// The world's smallest jQuery plugin :) jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse; // http://www.mail-archive.com/discuss@jquery.com/msg04261.html jQuery.fn.removeInlineCss = function(property) { if(property == null) return this.removeAttr('style'); var proporties = property.split(/\s+/); return this.each(function(){ var remover = this.style.removeProperty // modern browser || this.style.removeAttribute // old browser (ie 6-8) || jQuery.noop; //eventual for(var i = 0 ; i < proporties.length ; i++) remover.call(this.style,proporties[i]); }); }; jQuery.fn.makeFlasher = function(options) { var settings = $.extend({ flashtime: 4, easing: "ease", repeats: "infinite" }, options); return this.each(function() { var anistring = "pulseit "+settings.flashtime+"s "+settings.easing+" "+settings.repeats; $(this).css({"animation": "", "opacity": ""}); $(this).hide().show(); $(this).css({"animation": anistring}); }); } jQuery.fn.stopFlasher = function() { return this.each(function() { $(this).css({"animation": "","opacity": ""}); }); } jQuery.fn.switchToggle = function(state) { return this.each(function() { var st = (state == 0 || state == "off" || !state) ? "icon-toggle-off" : "icon-toggle-on"; $(this).removeClass("icon-toggle-on icon-toggle-off").addClass(st); }); } jQuery.fn.flowToggle = function(state) { return this.each(function() { $(this).removeClass("flow-on flow-off").addClass('flow-'+state); }); } $.widget("rompr.trackdragger", $.ui.mouse, { options: { }, _create: function() { this.dragging = false; this._mouseInit(); }, _mouseCapture: function() { return true; }, _mouseStart: function(event) { var clickedElement = function(e) { while (!e.hasClass('draggable') && !e.is('body')) { e = e.parent(); } return e; }($(event.target)); if (!clickedElement.hasClass('draggable')) { return false; } this.dragging = true; if (!clickedElement.hasClass("selected")) { $.proxy(selectPlayable, clickedElement, event).call(); } this.dragger = $('
', {id: 'dragger', class: 'draggable dragsort containerbox vertical dropshadow'}).appendTo('body'); this.dragger.css('width', $('.selected').first().css('width')); if ($(".selected").length > 6) { this.dragger.append(''); } else { $(".selected").clone().removeClass("selected").css('width', '100%').appendTo(this.dragger); } // Little hack to make dragging from the various tag/rating/playlist managers // look prettier this.dragger.find('tr').wrap('
'); this.dragger.find('.icon-cancel-circled').remove(); this.drag_x_offset = event.pageX - clickedElement.offset().left; var pos = {top: event.pageY - 12, left: event.pageX - this.drag_x_offset}; this.dragger.css({top: pos.top+"px", left: pos.left+"px"}); this.dragger.fadeIn('fast'); $('.trackacceptor').acceptDroppedTracks('dragstart'); return true; }, _mouseDrag: function(event) { if (this.dragging) { var pos = {top: event.pageY - 12, left: event.pageX - this.drag_x_offset}; this.dragger.css({top: pos.top+"px", left: pos.left+"px"}); } $('.trackacceptor').each(function() { if ($(this).acceptDroppedTracks('checkMouseOver', event)) { // DON'T Break out of the each loop, as it prevents checkMouseOver // from removing the 'highlighted' class from things we've previously dragged over // if they would be the next one in the loop. // return false; } }); return true; }, _mouseStop: function(event) { this.dragging = false; this.dragger.remove(); $('.trackacceptor').each(function() { if ($(this).acceptDroppedTracks('dragstop', event)) { return false; } }); return true; } }); $.widget("rompr.acceptDroppedTracks", { options: { ondrop: null, coveredby: null, scroll: false, scrollparent: '', started_sortable_drag: false }, _create: function() { this.element.addClass('trackacceptor'); this.dragger_is_over = false; }, dragstart: function() { this.dragger_is_over = false; // For custom scrollbars the bounding box needs to be the scrollparent var vbox = (this.options.scroll) ? $(this.options.scrollparent) : this.element; this.bbox = { left: this.element.offset().left, top: Math.max(vbox.offset().top, this.element.offset().top), right: this.element.offset().left + this.element.width(), bottom: Math.min(vbox.offset().top + vbox.height(), this.element.offset().top + this.element.height()) } if (this.options.coveredby !