function trackDataCollection(currenttrack, nowplayingindex, artistindex, playlistinfo) { var self = this; var collections = new Array(); this.playlistinfo = playlistinfo; this.currenttrack = currenttrack; this.nowplayingindex = nowplayingindex; this.artistindex = artistindex; this.populated = false; this.hasbeenstarted = new Array(); this.isCurrentTrack = function() { return nowplaying.isThisCurrent(self.currenttrack); } this.updateProgress = function(percent) { if (collections['soundcloud'] !== undefined) { collections['soundcloud'].progressUpdate(percent); } } function startSource(source) { debug.trace("TRACKDATA",self.nowplayingindex,"Starting collection",source); var requirements = (nowplaying.getPlugin(source)).getRequirements(self); for (var i in requirements) { // Prevent infinite recursion when plugins depend on each other if (self.hasbeenstarted.indexOf(requirements[i]) == -1) { debug.trace("TRACKDATA",self.nowplayingindex,"Starting collection",source,"requirement",requirements[i]); self.hasbeenstarted.push(requirements[i]); startSource(requirements[i]); } } collections[source] = new (nowplaying.getPlugin(source)).collection( self, self.playlistinfo.metadata.artists[self.artistindex], self.playlistinfo.metadata.album, self.playlistinfo.metadata.track ); collections[source].populate(); } this.doArtistChoices = function() { debug.log("TRACKDATA",self.nowplayingindex,"Doing Artist Choices",self.artistindex); // Need to put the html in the div even if we're hiding it. because nowplaying uses it // to see which artist is currently being displayed var htmlarr = new Array();; for (var i in playlistinfo.metadata.artists) { var html = ''+playlistinfo.metadata.artists[i].name+''+ ''; htmlarr.push(html); } $("#artistchooser").html(htmlarr.join(' | ')); if (playlistinfo.metadata.artists.length > 1) { $("#artistchooser").slideDown('fast'); } else { if ($("#artistchooser").is(':visible')) { $("#artistchooser").slideUp('fast'); } } } this.handleClick = function(source, panel, element, event) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Collection handling click in",source,panel); collections[source].handleClick(panel, element, event); } this.sendDataToBrowser = function(waitingon) { debug.log("TRACKDATA",self.nowplayingindex,"Telling",waitingon.source,"to start displaying"); collections[waitingon.source].displayData(); } this.stopDisplaying = function(waitingon) { for (var coll in collections) { debug.trace("TRACKDATA",self.nowplayingindex,"Telling",coll,"to stop displaying"); collections[coll].stopDisplaying(waitingon); } } this.updateData = function(data, start) { if (start === undefined || start === null) { start = self.playlistinfo; } for (var i in data) { if (typeof data[i] == "object" && data[i] !== null) { if (start[i] === undefined) { start[i] = {}; } self.updateData(data[i], start[i]); } else { if (start[i] === undefined || start[i] == "" || start[i] == null) { start[i] = data[i]; } } } } = function() { if (collections['lastfm'] === undefined) { debug.error("TRACKDATA","Asked to Love but there is no lastfm collection!"); } else { collections['lastfm']; } } this.unlove = function() { if (collections['lastfm'] === undefined) { debug.error("TRACKDATA","Asked to Love but there is no lastfm collection!"); } else { collections['lastfm'].track.unlove(); } } this.unloveifloved = function() { if (collections['lastfm'] === undefined) { debug.error("TRACKDATA","Asked to Love but there is no lastfm collection!"); } else { collections['lastfm'].track.unloveifloved(); } } this.addlfmtags = function(tags) { collections['lastfm'].track.addtags(tags); } this.remlfmtags = function(tags) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Removing Last.FM tags",tags); collections['lastfm'].track.removetags(tags); } this.setMeta = function(action, type, value) { collections['ratings'].setMeta(action, type, value); } this.setAlbumMBID = function(mbid) { collections['ratings'].setAlbumMBID(mbid); } this.getMeta = function(meta) { return collections['ratings'].getMeta(meta); } this.refreshUserMeta = function() { debug.mark("NOWPLAYING",self.nowplayingindex," is refreshing all user metadata"); collections['ratings'].refresh(); } this.lastFMMetadata = function(updates) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING",self.nowplayingindex," got updates from Last.FM",updates); collections['ratings'].updateMeta(updates); } // Create the data collections we need this.populate = function(source, isartistswitch) { self.populated = true; if (collections['ratings'] === undefined) startSource('ratings'); // Last.FM needs to be running as it's used for love, ban, and autocorrect if (collections['lastfm'] === undefined && (prefs.lastfm_autocorrect || lastfm.isLoggedIn())) { startSource('lastfm'); } if (collections[source] === undefined) startSource(source); browser.dataIsComing( self, isartistswitch, self.nowplayingindex, source, self.playlistinfo.trackartist, self.playlistinfo.metadata.artists[artistindex].name, (self.playlistinfo.albumartist && self.playlistinfo.albumartist != "") ? self.playlistinfo.albumartist : self.playlistinfo.trackartist,, ); }; } var nowplaying = function() { var history = new Array(); var plugins = new Array(); var to_notify = new Array(); var currenttrack = 0; var nowplayingindex = 0; var currentbackendid = -2; var deferred = new Array(); var deftimer = null; function findCurrentTrack() { for (var i in history) { if (history[i] !