "musicbrainz_noalbum" => "Could not find this album on Musicbrainz", "musicbrainz_notrack" => "Could not find this track on Musicbrainz", "musicbrainz_noinfo" => "Could not get information from Musicbrainz", // This is used for date ranges - eg 2005 - Present "musicbrainz_now" => "Present", "musicbrainz_origin" => "ORIGIN", "musicbrainz_active" => "ACTIVE", "musicbrainz_rating" => "RATING", "musicbrainz_notes" => "NOTES", "musicbrainz_tags" => "TAGS", "musicbrainz_externaldiscography" => "Discography (%s)", "musicbrainz_officalhomepage" => "Official Homepage (%s)", "musicbrainz_fansite" => "Fan Site (%s)", "musicbrainz_lyrics" => "Lyrics (%s)", "musicbrainz_social" => "Social Network", "musicbrainz_microblog" => "Microblog", "musicbrainz_review" => "Review (%s)", "musicbrainz_novotes" => "(No Votes)", // eg: 3/5 from 15 votes "musicbrainz_votes" => "%s/5 from %s votes", "musicbrainz_appears" => "THIS TRACK APPEARS ON", "musicbrainz_credits" => "CREDITS", "musicbrainz_status" => "STATUS", "musicbrainz_date" => "DATE", "musicbrainz_country" => "COUNTRY", "musicbrainz_disc" => "DISC", // SoundCloud info panel "button_soundcloud" => "Info Panel (SoundCloud)", "soundcloud_trackinfo" => "Track Info", "soundcloud_plays" => "Plays", "soundcloud_downloads" => "Downloads", "soundcloud_faves" => "Faves", // State means eg State: Finished or State: Unfinished "soundcloud_state" => "State", "soundcloud_license" => "License", "soundcloud_buy" => "Buy Track", "soundcloud_view" => "View on SoundCloud", "soundcloud_user" => "SoundCloud User", "soundcloud_fullname" => "Full Name", "soundcloud_Country" => "Country", "soundcloud_city" => "City", "soundcloud_website" => "Visit Website", "soundcloud_not" => "This panel will only display information about music from SoundCloud", // Wikipedia Info Panel "button_wikipedia" => "Info Panel (Wikipedia)", "wiki_nothing" => "Got nothing from Wikipedia", "wiki_fail" => "Wikipedia could not find anything related to '%s'", "wiki_suggest" => "Wikipedia was unable to find any pages matching '%s'", "wiki_suggest2" => "Here are some suggestions it came up with", // Keybindings editor "title_keybindings" => "Keyboard Shortcuts", "button_volup" => "Volume Up", "button_voldown" => "Volume Down", // Extras for mobile version "button_playlist" => "Playlist", "button_playman" => "Playlist Management", "button_mob_history" => "Info Panel History", "label_streamradio" => "Local and National Radio", // Various Plugins, Rating, and Tagging "stars" => "stars", "star" => "star", "label_tags" => "Tags", "label_oneresult" => "Search Result", "label_progress" => "Progress", "label_wishlist" => "Wishlist", "label_viewwishlist" => "View Your Wishlist", "label_addtow" => "Added To Wishlist", "label_finished" => "Finished", "config_tagrat" => "Ratings and Tags", "config_synctags" => "Keep Tags in Sync With Last.FM", "config_loveis" => "Last.FM Love Means", "playlist_xstar" => "%s or More Stars", "playlist_5star" => "5 Star Tracks", "button_about" => "About RompЯ", "label_notfound" => "Track Not Found", // Eg + 3 more "label_moreresults" => "+ %s more", "label_tagmanagertop" => "Drag and Drop from the Music Collection or Playlist to add tags to tracks", "label_ratingmanagertop" => "Drag and Drop from the Music Collection or Playlist to add ratings to tracks", "button_createtag" => "CREATE TAG", //New in 0.52 "config_alarm_ramp" => "Fade In", "label_retrieve" => "Retrieve", // New in 0.60 "spotify_error" => "No response from Spotify", "spotify_noinfo" => "Could not get information from Spotify", "button_infospotify" => "Info Panel (Spotify)", "config_icontheme" => "ICONS", "label_radio" => "Radio", "label_pop" => "Popularity", "label_albumsby" => "Albums By This Artist", "label_singleartistradio" => "Tracks By Artist", "label_mostplayed" => "Favourite Tracks", "label_neverplayed" => "Never Played Tracks", "label_radio_fartist" => "Favourite Artists", "label_pluginplaylists" => "Personalised Radio", "label_recentlyadded_random" => "Recently Added Tracks (Random)", "label_recentlyadded_byalbum" => "Recently Added Albums", "setup_mpd" => "MPD/Mopidy Settings", "settings_appearance" => "Appearance", "settings_panels" => "Panels", "settings_language" => "Language", "settings_interface" => "Interface", "label_charts" => "Top 40", "label_choosedomains" => "Search these sources:", "label_dragtoprio" => "(Drag to change priority)", "button_subscribe" => "Subscribe", "config_sortbycomposer" => "Use Composer as Sort Artist", "config_composergenre" => " .. only if Genre