== null) { // ONLY works in playlist for sending correct events to correct targets this.bbox.top = $(this.options.coveredby).offset().top + $(this.options.coveredby).height(); } if (this.element.hasClass('sortabletracklist')) { this.element.sortableTrackList('dragstart'); } }, dragstop: function(event) { debug.log("UITHING","dragstop",this.element.attr("id")); if (this.dragger_is_over && this.options.ondrop !== null) { debug.log("UITHING","Dropped onto wotsit thingy",this.element.attr("id")); this.dragger_is_over = false; this.element.removeClass('highlighted'); this.options.ondrop(event, this.element); return true; } if (this.dragger_is_over && this.element.hasClass('sortabletracklist')) { debug.log("UITHING","Dropped onto sortable tracklist",this.element.attr("id")); this.dragger_is_over = false; this.element.removeClass('highlighted'); this.element.sortableTrackList('dropped', event); return true; } this.dragger_is_over = false; this.element.removeClass('highlighted'); return false; }, checkMouseOver: function(event) { if (event.pageX > this.bbox.left && event.pageX < this.bbox.right && event.pageY > this.bbox.top && event.pageY < this.bbox.bottom) { if (!this.dragger_is_over) { this.dragger_is_over = true; this.element.addClass('highlighted'); } if (this.dragger_is_over && this.element.hasClass('sortabletracklist')) { this.element.sortableTrackList('do_intersect_stuff', event, $("#dragger")); } return true; } else { if (this.dragger_is_over) { debug.log("UITHING","Dragger is NOT over",this.element.attr("id")); this.element.removeClass('highlighted'); if (this.element.hasClass('sortabletracklist')) { this.element.sortableTrackList('dragleave'); } this.dragger_is_over = false; } return false; } } }); $.widget("rompr.sortableTrackList", $.ui.mouse, { options: { items: '', outsidedrop: null, insidedrop: null, scroll: false, scrollparent: '', bbox: false, scrollspeed: 0, scrollzone: 0, allowdragout: false }, _create: function() { this.element.addClass('sortabletracklist'); this.helper = null; this.dragger = null; this.dragging = false; this.draggingout = false; this._scrollcheck = null; this._mouseInit(); }, dragstart: function() { // For custom scrollbars the bounding box needs to be the scrollparent var vbox = (this.options.scroll) ? $(this.options.scrollparent) : this.element; this.bbox = { left: this.element.offset().left, top: Math.max(vbox.offset().top, this.element.offset().top), right: this.element.offset().left + this.element.width(), bottom: Math.min(vbox.offset().top + vbox.height(), this.element.offset().top + this.element.height()) } if (this.helper) this.helper.remove(); this.helper = null; }, do_intersect_stuff: function(event, item) { // This is vertical sortable lists so we're only gonna care // about vertical sorting. var self = this; clearTimeout(this._scrollcheck); this._mouseEvent = event; this._item = item; var scrolled = this._checkScroll(event); this.element.find(this.options.items).each(function() { var jq = $(this); var bbox = { top: jq.offset().top, middle: jq.offset().top + jq.height()/2, bottom: jq.offset().top + jq.height() } if (event.pageY > bbox.top && event.pageY <= bbox.middle) { // Put a helper above the current item self._checkHelper.call(self, item); self.helper.detach().insertBefore(jq); return false; } else if (event.pageY > bbox.middle && event.pageY < bbox.bottom) { self._checkHelper.call(self, item); self.helper.detach().insertAfter(jq); return false; } }); if (scrolled) { this._scrollcheck = setTimeout($.proxy(this._checkMouseHover, this), 100); } }, _checkHelper: function(item) { if (this.helper) return true; if (this.element.find(this.options.items).first().is('tr')) { this.helper = $('', { id: this.element.attr('id')+'_sorthelper', }); } else { this.helper = $('