== undefined && history[i].currenttrack == currenttrack && history[i].populated == true) { return i; } } debug.error("NOWPLAYING","Failed to find current track!"); } function isCurrentDisplayedArtist(name) { if (name == unescapeHtml($("#artistchooser").find(".bsel").html())) { return true; } return false; } return { registerPlugin: function(name, fn, icon, text) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING", "Plugin is regsistering - ",name); plugins[name] = { createfunction: fn, icon: icon, text: text }; }, getPlugin: function(name) { if (plugins[name]) { return plugins[name].createfunction; } else { debug.warn("NOWPLAYING","Something asked for nonexistent plugin",name); // Return something just to stop whatever asked for this from crashing. // We might get here if, as I just did, I ran it connected to Mopidy with SoundCloud plugin // as prefs.infosource, then connected to mpd, where soundcloud plugin is not. return plugins.file.createfunction; } }, getAllPlugins: function() { return plugins; }, notifyTrackChanges: function(name, callback) { to_notify[name] = callback; }, newTrack: function(playlistinfo, force) { debug.debug("NOWPLAYING","New Info",playlistinfo); if (currentbackendid == playlistinfo.Id && force !== true) { return; } infobar.setNowPlayingInfo(playlistinfo); if (playlistinfo.Id== -1) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Empty Track"); return; } currentbackendid = playlistinfo.Id; debug.mark("NOWPLAYING","New Track:",playlistinfo); for (var i in to_notify) { if (to_notify[i] !== null) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Notifying",i); to_notify[i](playlistinfo); } } // Repeatedly querying online databases for the same data is a bad idea - // it's slow, it means we have to store the same data multiple times, // and some databases (musicbrainz) will start to severely rate-limit you // if you do it. Hence we see if we've got stuff we can copy. // (Note Javascript is a by-reference language, so all we're copying is // references to one pot of data). // See if we can copy artist data for (var i in playlistinfo.metadata.artists) { acheck: { for (var j = nowplayingindex; j > 0; j--) { if (history[j] !== undefined) { for (var k in history[j].playlistinfo.metadata.artists) { if (playlistinfo.metadata.artists[i].name == history[j].playlistinfo.metadata.artists[k].name) { debug.trace("NOWPLAYING","Using artist info from",j,k,"for",i); playlistinfo.metadata.artists[i] = history[j].playlistinfo.metadata.artists[k]; break acheck; } } } } } } // See if we can copy album and track data var fa = false; var ft = false; tcheck: { for (var j = nowplayingindex; j > 0; j--) { if (history[j] !== undefined) { var newalbumartist = (playlistinfo.albumartist == "") ? playlistinfo.trackartist : playlistinfo.albumartist; var albumartist = (history[j].playlistinfo.albumartist == "") ? history[j].playlistinfo.trackartist : history[j].playlistinfo.albumartist; if (newalbumartist == albumartist) { if ( == history[j] { if (!fa) { debug.trace("NOWPLAYING","Using album info from",j); playlistinfo.metadata.album = history[j].playlistinfo.metadata.album; fa = true; } if (!ft && == history[j] && playlistinfo.Title == history[j].playlistinfo.Title) { debug.trace("NOWPLAYING","Using track info from",j); playlistinfo.metadata.track = history[j].playlistinfo.metadata.track; ft = true; } if (fa && ft) { break tcheck; } } } } } } currenttrack++; var to_populate = null; // isartistswitch makes sure the browser switches away from an artist if that artist is not present on this track. // It gets set to false only if this track contains the currently displayed artist. In that case that's also the // data collection we tell to populate. var isartistswitch = browser.areweatfront(); for (var i in playlistinfo.metadata.artists) { nowplayingindex++; playlistinfo.metadata.artists[i].nowplayingindex = nowplayingindex; debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Setting Artist",playlistinfo.metadata.artists[i].name,"index",i,"to nowplayingindex",nowplayingindex); history[nowplayingindex] = new trackDataCollection(currenttrack, nowplayingindex, i, playlistinfo); // IF there are multiple artists we will be creating multiple trackdatacollections. // BUT we only tell the first one (or the one that's the current displayed artist) to populate - this prevents the others from trying to // populate the album and track info which is shared between them. However we must wait until // we've initialised all the metadata before we start to populate the first artist, otherwise // there's danger of a race resulting in the artistchooser being populated before all the