is:", "config_displaycomposer" => "Display Composer/Performer in Now Playing", "label_radio_mix" => "Favourite Artists and Related Artists", "label_gotnotracks" => "Didn't find any tracks", "config_artistfirst" => "Artists At Top Of Collection", "config_nosortprefixes" => "Ignore These Prefixes When Sorting Artists", "config_sortcollectionby" => "Display Collection As:", "config_sortoptions" => "Collection Sorting Options", "button_skipforward" => "Skip Forwards", "button_skipbackward" => "Skip Backwards", "config_snoozetime" => "Snooze Time (Mins)", "config_ramptime" => "Fade Time (Secs)", "button_rateone" => "Rate 1 Star", "button_ratetwo" => "Rate 2 Stars", "button_ratethree" => "Rate 3 Stars", "button_ratefour" => "Rate 4 Stars", "button_ratefive" => "Rate 5 Stars", "button_updatecollection" => "Update Music Collection", "label_favealbums" => "Favourite Albums", "button_nextsource" => "Info Panel - Cycle Source", "button_now_playing" => "Now Playing", "button_infopanel" => "Info Panel", "config_coversize" => "ALBUM COVER SIZE", "podcast_sortmode" => "Sort Order", "podcast_newestfirst" => "Newest First", "podcast_oldestfirst" => "Oldest First", "podcast_hidedescriptions" => "Hide Descriptions", // New in 0.64/0.65/0.70 "label_metabackup" => "Metadata Backup", "button_backup" => "Create Backup", "button_restore" => "Restore Backup", "button_collectioncontrols" => "Music Collection Sort Controls", "label_playlistmanager" => "Playlist Manager", "label_playlistmanagertop" => "Drag and Drop from the Music Collection to add tracks to playlists", "button_createplaylist" => "CREATE PLAYLIST", "label_renameplaylist" => "Rename Playlist", "button_plugins" => "All Kinds of Good Stuff", "label_filename" => "Filename", "label_resultscollection" => "Collection", "label_resultstree" => "Directory Tree", "label_displayresultsas" => "Display Results As:", "label_files" => "Files", "label_allartist" => "All Albums Featuring ", "button_findexact" => "Find Exact Match", "label_albumartist" => "Album Artist", "config_collectionfolders" => "Build Collection From:", "button_videos" => "Related Videos", "google_error" => "Could not contact Google", "label_allrandom" => "All Tracks At Random", "config_background" => "BACKGROUND IMAGE", "lastfm_error" => "Could not find information on Last.FM", "config_skin" => "SKIN", // New in 0.71 "label_albumsbyartist" => "Albums (by Artist)", "config_wheelspeed" => "Mouse Wheel Scroll Speed", "label_searchcollectiononly" => "Search Only in Music Collection", "label_lastfm_mix" => "Last FM Lucky Dip", "label_radio_recommend" => "Recommendations based on this %s", "label_amendalbum" => "Amend Album Details", //CHANGED in 0.60 "config_country" => "COUNTRY (for Last.FM and Spotify)", "setup_labeladdresses" => "If you are having connection issues, try using an IP address instead of 'localhost'", "setup_ipaddress" => "Mopidy or mpd server", "config_cdplayermode" => "CD Player Mode (do not queue tracks, start album from selected track)", "label_recentlyplayed" => "Recently Played Tracks", "label_simar_radio" => "Artists Similar To", "label_tradsearch_header" => "Type Anything You're Looking For", "label_tradsearch" => "Use traditional search with multiple terms", "played_never" => "This track has never been played", "played_once" => "This track has been played once", "played_twice" => "This track has been played twice", "played_n" => "This track has been played %s times", "played_last" => "It was last played on %s", "added_on" => "It was added to the collection on %s", "button_infoyou" => "The Discoverator", "discover_albums" => "Suggested Albums", "discover_now" => "Track Suggestions Based On %s", "config_discovembobulate" => "Open Discoverator On Start", "label_spotify_mix" => "Spotify Weekly Mix", "label_spotify_dj" => "Spotify Swim", "label_spottery_lottery" => "Spotify Surprise!", "label_dailymix" => "Your Daily Mix", "label_luckydip" => "Your Lucky Dip", "label_startshere" => "Your Discovery Starts Here", "label_getspotify" => "Get Spotify To Start Discovering", "because_liked" => "You like %s, so you might like:", "because_listened" => "Similar to %s:", "albumart_findsmall" => "Find Small Images", "label_smartsetup" => "Preparing. Please Wait A Moment....", "button_sleep" => "Sleep Timer", "button_filter" => "Filter", "label_tuneinradio" => "TuneIn Radio Directory", "label_generalsettings" => "General Settings", "config_beetsserver" => "Location of Beets Server (ip.address:port)", "config_players" => 'Players', "button_edit_players" => 