', { id: this.element.attr('id')+'_sorthelper', }); } this.helper.css('height', (item.height()+12)+"px"); this.helper.attr('class', item.hasClass('draggable') ? 'draggable' : 'something'); this.helper.empty(); }, _checkScroll: function(event) { // Custom Scrollbars ONLY var scrolled = false; if (this.options.scroll) { if (event.pageY < this.bbox.top + this.options.scrollzone) { $(this.options.scrollparent).mCustomScrollbar('scrollTo', '+='+this.options.scrollspeed, {scrollInertia: 100, scrollEasing: "easeOut"}); scrolled = true; } else if (event.pageY > this.bbox.bottom - this.options.scrollzone) { $(this.options.scrollparent).mCustomScrollbar('scrollTo', '-='+this.options.scrollspeed, {scrollInertia: 100, scrollEasing: "easeOut"}); scrolled = true; } } return scrolled; }, _checkMouseHover: function() { this.do_intersect_stuff(this._mouseEvent, this._item); }, dragleave: function() { if (this.helper) this.helper.remove(); this.helper = null; clearTimeout(this._scrollcheck); }, dropped: function(event) { // This is called when something from OUTSIDE the list has been dropped onto us debug.log("STL","Dropped",event); clearTimeout(this._scrollcheck); if (this.helper) { this.options.outsidedrop(event, this.helper); } }, // Local dragging functions _findDraggable: function(event) { var el = $(event.target); while (!el.hasClass(this.options.items.replace(/^\./,'')) && el != this.element) { el = el.parent(); } return el; }, _mouseStart: function(event) { debug.log("SORTABLE","Mouse Start",event); var dragged = this._findDraggable(event); if (dragged.prev().length == 0) { this.dragged_original_before = dragged.next(); this.dragged_original_after = false; } else { this.dragged_original_before = false; this.dragged_original_after = dragged.prev(); } this.dragged_original_pos = dragged.prev(); if (this.dragger) this.dragger.remove(); this.dragger = dragged.clone().appendTo('body'); this.dragger.find('.icon-cancel-circled').remove(); if (this.dragger.is('tr')) { this.dragger.wrap('
'); } this.dragger.css({ position: 'absolute', top: dragged.offset().top + 'px', left: dragged.offset().left + 'px', width: dragged.width() + 'px', 'z-index': 1500 }); this.drag_x_offset = event.pageX - this.dragger.offset().left; this.dragger.addClass('dropshadow'); if (this.helper) this.helper.remove(); this.helper = null; this._checkHelper(dragged); this.helper.detach().insertAfter(dragged); this.original = dragged.detach(); this.dragstart(); this.dragging = true; return true; }, _mouseDrag: function(event) { clearTimeout(this._scrollcheck); if (this.dragging) { if ((event.pageX > this.bbox.right || event.pageX < this.bbox.left) && this.options.allowdragout) { clearTimeout(this._scrollcheck); this.dragging = false; this.draggingout = true; var pos = {top: event.pageY - 12, left: event.pageX - this.drag_x_offset}; this.dragger.css({top: pos.top+"px", left: pos.left+"px"}); if (!this.dragged_original_after) { this.original.insertBefore(this.dragged_original_before); } else { this.original.insertAfter(this.dragged_original_after); } $('.selected').removeClass('selected'); this.original.addClass('selected'); if (this.helper) { this.helper.detach(); } this.dragger.attr('id','dragger'); this.dragger.css('z-index', 1500); this.dragger.addClass('draggable'); $('.trackacceptor').acceptDroppedTracks('dragstart'); } else { var pos = {top: event.pageY - 12, left: event.pageX - this.drag_x_offset}; if (pos.top > this.bbox.top && pos.top < this.bbox.bottom) { this.dragger.css('top',pos.top+'px'); if (this.options.allowdragout) { this.dragger.css('left',pos.left+'px'); } this.do_intersect_stuff(event, this.dragger); } } } else if (this.draggingout) { var pos = {top: event.pageY - 12, left: event.pageX - this.drag_x_offset}; this.dragger.css({top: pos.top+"px", left: pos.left+"px"}); $('.trackacceptor').each(function() { if ($(this).acceptDroppedTracks('checkMouseOver', event)) { // Break out of the each loop return false; } }); } return true; }, _mouseStop: function(event) { clearTimeout(this._scrollcheck); if (this.dragging) { this.dragger.remove(); this.original.insertAfter(this.helper); this.helper.remove(); this.helper = null; this.dragging = false; if (this.options.insidedrop) { this.options.insidedrop(event, this.original); } } else if (this.draggingout) { debug.log("STL","Dragged out and onto something else"); this.dragger.remove(); this.draggedout = false; if (this.helper) this.helper.remove(); this.helper = null; $('.trackacceptor').each(function() { if ($(this).acceptDroppedTracks('dragstop', event)) { return