send_command('lsinfo "'.format_for_mpd($path).'"'); while(!feof($this->connection) && $parts) { $parts = $this->getline(); if (is_array($parts)) { $s = trim($parts[1]); if (substr($s,0,1) != ".") { switch ($parts[0]) { case "file": if (!$foundfile) { $foundfile = true; } else { if (!array_key_exists('Title', $filedata) || substr($filedata['Title'], 0, 12) != "[unplayable]") { printFileItem($this->getFormatName($filedata), $filedata['file'], $filedata['Time']); } $filedata = array(); } $filedata[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; break; case "playlist": if ($path != "") { // Ignore playlists located at the root. This is cleaner and makes more sense printPlaylistItem(basename($parts[1]), $parts[1]); } break; case "directory": printDirectoryItem($parts[1], basename($parts[1]), $prefix, $dircount, false); $dircount++; break; case "Title": case "Time": case "Artist": case "Album": $filedata[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; break; } } } } if (array_key_exists('file', $filedata)) { if (!array_key_exists('Title', $filedata) || substr($filedata['Title'], 0, 12) != "[unplayable]") { printFileItem($this->getFormatName($filedata), $filedata['file'], $filedata['Time']); } } } private function getFormatName($filedata) { if ($this->player_type == "mopidy" && !preg_match('/local:track:/', $filedata['file'])) { if (array_key_exists('Title', $filedata) && array_key_exists('Artist', $filedata)) { return concatenate_artist_names(array_unique(explode(';',$filedata['Artist']))).' - '.$filedata['Title']; } if (array_key_exists('Title', $filedata)) { return $filedata['Title']; } if (array_key_exists('Album', $filedata)) { return "Album: ".$filedata['Album']; } } return basename(rawurldecode($filedata['file'])); } // Semi-Hacky way of doing a search and displaying the results as a file tree // It's not neat, but then I don't understand why anyone would want to display // search results this way in RompR. public function doFileSearch($cmd, $domains) { global $dbterms; $tree = new mpdlistthing(null); $parts = true; $fcount = 0; $filedata = array(); $foundfile = false; if (count($domains) == 0) { $domains = null; } $this->send_command($cmd); while(!feof($this->connection) && $parts) { $parts = $this->getline(); if (is_array($parts)) { switch($parts[0]) { case "file": if (!$foundfile) { $foundfile = true; } else { if ($dbterms['tags'] !== null || $dbterms['rating'] !== null) { // If this is a search and we have tags or ratings to search for, check them here. if (check_url_against_database($filedata['file'], $dbterms['tags'], $dbterms['rating']) == true) { if (!is_array($domains) || in_array(getDomain($filedata['file']),$domains)) { $tree->newItem($filedata); $fcount++; } } } else { if (!is_array($domains) || in_array(getDomain($filedata['file']),$domains)) { $tree->newItem($filedata); $fcount++; } } $filedata = array(); } $filedata[$parts[0]] = trim($parts[1]); break; case "playlist": $filedata[$parts[0]] = trim($parts[1]); if ($dbterms['tags'] === null && $dbterms['rating'] === null) { $tree->newItem($filedata); $fcount++; } $filedata = array(); break; case "Title": case "Time": case "AlbumArtist": case "Album": case "Artist": if (in_array($parts[0], MPD_ARRAY_PARAMS)) { $filedata[$parts[0]] = array_unique(explode(';',trim($parts[1]))); } else { $filedata[$parts[0]] = explode(';',trim($parts[1]))[0]; } break; } } } if (array_key_exists('file', $filedata)) { if (!is_array($domains) || in_array(getDomain($filedata['file']),$domains)) { $tree->newItem($filedata); $fcount++; } } printFileSearch($tree, $fcount); } } function printFileSearch(&$tree, $fcount) { $prefix = "sdirholder"; print '"; print '
'.$fcount.' '.get_int_text('label_files').'