'Edit Players', "label_play_all" => "Play All", "label_play_options" => "Play Options", "label_last_played" => "Last Played:", "label_station_website" => "Station Website", "label_play_whole_album" => "Play Whole Album", "label_from_collection" => "Play Only Tracks From Collection", "label_with_ratings" => "Play Only Tracks With Ratings", "label_with_tags" => "Play Only Tracks With Tags", "label_with_tagandrat" => "Play Only Tracks With Tags And Ratings", "label_with_tagorrat" => "Play Only Tracks With Tags Or Ratings", "config_google_credentials" => "Google API Credentials", "config_read_the_docs" => "Please Read The Documentation", "label_dateadded" => "Date Added", "label_radiostation" => "Radio Station", "label_opmlimporter" => "OPML Importer", "config_playerintitlebar" => "Show Player Name in Titlebar", "label_communityradio" => "Community Radio Browser", "label_volume" => "Volume", "config_playlistswipe" => "Swipe to remove tracks from Current Playlist", "button_debuginfo" => "Debug Information", "config_podcast_defaults" => "Default Options For New Podcasts", "config_marknewasunlistened" => "Mark New Episodes as Unlistened Before Refresh", "config_albumartinplaylist" => "Show Album Art in Current Playlist", "label_resume" => "Resume", "label_sortby" => "Sort By", "label_then" => "Then", "label_publisher" => 'Publisher', "label_category" => "Category", "label_new_episodes" => "New Episodes", "label_unlistened_episodes" => "Unlistened Episodes", "label_loading" => "Loading...", "label_choosefile" => "Choose A File", "label_choosefiles" => "Choose File(s)", "label_changevery" => "Change Every", "label_albumstolistento" => "Albums To Listen To", "no_albumtolistento" => "You can add any Spotify album to this list from the Info Panel, you can then come back and check them out at your leisure.", "label_addedtolistenlater" => "Added To Albums To Listen To", "label_all_time" => "Entire Collection", "label_today" => "Added Today", "label_thisweek" => "Added This Week", "label_thismonth" => "Added This Month", "label_thisyear" => "Added This Year", "label_deleteplaylist" => "Delete This Playlist", "label_searchtrack" => "Search For This Track", "label_removefromwl" => "Remove Track From Wishlist", "label_clickrat" => "Click To Set Rating", "label_clicktag" => "Click To Add Tags", "label_gethelp" => "Click For Help", "label_podcastcontrols" => "Podcast Search and Sort Controls", "label_closepanel" => "Close this Panel", "label_hidepanel" => "Hide This Panel", "label_removefromplaylist" => "Remove From Playlist", "label_addtolistenlater" => "Add To Albums To Listen To", "label_removefromlistenlater" => "Remove From Albums To Listen To", "label_addtocollection" => "Add Album To Music Collection", "label_addtoradio" => "Add To Your Radio Stations", "button_logout" => "Logout", "label_transferplaylist" => "Transfer Playlist To New Player?", "label_yes" => "Yes", "label_no" => "No", "podcast_refresh_all" => "Refresh All Podcasts", "label_global_controls" => "Global Controls", "label_topleft" => "Top Left", "label_topright" => "Top Right", "label_bottomleft" => "Bottom Left", "label_bottomright" => "Bottom Right", "label_centre" => "Centered", "config_preferlocal" => "Prefer Local Music to Internet Sources", "config_lastfm_playcounts" => "Use Last.FM Playcounts", "config_sync_lastfm_playcounts" => "Synchronise Last.FM Playcounts At Start", "label_lfm_playcountimporter" => "Last.FM Playcount Importer", "label_mustlogintolfm" => "You must be logged in to Last.FM to use this feature", "label_lfm_syncing" => "Syncing Last.FM Playcounts", "label_lfm_nonew" => "No new tracks have been added to the Music Collection since the last import on %s", "config_smart_chunksize" => "Number of upcoming tracks to display", "warning_smart_debug" => "WARNING! Running Personal Radio with debugging enabled may crash your browser!", "label_unplayabletracks" => "Unplayable Tracks", "label_no_unplayable" => "There are no unplayable tracks in your Collection", "label_removefromcol" => "Remove From Collection", "label_audiobooks" => "Spoken Word", "config_hideaudiobooks" => "Hide Spoken Word", "config_audiobook_directory" => "Directory Containing Spoken Word Files", "error_imageupload" => "Failed To Upload Image", "error_toomanyimages" => "Too many images, or image file too big", "error_sendingcommands" => "Failed Sending Commands To %s", "error_cantdeleteplayer" => "You cannot delete the player you're currently using", "error_duplicateplayer" => "You cannot have two players with the same