false; } }); } return true; } }); $.widget("rompr.resizeHandle", $.ui.mouse, { widgetEventPrefix: "resize", options: { adjusticons: [], side: 'left' }, _create: function() { this.dragging = false; this._mouseInit(); this.element.css({cursor: "move"}); }, _mouseCapture: function(event) { this.dragging = true; this.startX = event.clientX; this.elementStartX = this.element.offset().left; this.winsize = getWindowSize(); this.widthadjust = this.element.outerWidth(true)/2; return true; }, _mouseStart: function(event) { return true; }, _mouseDrag: function(event) { if (this.dragging) { var distance = event.clientX - this.startX; if (this.options.side == 'left') { var size = Math.max(this.elementStartX + distance + this.widthadjust, 120); prefs.sourceswidthpercent = (size/this.winsize.x)*100; } else { var size = Math.max(this.winsize.x - (this.elementStartX + distance + this.widthadjust), 120); prefs.playlistwidthpercent = (size/this.winsize.x)*100; } if (prefs.sourceswidthpercent + prefs.playlistwidthpercent > 100 || prefs.hidebrowser) { if (this.options.side == 'left') { prefs.playlistwidthpercent = 100 - prefs.sourceswidthpercent; } else { prefs.sourceswidthpercent = 100 - prefs.playlistwidthpercent; } } this.options.donefunc(); } return true; }, _mouseStop: function(event) { this.dragging = false; browser.rePoint(); prefs.save({sourceswidthpercent: prefs.sourceswidthpercent}); prefs.save({playlistwidthpercent: prefs.playlistwidthpercent}); return true; } }); $.widget("rompr.rangechooser", $.ui.mouse, { options: { range: 1, ends: ['min','max'], allowed_min: 0, onstop: null, whiledragging: null, orientation: 'horizontal', startmin: 0, startmax: 1, interactive: true, animate: false }, _create: function() { this.dragging = false; var extraclass = (this.options.interactive) ? ' moveable' : ''; switch (this.options.orientation) { case "horizontal": this.element.addClass('rangechooser progressbar'+extraclass); break; case "vertical": this.element.addClass('rangechooser progressbar_v'+extraclass); break; default: debug.error("RANGECHOOSER","Invalid orientation",this.options.orientation); break; } // if (this.options.animate) { // this.element.addClass('animated'); // } this.min = this.options.startmin; this.max = this.options.startmax; if (this.options.interactive) { this._mouseInit(); } this.fill(); }, _mouseCapture: function(event) { this.dragging = true; this.dragWhich(event); this.update(event); if (this.options.onstop) { this.options.onstop(this.getRange()); } return true; }, _mouseDrag: function(event) { if (this.dragging) { this.update(event); if (this.options.whiledragging) { this.options.whiledragging(this.getRange()); } return true; } }, _mouseStop: function(event) { this.dragging = false; if (this.options.onstop) { this.options.onstop(this.getRange()); } return true; }, update: function(event) { var position, fraction; if (this.options.orientation == "horizontal") { position = event.clientX - this.element.offset().left; fraction = position/this.element.width(); } else { position = this.element.height()-(event.clientY - this.element.offset().top); fraction = position/this.element.height(); } this[this.draggedElement] = fraction; if (this.max <= this.min) { this.max = this.min + 0.1; } if (this.min >= this.max) { this.min = this.max - 0.1; } this.min = Math.max(this.min, 0); this.max = Math.min(this.max, 1); this.max = Math.max(this.max, this.options.allowed_min); this.fill(); }, fill: function() { var gradients = new Array(); // if (this.options.animate) { // var rgbs = getrgbs(100,0); // } else { var rgbs = getrgbs(this.max*100,this.min*100); // } if (this.max == this.min || isNaN(this.min) || isNaN(this.max)) { gradients.push('transparent'); } else if (this.options.orientation == "horizontal") { gradients.push("linear-gradient(to right, "+rgbs); } else { gradients.push("linear-gradient(to top, "+rgbs); } for (var i in gradients) { this.element.css("background", gradients[i]); } // if (this.options.animate) { // if (this.max == this.min || isNaN(this.min) || isNaN(this.max) || this.max == 0) { // var pos = 0; // } else { // var pos = (this.element.width()*this.max)-this.element.width(); // } // this.element.css({'background-position-x': pos+'px', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'}); // } }, dragWhich: function(event) { var position, fraction; if (this.options.ends.length == 1) { this.draggedElement = this.options.ends[0]; return true; } if (this.options.orientation == "horizontal") { position = event.clientX - this.element.offset().left; fraction = position/this.element.outerWidth(true); } else { position = event.clientY - this.element.offset().top; fraction = position/this.element.outerHeight(true); } var distanceFromMax = Math.abs(fraction - this.max); var distanceFromMin = Math.abs(fraction - this.min); if (distanceFromMax > distanceFromMin) { this.draggedElement = "min"; } else { this.draggedElement = "max"; } }, getRange: function() { return { min: this.min * this.options.range, max: this.max * this.options.range }; }, setRange: function(r) { var malarkey = {min: r.min / this.options.range, max: r.max / this.options.range} if (malarkey.min != this.min || malarkey.max != this.max) { this.min = malarkey.min; this.max = malarkey.max; this.fill(); } }, setOptions: function(o) { for (var i in o) { this.options[i] = o[i]; } }, setProgress: function(p) { var malarkey = {min: 0, max: p / this.options.range} if (malarkey.max != this.max) { this.min = 0; this.max = malarkey.max; this.fill(); } } }); $.widget("rompr.floatingMenu", $.ui.mouse, { options: { handleClass: null, addClassTo: null, siblings: '', handleshow: true, movecallback: null }, _create: function() { var self = this; this.dragging = false; this._mouseInit(); if (this.options.addClassTo) { this.element.find('.'+this.options.addClassTo).first().addClass(this.options.handleClass) .append(''); var hl = this.element.find('input.helplink'); if (hl.length > 0) { this.element.find('.'+this.options.addClassTo).first() .append(''); } } if (self.options.handleshow) { this._parent = this.element.parent(); this.element.find('.closemenu').on('click', $.proxy(self.toggleMenu, self)); this._parent.on('click', function(event) { debug.log("FRUITBAT",event); if (!event.target.className.match('progressbar')) { $.proxy(self.toggleMenu, self)(); } }); } }, _mouseCapture: function(event) { return true; }, _findSourceElement: function(event) { var el = $(event.target); while (!el.hasClass(this.options.handleClass) && !el.hasClass('topdropmenu') && el != this.element) { el = el.parent(); } if (el.hasClass(this.options.handleClass)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, _mouseStart: function(event) { if (this.options.handleClass && this._findSourceElement(event) === false) { return false; } this.dragging = true; this.drag_x_offset = event.pageX - this.element.offset().left; this.drag_y_offset = event.pageY - this.element.offset().top; this.element.detach().appendTo('body'); this._mouseDrag(event); return true; }, _mouseDrag: function(event) { if (this.dragging) { var pos = {top: event.pageY - this.drag_y_offset, left: event.pageX - this.drag_x_offset}; this.element.css({top: pos.top+"px", left: pos.left+"px"}); if (this.options.movecallback) { this.options.movecallback(pos); } } return true; }, _mouseStop: function(event) { this.dragging = false; return true; }, toggleMenu: function() { var self = this; if (this.element.is(':visible')) { this.element.slideToggle('fast', function() { self.element.css({left: "", top: ""}).detach().appendTo(self._parent); }); } else { if (this.options.handleClass == null) { var height = self._parent.height()+2; self.element.css({top: height+"px"}); } $(self.options.siblings).each(function() { if ($(this).is(':visible') && $(this) != self.element && !