'; $tree->getHTML($prefix); } function printFileItem($displayname, $fullpath, $time) { global $prefs; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); print '
'; print ''; print '
'; if ($time > 0) { print '
'; } print '
'; } function printPlaylistItem($displayname, $fullpath) { print '
'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; } class mpdlistthing { // Note: This is for displaying SEARCH RESULTS ONLY as a file tree. // Directory clicking only works on this when the entire results set // is loaded into the browser at once. Don't fuck with it, it's got teeth. public function __construct($name, $parent = null, $filedata = null) { $this->children = array(); $this->name = $name; $this->parent = $parent; $this->filedata = $filedata; $this->dircount = 0; } public function newItem($filedata) { global $prefs; // This should only be called from outside the tree. // This is the root object's pre-parser if (array_key_exists('playlist', $filedata)) { $decodedpath = $filedata['playlist']; $filedata['file_display_name'] = basename($decodedpath); } else { $decodedpath = rawurldecode($filedata['file']); } if (substr($decodedpath, 0, 12) == "[unplayable]") { return; } // All the different fixups for all the different mopidy backends // and their various random ways of doing things. if (preg_match('/podcast\+http:\/\//', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = (array_key_exists('Title', $filedata)) ? $filedata['Title'] : basename($decodedpath); $filedata['file_display_name'] = preg_replace('/Album: /','',$filedata['file_display_name']); $decodedpath = preg_replace('/podcast\+http:\/\//','podcast/',$decodedpath); } else if (preg_match('/:artist:/', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = concatenate_artist_names($filedata['Artist']); $decodedpath = preg_replace('/(.+?):(.+?):/','$1/$2/',$decodedpath); } else if (preg_match('/:album:/', $decodedpath)) { $matches = array(); $a = preg_match('/(.*?):(.*?):(.*)/',$decodedpath,$matches); if ($filedata['AlbumArtist'] === null) { $filedata['AlbumArtist'] = $filedata['Artist'] ? $filedata['Artist'] : "Unknown"; } $decodedpath = $matches[1]."/".$matches[2]."/". concatenate_artist_names($filedata['AlbumArtist'])."/".$matches[3]; $filedata['file_display_name'] = $filedata['Album']; } else if (preg_match('/local:track:/', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = basename($decodedpath); $decodedpath = preg_replace('/:track:/','/',$decodedpath); } else if (preg_match('/:track:/', $decodedpath)) { $matches = array(); $a = preg_match('/(.*?):(.*?):(.*)/',$decodedpath,$matches); $decodedpath = $matches[1]."/".$matches[2]."/". concatenate_artist_names($filedata['Artist'])."/". $filedata['Album']."/".$matches[3]; $filedata['file_display_name'] = $filedata['Title']; } else if (preg_match('/soundcloud:song\//', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = (array_key_exists('Title', $filedata)) ? $filedata['Title'] : basename($decodedpath); $decodedpath = preg_replace('/soundcloud:song/','soundcloud/'. concatenate_artist_names($filedata['Artist']),$decodedpath); } else if (preg_match('/^internetarchive:/', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = $filedata['Album']; $decodedpath = preg_replace('/internetarchive:/','internetarchive/',$decodedpath); } else if (preg_match('/youtube:video\//', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = (array_key_exists('Title', $filedata)) ? $filedata['Title'] : basename($decodedpath); $decodedpath = preg_replace('/youtube:video/','youtube',$decodedpath); } else if (preg_match('/tunein:station/', $decodedpath)) { $filedata['file_display_name'] = (array_key_exists('Album', $filedata)) ? $filedata['Album'] : basename($decodedpath); $decodedpath = 'tunein/'; if (array_key_exists('Artist', $filedata)) { $decodedpath .= concatenate_artist_names($filedata['Artist']).'/'; } } else { if ($prefs['player_backend'] == "mopidy") { $filedata['file_display_name'] = (array_key_exists('Title', $filedata)) ? $filedata['Title'] : basename($decodedpath); } else { $filedata['file_display_name'] = basename($filedata['file']); } } $pathbits = explode('/', $decodedpath); $name = array_shift($pathbits); if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->children)) { $this->children[$name] = new mpdlistthing($name, $this); } $this->children[$name]->newChild($pathbits, $filedata); } public function newChild($pathbits, $filedata) { $name = array_shift($pathbits); if (count($pathbits) == 0) { $this->children[$name] = new mpdlistthing($filedata['file_display_name'], $this, $filedata); } else { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->children)) { $this->children[$name] = new mpdlistthing($name, $this); } $this->children[$name]->newChild($pathbits, $filedata); } } public function getHTML($prefix) { if ($this->name !== null) { if (count($this->children) > 0) { // Must be a directory printDirectoryItem($this->parent->getName($this->name), $this->name, $prefix, $this->dircount, true); $this->parent->dircount++; foreach ($this->children as $child) { $child->getHTML($prefix.$this->dircount.'_'); } print ''; } else { if (array_key_exists('playlist', $this->filedata)) { printPlaylistItem($this->filedata['file_display_name'],$this->filedata['file']); } else { printFileItem($this->filedata['file_display_name'], $this->filedata['file'], $this->filedata['Time']); } } } else { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $child->getHTML($prefix.$this->dircount.'_'); } } } public function getName($name) { if ($this->name !== null) { $name = $this->name."/".$name; } if ($this->parent !== null) { $name = $this->parent->getName($name); } return $name; } } ?>