tracks; } else { $playlist->updateDatabase(); return $playlist->getTracksToAdd(); } } else { return array(); } } function download_internet_playlist($url, $image, $station) { $station = ($station == 'null') ? ROMPR_UNKNOWN_STREAM : $station; $image = ($image == 'null') ? '' : $image; $url = trim($url); logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Getting Internet Stream:"); logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", " url : ".$url); logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", " station : ".$station); logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", " image : ".$image); if ($url) { $path = $url; $type = null; $d = new url_downloader(array( 'url' => $url, 'timeout' => 10, 'connection_timeout' => 10 )); $d->get_data_to_string(); $content_type = $d->get_content_type(); // To cope with charsets in the header... // case "audio/x-scpls;charset=UTF-8"; $content_type = trim_content_type($content_type); logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Content Type Is ".$content_type); switch ($content_type) { case "video/x-ms-asf": logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Is ".PHP_EOL.$d->get_data()); $type = asfOrasx($d->get_data()); break; case "audio/x-scpls": logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Is ".PHP_EOL.$d->get_data()); $type = "pls"; break; case "audio/x-mpegurl": case "application/x-mpegurl": logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Is ".PHP_EOL.$d->get_data()); $type = "m3u"; break; case "application/xspf+xml": logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Is ".PHP_EOL.$d->get_data()); $type = "xspf"; break; case "audio/mpeg": $type = "stream"; break; case "text/html": logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "HTML page returned!"); header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); exit(0); } logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Type From Content Type is ".$type); if ($type == "" || $type == null) { $type = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $qpos = strpos($type, "?"); if ($qpos != false) $type = substr($type, 0, $qpos); logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Type From URL is ".$type); } if (($type == "" || $type == null) && preg_match('', $url)) { $type = 'm3u'; logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Type From URL is ".$type); } if (($type == "" || $type == null) && preg_match('', $url)) { $type = 'pls'; logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Playlist Type From URL is ".$type); } $playlist = null; switch ($d->get_status()) { case '200': switch ($type) { case "pls": case "PLS": $playlist = new plsFile($d->get_data(), $url, $station, $image); break; case "asx": case "ASX": $playlist = new asxFile($d->get_data(), $url, $station, $image); break; case "asf": case "ASF": $playlist = new asfFile($d->get_data(), $url, $station, $image); break; case "xspf": case "XSPF": $playlist = new xspfFile($d->get_data(), $url, $station, $image); break; case "m3u": case "m3u8": case "M3U": case "M3U8": $playlist = new m3uFile($d->get_data(), $url, $station, $image); break; case "stream": case "mp3": $playlist = new possibleStreamUrl($url, $station, $image); break; default; logger::warn("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Unknown Playlist Type - treating as stream URL"); $playlist = new possibleStreamUrl($url, $station, $image); break; } break; case '404': logger::fail("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "404 Error trying to download URL"); break; default: logger::warn("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Unexpected cURL status ".$d->get_status()." - treating as stream URL"); $playlist = new possibleStreamUrl($url, $station, $image); } if ($playlist) { return $playlist; } else { logger::fail("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Could not determine playlist type"); header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); return false; } } } function asfOrasx($s) { $type = null; if (preg_match('/^\[Reference\]/', $s)) { logger::log("RADIO_PLAYLIST", "Type of playlist determined as asf"); $type = "asf"; } else if (preg_match('/^