$(this).parent().is('body')) { $(this).slideToggle('fast'); } }); if (this.element.hasClass('useasfixed')) { var top = parseInt(this.element.parent().offset().top) + this.element.parent().outerHeight(true); this.element.css({ top: top+'px', left: this.element.parent().offset().left+'px' }); this.element.detach().appendTo('body'); } this.element.slideToggle('fast', function() { $(this).fanoogleMenus(); }); } } }); // VVVVVVV IMPORTANT!!!!! // DO NOT use fancy effects eg fades or slidetoggle or any of that // on things where masonry is in use, as they fuck up Masonry's size // calculations big time. Just use hide() and show() // Spent many hours seeking this out, so tkae note! // The parent container on which this is called ought to have an id attribute // as it's used to separate things if there are more than one of these $.widget('rompr.spotifyAlbumThing', { options: { classes: 'tagholder2 selecotron', itemselector: 'tagholder2', swapclass: 'tagholder2', sub: '', showbiogs: false, layoutcallback: null, maxwidth: 640, is_plugin: false, imageclass: 'masochist', masonified: false, showlistenlater: true, showremovebutton: false, removecallback: null, data: [] }, _create: function() { var self = this; var ids = new Array(); this.options.id = this.element.attr('id'); this.element.empty(); this.element.append('
'); for (var i in this.options.data) { var a = this.options.data[i]; debug.debug("SPOTIALBUM","Index is",i,"data is",a); if (this.options.sub && a.hasOwnProperty(this.options.sub)) { if (a.rompr_index) { var b = a.rompr_index; } a = a[this.options.sub]; a.rompr_index = b; } if (ids.indexOf(a.id) > -1) { debug.mark("SPALBUM","Duplicate album ID",a.id); continue; } ids.push(a.id); // Create the HTML for the album var x = $('
', {class: this.options.classes+' clearfix albumwidget'}).appendTo(this.element); var clickclass = (this.options.is_plugin) ? ' plugclickable' : ''; var trackclass = (player.canPlay('spotify')) ? ' playable draggable' : ''; var cx = (this.options.showbiogs) ? ' tleft' : ''; var y = $('
', {class: 'helpfulalbum fullwidth notthere'+cx}).appendTo(x); var html; var appendto; if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage) { appendto = $('
').appendTo(y); appendto.append($('', { class: this.options.imageclass+clickclass+' menu infoclick clickopenalbum clickspotifywidget', src: self._getImage(a), name: self.options.id+'dropper_'+a.id })); html = '
'+ ''; } else { y.append($('', { class: this.options.imageclass+trackclass+' clicktrack', src: self._getImage(a), name: a.uri })); html = '
'+ ''+ ''; appendto = y; } if (this.options.showbiogs) { var an = new Array(); for (var ai in a.artists) { an.push(a.artists[ai].name); } html += ''+concatenate_artist_names(an)+'
'; } html += a.name+'
'; if (!player.canPlay('spotify')) { html += ''; } if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage && player.canPlay('spotify')) { html += '
'; } html += '
'; appendto.append(html); var con = $('
', {class: 'tagh albumthing clearfix'}).appendTo(appendto); if (self.options.showlistenlater) { con.append($('', { class: 'tleft icon-headphones smallicon infoclick'+clickclass+' clickaddtolistenlater clickspotifywidget tooltip', title: language.gettext('label_addtolistenlater'), name: i })); } else if (self.options.showremovebutton) { con.append($('', { class: 'tleft icon-cancel-circled smallicon infoclick'+clickclass+' clickremovefromll clickspotifywidget tooltip', title: language.gettext('label_removefromlistenlater'), name: a.rompr_index })); } if (player.canPlay('spotify')) { con.append($('', { class: 'tright icon-music smallicon infoclick'+clickclass+' clickaddtocollection clickspotifywidget tooltip', title: language.gettext('label_addtocollection'), name: i })); } y.append($('
', { class: 'tagh albumthing invisible', id: self.options.id+'dropper_'+a.id })); if (this.options.showbiogs) { y.append($('', { type: 'hidden', value: encodeURIComponent(concatenate_artist_names(an)) })); x.append($('', { class: 'minwidthed', id: self.options.id+'bio_'+a.id })); } } this.element.imagesLoaded(function() { if (self.options.itemselector !== null) { browser.rePoint(self.element, { itemSelector: '.'