window.debug = (function() { var level = prefs.debug_enabled; var ignoring = new Array(); var highlighting = new Array(); var colours = new Array(); var focuson = new Array(); var log_colours = { 1: "#FF0000", 2: "#FFDD00", 3: "#FF00FF", 4: "#00CCFF", 5: "#00CC00", 6: "#0000FF", 7: "#000000", 8: "#CCCCCC", 9: "#DEDEDE" }; var log_commands = { 1: 'error', 2: 'warn', 3: 'warn', 4: 'log', 5: 'log', 6: 'log', 7: 'log', 8: 'log', 9: 'log' } function doTheLogging(loglevel, args) { if (loglevel > level) return; var module = args.shift(); if (ignoring[module]) return; if (focuson.length > 0 && focuson.indexOf(module) == -1) return; var css = (colours[module]) ? 'color:'+colours[module] : 'color:'+log_colours[loglevel]; if (highlighting[module]) { css += ";font-weight:bold"; } else if (Object.keys(highlighting).length > 0) { css = "color:#eeeeee"; } var string = module; while (string.length < 18) { string = string + " "; } string = string + ": "; var a = new Date(); string = a.toLocaleTimeString()+" : "+string for (var i in args) { if (typeof(args[i]) != "object" || args[i] === null || args[i] === undefined) { string = string + " " + args[i]; } } console[log_commands[loglevel]]("%c"+string,css); var sex = false; for (var i in args) { if (typeof(args[i]) == "object" && args[i] !== null && args[i] !== undefined) { console.log(args[i]); sex = true; } } if (sex) console.log(" "); } return { // Level 9 debug: function() { doTheLogging(9,; }, // Level 8 trace: function() { doTheLogging(8,; }, // Level 7 log: function() { doTheLogging(7,; }, // Level 6 mark: function() { doTheLogging(6,; }, // Level 5 shout: function() { doTheLogging(5,; }, // Level 4 blurt: function() { doTheLogging(4,; }, // Level 3 fail: function() { doTheLogging(3,; }, // Level 2 warn: function() { doTheLogging(2,; }, // Level 1 error: function() { doTheLogging(1,; }, ignore: function(module) { ignoring[module] = true; }, ignoreinfopanel: function() { ignoring = ["LASTFM PLUGIN", "MBNZ PLUGIN", "SPOTIFY PLUGIN", "DISCOGS PLUGIN"]; }, highlight: function(module) { highlighting[module] = true; }, focuson: function(module) { if (focuson.indexOf(module) == -1) { focuson.push(module); } }, focusoff: function(module) { var index = focuson.indexOf(module); if (index > -1) { focuson.splice(index, 1); } }, setcolour: function(module, colour) { colours[module] = colour; }, setLevel: function(l) { if (l == level) { console.log("Debugging is already set to Level "+l+". Duh."); return false; } level = l;{debug_enabled: l}); console.log("Debugging set to level "+l+". Aren't you clever?"); return true; }, getLevel: function() { return level; } } })();