function coverScraper(size, useLocalStorage, sendUpdates, enabled) { var self = this; var timer_running = false; var formObjects = []; var numAlbums = 0; var albums_without_cover = 0; var infotext = $('#infotext'); var statusobj = $('#status'); var imgparams = null; var covertimer = null; var scrolling = false; var ignorelocal = false; // I need to try and limit the number of lookups per second I do to // Otherwise they will set the lions on me - hence the use of setTimeout // Pass the img name to this function this.GetNewAlbumArt = function(params) { if (enabled) { formObjects.push(params); numAlbums = (formObjects.length)-1; if (timer_running == false) { doNextImage(1); } } else { imgparams = self.getImageSearchParams(params); setDefaultImage(imgparams); } } this.toggle = function(o) { enabled = o; } this.reset = function(awc) { numAlbums = 0; if (awc > -1) { albums_without_cover = awc; } formObjects = []; timer_running = false; self.updateInfo(0); if (typeof aADownloadFinished == 'function') { aADownloadFinished(); } } this.updateInfo = function(n) { if (sendUpdates) { albums_without_cover = albums_without_cover - n; infotext.html(albums_without_cover+" "+language.gettext("albumart_nocovercount")); } } this.toggleScrolling = function(s) { scrolling = s; } this.toggleLocal = function(s) { ignorelocal = s; } this.getImageSearchParams = function(imgobj) { if (imgobj.hasOwnProperty('cb')) { // pre-populated data from the playlist return imgobj; } else { var key = imgobj.attr('name'); var artist = imgobj.parent().find('input[name="artist"]').val(); var album = imgobj.parent().find('input[name="album"]').val(); if (artist) { return {key: '', artist: decodeURIComponent(artist), album: decodeURIComponent(album), imgkey: imgobj.attr('name')}; } else { return {key: key, artist: '', album: '', imgkey: imgobj.attr('name')}; } } } // Is there something else I could be doing? function doNextImage(time) { clearTimeout(covertimer); if (formObjects.length > 0) { debug.log("COVERSCRAPER","Next Image, delay time is",time); timer_running = true; covertimer = setTimeout(processForm, time); } else { $(statusobj).empty(); timer_running = false; if (typeof aADownloadFinished == 'function') { aADownloadFinished(); } } } function processForm() { if (formObjects.length == 0) { return 0; } image = formObjects.shift(); if (image.hasOwnProperty('cb') && image.cb === null) { // Callbacks are nullified when the playlist repopulates, which means we don't need to // look for these any more, as if they are still in the playlist they'll have been re-added to formObjects. // Rather than do some horrid splicing of formObjects in clearCallbacks, just skip them here. debug.trace("COVERSCRAPER","Skipping cleared playlist image"); doNextImage(500); return false; } imgparams = self.getImageSearchParams(image); imgparams.ignorelocal = ignorelocal; debug.log("COVERSCRAPER","Getting Cover for", imgparams.imgkey); if (sendUpdates) { var x = image.prev('input').val(); statusobj.empty().html(language.gettext("albumart_getting")+" "+decodeURIComponent(x)); var percent = ((numAlbums - formObjects.length)/numAlbums)*100; progress.rangechooser('setProgress', percent.toFixed(2)); if (scrolling) { $('#coverslist').mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo",$('img[name="'+imgparams.imgkey+'"]')); } } animateWaiting(); // Munge params here as we can't pass the 'callback' (cb) parameter to $.post var postparams = cloneObject(imgparams); delete postparams.cb; $.post("getalbumcover.php", postparams) .done( gotImage ) .fail( revertCover ); } function animateWaiting() { $('img.notexist[name="'+imgparams.imgkey+'"]').removeClass('nospin').addClass('spinner').removeAttr('src'); } function stopAnimation() { $('img[name="'+imgparams.imgkey+'"]').removeClass('spinner').addClass('nospin').removeAttr('src'); } // Hello function gotImage(data) { debug.trace("COVERSCRAPER","Result Is", data); stopAnimation(); if (data.small) { self.updateInfo(1); if (useLocalStorage) { sendLocalStorageEvent(imgparams.imgkey, data); } finaliseImage(data); doNextImage(data.delaytime); } else { if (setDefaultImage(imgparams)) { doNextImage(data.delaytime); } else { revertCover(data.delaytime); } } } function finaliseImage(data) { update_ui_images(imgparams.imgkey, data); if (typeof (imgparams.cb) == 'function') { debug.trace("COVERSCRAPER","calling back for",imgparams.imgkey,data); imgparams.cb(data); } } function revertCover(delaytime) { if (!delaytime) { delaytime = 800; } debug.log("COVERSCRAPER","No Cover Found. Reverting to the blank icon"); update_failed_ui_images(imgparams.imagekey); if (useLocalStorage) { sendLocalStorageEvent("!"+imgparams.imgkey); } doNextImage(delaytime); } function setDefaultImage(imgparams) { if (sendUpdates) { // Dont' do this if we're using the album art manager return false; } // Although getalbumcover does return a default for streams, this is here // mainly for the case where auto art download is disabled - this will set a // sensible default for streams var def = null; if (imgparams.type) { switch (imgparams.type) { case 'stream': def = 'newimages/broadcast.svg'; break; case 'podcast': def = 'newimages/podcast-logo.svg'; break; } } else { switch (imgparams.artist) { case 'STREAM': def = 'newimages/broadcast.svg'; break; case 'PODCAST': def = 'newimages/podcast-logo.svg'; break; } } if (def) { debug.log("COVERSCRAPER", "Returning default image of",def); var images = { small: def, medium: def, asdownloaded: def } finaliseImage(images); return true; } else { return false; } } this.clearCallbacks = function() { for (var j in formObjects) { if (formObjects[j].hasOwnProperty('cb')) { formObjects[j].cb = null; } } } } function sendLocalStorageEvent(key, data) { if (data && data.small) { localStorage.setItem("albumimg_"+key, JSON.stringify(data)); } debug.trace("COVERSCRAPER","Sending local storage event",key); // Event only fires when the key value actually CHANGES localStorage.setItem("key", "Blerugh"); localStorage.setItem("key", key); }