+self.options.itemselector, columnWidth: '.sizer', percentPosition: true }); self.element.find('.notthere').removeClass('notthere'); self.options.masonified = true; } if (self.options.layoutcallback) { self.options.layoutcallback(); } }); }, _setOption: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; }, handleClick: function(element) { var self = this; var id = element.attr("name").replace(self.options.id+'dropper_', ''); if (element.hasClass('clickopenalbum')) { var dropper = $('#'+element.attr("name")); if (element.isOpen()) { self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+id).hide(); element.toggleClosed(); if (self.options.showbiogs) { dropper.parent().parent().removeClass('tagholder_wide dropshadow').addClass(self.options.swapclass); dropper.parent().parent().children('.helpfulalbum').addClass('fullwidth'); } dropper.hide(); browser.rePoint(); } else { element.toggleOpen(); if (dropper.hasClass("filled")) { self._openAlbum(dropper); dropper.show(); browser.rePoint(); } else { if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage) { element.parent().parent().makeSpinner(); } else { element.makeSpinner(); } spotify.album.getInfo(id, $.proxy(self.spotifyAlbumResponse, self), self.spotiError, true); } } } else if (element.hasClass('clickaddtolistenlater')) { debug.trace("SPALBUMTHING","Add To Listen Later",self.options.data[id]); metaHandlers.addToListenLater(self.options.data[id]); } else if (element.hasClass('clickremovefromll')) { while (!(element.hasClass('albumwidget'))) { element = element.parent(); } element.fadeOut('fast', browser.rePoint); if (self.options.removecallback) { self.options.removecallback(id); 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} } } infobar.markCurrentTrack(); }, spotifyAlbumResponse: function(data) { if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage) { $('[name="'+this.options.id+'dropper_'+data.id+'"]').parent().parent().stopSpinner(); } else { $('[name="'+this.options.id+'dropper_'+data.id+'"]').stopSpinner(); } var e = $("#"+this.options.id+'dropper_'+data.id); e.show(); this._openAlbum(e); e.addClass("filled").html(spotifyTrackListing(data)); infobar.markCurrentTrack(); browser.rePoint(); }, spotiError: function(data) { infobar.error(language.gettext('label_general_error')); }, artistInfo: function(data, reqid) { var self = this; debug.log("MONKEYSPANNER","Got LastFM Info for reqid",data,reqid); if (data) { if (data.error) { self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+reqid).html(language.gettext('label_noartistinfo')); } else { var lfmdata = new lfmDataExtractor(data.artist); self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+reqid).hide().html(lastfm.formatBio(lfmdata.bio(), lfmdata.url())).fadeIn('fast'); browser.rePoint(); } } }, lfmError: function(data, reqid) { this.element.find('#'+this.options.id+'bio_'+reqid).html(language.gettext('label_noartistinfo')); }, _getImage: function(a) { var self = this; var img = 'newimages/spotify-icon.png'; if (a.images && a.images[0]) { debug.debug("SPOTIALBUM","Images",a.images); var img = 'getRemoteImage.php?url='+a.images[0].url for (var j in a.images) { if (a.images[j].width <= this.options.maxwidth) { img = 'getRemoteImage.php?url='+a.images[j].url; break; } } if (self.options.showbiogs) { img += '&rompr_resize_size=medium'; } else { img += '&rompr_resize_size=smallish'; } } return img; }, _destroy: function() { if (this.options.masonified) { this.element.masonry('destroy'); this.element.empty(); this.options.masonified = false; browser.rePoint(); } } }); $.widget('rompr.spotifyArtistThing', { options: { classes: 'tagholder2', itemselector: 'tagholder2', swapclass: 'tagholder2', sub: '', layoutcallback: null, maxwidth: 640, maxalbumwidth: 640, is_plugin: false, imageclass: 'masochist', masonified: false, data: [] }, _create: function() { var self = this; this.options.id = this.element.attr('id'); this.element.empty(); // Sizing element for Masonry, empty, and first so that expanding the first item // doesn't break the layout this.element.append('
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', {class: 'helpfulalbum fullwidth tleft notthere'}).appendTo(x); var html; var appendto; if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage) { var t = $('
').appendTo(y); t.append(''); html = '
'+ ''+a.name+''; appendto = t; } else { y.append(''); var html = '
'+ ''+ ''+a.name+''; appendto = y; } if (!player.canPlay('spotify')) { html += ''; } if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage && player.canPlay('spotify')) { html += '
'; } html += '
'; appendto.append(html) x.append(''); // The inline styles make Masonry lay it out without a big vertical gap between elements // Don't know why var twat = $('
