# Changelog ## 1.5.0 (2020-10-02) * Feature: Improve performance by using global imports. (#38 by @clue) * Improve API documentation and add support / sponsorship info. (#30 by @clue and #35 by @SimonFrings) * Improve test suite and add `.gitattributes` to exclude dev files from exports. Prepare PHP 8 support, update to PHPUnit 9 and simplify test matrix. (#32 and #37 by @clue and #34 and #36 by @SimonFrings) ## 1.4.1 (2019-04-09) * Fix: Check if the function is declared before declaring it. (#23 by @Niko9911) * Improve test suite to also test against PHP 7.2 and add test for base64 encoding and decoding filters. (#22 by @arubacao and #25 by @Nyholm and @clue) ## 1.4.0 (2017-08-18) * Feature / Fix: The `fun()` function does not pass filter parameter `null` to underlying `stream_filter_append()` by default (#15 by @Nyholm) Certain filters (such as `convert.quoted-printable-encode`) do not accept a filter parameter at all. If no explicit filter parameter is given, we no longer pass a default `null` value. ```php $encode = Filter\fun('convert.quoted-printable-encode'); assert('t=C3=A4st' === $encode('täst')); ``` * Add examples and improve documentation (#13 and #20 by @clue and #18 by @Nyholm) * Improve test suite by adding PHPUnit to require-dev, fix HHVM build for now again and ignore future HHVM build errors, lock Travis distro so new future defaults will not break the build and test on PHP 7.1 (#12, #14 and #19 by @clue and #16 by @Nyholm) ## 1.3.0 (2015-11-08) * Feature: Support accessing built-in filters as callbacks (#5 by @clue) ```php $fun = Filter\fun('zlib.deflate'); $ret = $fun('hello') . $fun('world') . $fun(); assert('helloworld' === gzinflate($ret)); ``` ## 1.2.0 (2015-10-23) * Feature: Invoke close event when closing filter (flush buffer) (#9 by @clue) ## 1.1.0 (2015-10-22) * Feature: Abort filter operation when catching an Exception (#10 by @clue) * Feature: Additional safeguards to prevent filter state corruption (#7 by @clue) ## 1.0.0 (2015-10-18) * First tagged release