name", "error_backupfail" => "Failed to %s backup", "error_tagexists" => "That tag already exists", "error_nogenres" => "Please choose some Genres", "error_norec" => "Insufficient Data To Get Recommendations. Play Some More Music!", "error_collectionupdate" => "Music Collection Update Failed", "error_nocol" => "Already Updating Collection!", "error_dupkey" => "Key '%s' is already used by '%s'", "error_dlpfail" => "Something went wrong checking the download progress!", "error_dlfailed" => "Download Failed", "error_subfail" => "Failed to Subscribe to Podcast : %s", "error_plfail" => "Failed to load Podcasts list : %s", "error_searchfail" => "Search failed : %s", "error_refreshfail" => "Podcast Refresh Failed", "error_trfailed" => "Failed to Transfer Playlist", "error_trackexists" => "That track is already in the collection", "error_nosearchnow" => "Cannot Search while updating collection", "label_backupcreated" => "Backup Created", "label_sleepon" => "Sleep Timer Enabled", "label_outoftracks" => "There are no tracks left to play", "label_addedtocol" => "Added track to Collection", "label_subscribing" => "Subscribing To Podcast...", "label_subscribed" => "Subscribed to Podcast", "label_addedradio" => "Added To Your Radio Stations", "label_updatedone" => "Music Collection Updated", "label_addingalbum" => "Adding Album To Collection", "error_truncated" => "Browser history has been truncated - artist cannot be displayed", "error_noplayer" => "Could not get a respone from the player!", "label_preparing" => "Preparing. Please Wait While RompЯ Calculates...", "label_scanningf" => "Scanning Folder %s", "label_fremaining" => "%s folders remaining", "label_scanningp" => "Scanning Playlist %s", "importer_status" => "Done %s of %s. Elapsed %s, Remaining %s", "label_playcount" => "Playcount", "label_lfm_playcount" => "Last.FM Playcount", "label_norecdata" => "Once RompЯ has gathered some data, it will show recommendations here. Play some music!", "label_dailymixdesc" => "A playlist just for you, a mix of tracks you know and new music you might love. Powered by Last.FM %s", "label_luckydipdesc" => "A radio station just for you, playing a wider range of music by artists you know and artists you don't yet love. Powered by Last.FM %s", "label_goonlogin" => "Log in to Last.FM and start scrobbling. RompЯ can then delight you with new music you're going to love!", "label_nospotify" => "Use Mopidy with a Spotify Premium subscription or a Google Play Music subscription, and start scrobbbling to Last.FM so RompЯ can delight you with new music you're going to love!", "label_spotimixdesc" => "A radio station of suggestions based on your recent listening. Powered by RompЯ and Spotify", "label_spotiswimdesc" => "Scanning the vastness of Spotify. Powered by RompЯ and Spotify", "label_opmlexp" => "OPML Export", "button_opmlexp" => "Export Podcasts As OPML", "button_selectall" => "Select All", "button_selectnone" => "Select None", "button_import" => "Import Selected", "label_onlyspotify" => "This panel is only applicable if your player can play Spotify", // NOTE: Sunday MUST be first "label_daylabels" => array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"), "label_alarm_play_specific" => "Play This Item :", "label_alarm_to_play" => "Drop Item Here", "label_every_day" => "Every Day", "label_every_wday" => "Every Weekday", "label_every_wend" => "Every Weekend", "label_new_alarm" => "Create New Alarm...", "label_delete_alarm" => "Delete This Alarm", "config_hidesearcher" => "Hide Search Panel", "label_refreshinprogress" => "Podcasts are already being refreshed. Try again later", "button_addtoplaylist" => "Add To Saved Playlist...", "config_snapcast" => "Snapcast", "config_snapcast_server" => "Snapcast Server", "config_snapcast_port" => "Port", "snapcast_notthere" => "Could not contact Snapcast server", "snapcast_group" => "Group ", "snapcast_changegroup" => "Change Group", "snapcast_latency" => "Latency ", "snapcast_setlatency" => "Set Latency", "snapcast_notconnected" => "(Not Connected)", "label_update" => "Update", "label_lastfm_mix_7day" => "Last.FM Daily Mix", "label_lastfm_mix_1month" => "Last.FM Monthly Mix", "label_lastfm_mix_12month" => "Last.FM Yearly Mix", "label_lastfm_mix_overall" => "Last.FM All Time Mix", "label_lastfm_dip_7day" => "Last.FM Recommends", "label_lastfm_dip_1month" => "Last.FM Lucky Dip", "label_lastfm_dip_12month" => "Last.FM Review of the Year", "label_lastfm_dip_overall" => "Last.FM Nostalgia Trip", "config_alarm_stopafter" => "Stop After (mins)" ); ?>