', { class: "selecotron holdingcell masonified5", id : a.id, style: "height: 0px; display: none"}).appendTo(x); } this.element.imagesLoaded(function() { self.element.find('.notthere').removeClass('notthere'); browser.rePoint(self.element, { itemSelector: '.'+self.options.itemselector, columnWidth: '.sizer', percentPosition: true } ); if (self.options.layoutcallback) { self.options.layoutcallback(); } self.options.masonified = true; }); }, _setOption: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; }, handleClick: function(element) { var self = this; var id = element.attr("name"); var dropper = $('#'+id); if (element.hasClass('clickopenartist')) { if (element.isOpen()) { self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+id).hide(); element.toggleClosed(); dropper.parent().removeClass('tagholder_wide dropshadow').addClass(self.options.swapclass); dropper.parent().children('.helpfulalbum').addClass('fullwidth'); dropper.hide(); browser.rePoint(); } else { element.toggleOpen(); if (dropper.hasClass("filled")) { self._openArtist(dropper); dropper.show(); browser.rePoint(); } else { if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage) { element.parent().parent().makeSpinner(); } else { element.makeSpinner(); } spotify.artist.getAlbums(id, 'album', $.proxy(self._gotAlbumsForArtist, self), self.spotiError, true); } } } else if (element.hasClass('clickopenalbum')) { $('#'+element.parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('id')).spotifyAlbumThing('handleClick', element); } else if (element.hasClass('clickaddtolistenlater') || element.hasClass('clickaddtocollection')) { $('#'+element.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('id')).spotifyAlbumThing('handleClick', element); } }, _gotAlbumsForArtist: function(data) { var self = this; var e = self.element.find('#'+data.reqid); if (layoutProcessor.openOnImage) { $('[name="'+data.reqid+'"]').parent().parent().stopSpinner(); } else { $('[name="'+data.reqid+'"]').stopSpinner(); } e.show(); self._openArtist(e) e.addClass('filled'); e.spotifyAlbumThing({ classes: 'tagholder5', itemselector: 'tagholder5', sub: false, layoutcallback: browser.rePoint, imageclass: 'masochist', maxwidth: self.options.maxalbumwidth, data: data.items }); }, spotiError: function(data) { infobar.error(language.gettext('label_general_error')); debug.error("MONKEYBALLS", "Spotify Error", data); }, _openArtist: function(e) { var self = this; e.parent().removeClass(self.options.swapclass).addClass('tagholder_wide dropshadow'); e.parent().children('.helpfulalbum').removeClass('fullwidth'); self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+e.attr('id')).show(); browser.rePoint(); if (!e.hasClass('biogd')) { var aname = e.parent().find('span.title-menu').first().html(); if (aname != 'Various Artists') { e.addClass('biogd'); lastfm.artist.getInfo({artist: e.parent().find('span.title-menu').first().html()}, $.proxy(self.artistInfo, self), $.proxy(self.lfmError, self), e.attr('id') ); } } }, artistInfo: function(data, reqid) { var self = this; if (data) { if (data.error) { self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+reqid).html(language.gettext('label_noartistinfo')); } else { var lfmdata = new lfmDataExtractor(data.artist); self.element.find('#'+self.options.id+'bio_'+reqid).hide().html(lastfm.formatBio(lfmdata.bio(), lfmdata.url())).fadeIn('fast'); browser.rePoint(); } } }, lfmError: function(data, reqid) { this.element.find('#'+this.options.id+'bio_'+reqid).html(language.gettext('label_noartistinfo')); }, _destroy: function() { if (this.options.masonified) { this.element.masonry('destroy'); this.element.empty(); this.options.masonified = false; browser.rePoint(); } } }); $.widget("rompr.makeDomainChooser", { options: { default_domains: [], sources_not_to_choose: { file: 1, http: 1, https: 1, mms: 1, rtsp: 1, somafm: 1, spotifytunigo: 1, rtmp: 1, rtmps: 1, sc: 1, yt: 1, m3u: 1, spotifyweb: 1, 'podcast+http': 1, 'podcast+https': 1, 'podcast+ftp': 1, 'podcast+file': 1, 'podcast+itunes': 1, 'podcast+gpodder.net': 1, 'podcast+gpodder': 1 } }, _create: function() { var self = this; this.options.holder = $('
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'+ '
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