nowplayingindices // have been assigned, resulting in the html containing an undefined value. if (i == 0) to_populate = nowplayingindex; if (isCurrentDisplayedArtist(playlistinfo.metadata.artists[i].name)) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Telling nowplaying index",nowplayingindex,"to populate"); to_populate = nowplayingindex; isartistswitch = false; } } history[to_populate].populate(prefs.infosource, isartistswitch); }, remove: function(npindex) { // Browser has truncated its history, so we no longer need to hold on to // an item. Rather than splice the array and go through a whole lot of rigmarole, // just set the entry to undefined. This will permit garbage collection in the // browser to tidy it up. history[npindex] = undefined; }, switchArtist: function(source, npindex) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Asked to switch artist for nowplayingindex",npindex); if (history[npindex] !== undefined) { history[npindex].populate(source, true); } else { infobar.notify(language.gettext('error_truncated')); } }, setLastFMCorrections: function(index, updates) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Recieved corrections for index",index); if (index == currenttrack) { var t = history[findCurrentTrack()].playlistinfo.file; if (t.substring(0,11) == 'soundcloud:') { debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Not sending LastFM Updates because this track is from soundcloud"); } else { infobar.setLastFMCorrections(updates); } } }, setMetadataFromLastFM: function(index, updates) { history[index].lastFMMetadata(updates); }, progressUpdate: function(percent) { if (currenttrack > 0) { history[findCurrentTrack()].updateProgress(percent); } }, setRating: function(evt) { if (typeof evt == "number") { debug.trace("NOWPLAYING","Button Press Rating Set",evt); var rating = evt; var index = findCurrentTrack(); } else { var elem = $(; var rating = ratingCalc(elem, evt); var index =; if (index == -1) index = findCurrentTrack(); displayRating(, rating); } if (index > 0) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING", "Setting Rating to",rating,"on index",index); history[index].setMeta('set', 'Rating', rating.toString()); if (prefs.synclove && lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { if (rating >= prefs.synclovevalue) { history[index].love(); } else { history[index].unloveifloved(); } } } }, storePlaybackProgress: function(progress, index) { if (index === null) { index = findCurrentTrack(); } debug.log("NOWPLAYING","Setting Playback Progress on",index,"to", progress); history[index].setMeta('set', 'Progress', progress); }, addTrackToCollection: function(evt, index) { history[index].setMeta('set', 'Rating', '0'); }, addTags: function(index, tags) { if (!index) index = findCurrentTrack(); var tagarr = tags.split(','); if (index > 0) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING", "Adding tags",tags,"to index",index); history[index].setMeta('set', 'Tags', tagarr); if (lastfm.isLoggedIn() && prefs.synctags) { history[index].addlfmtags(tags); } } }, removeTag: function(event, index) { if (!index) index = findCurrentTrack(); var tag = $(; tag = tag.replace(/x$/,''); if (index > 0) { debug.log("NOWPLAYING", "Removing tag",tag,"from index",index); history[index].setMeta('remove', 'Tags', tag); if (lastfm.isLoggedIn() && prefs.synctags) { history[index].remlfmtags(tag); } } }, incPlaycount: function(index) { if (!index) index = findCurrentTrack(); if (history[index].playlistinfo.metadata.track && history[index].playlistinfo.metadata.track.usermeta) { var p = parseInt(history[index].getMeta("Playcount")); history[index].setMeta('inc', 'Playcount', p+1); } else { clearTimeout(deftimer); debug.warn("NOWPLAYING","Trying to incremment Playcount on index",index,"before metadata has populated. Deferring request"); deferred.push({action: nowplaying.incPlaycount, index: index}); deftimer = setTimeout(nowplaying.doDeferredRequests, 1000); } }, love: function() { if (lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { history[findCurrentTrack()].love(); if (prefs.synclove) { history[findCurrentTrack()].setMeta('set', 'Rating', prefs.synclovevalue); } } }, unlove: function() { if (lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { history[findCurrentTrack()].unlove(); if (prefs.synclove) { history[findCurrentTrack()].setMeta('set', 'Rating', 0); } } }, isThisCurrent: function(index) { return (index == currenttrack); }, updateAlbumMBID: function(index, mbid) { history[index].setAlbumMBID(mbid); }, refreshUserMeta: function() { for (var i in history) { history[i].refreshUserMeta(); } }, doDeferredRequests: function() { clearTimeout(deftimer); if (deferred.length > 0) { var req = deferred.shift(); debug.shout("NOWPLAYING", "Doing Deferred Request On",req.index); req.action(req.index); } if (deferred.length > 0) { deftimer = setTimeout(nowplaying.doDeferredRequests, 1000); } }, getCurrentCollection: function(index) { if (!index) index = findCurrentTrack(); debug.log("NOWPLAYING", history[index]); } } }();