''' xbmcswift2.plugin ----------------- This module contains the Plugin class. This class handles all of the url routing and interaction with KODI for a plugin. :copyright: (c) 2012 by Jonathan Beluch :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details. ''' import os import sys import pickle import xbmcswift2 from functools import wraps from optparse import OptionParser from xbmcswift2 import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin, xbmcaddon, Request from xbmcswift2.listitem import ListItem from xbmcswift2.logger import log, setup_log from xbmcswift2.common import enum, clean_dict, Modes, DEBUG_MODES from xbmcswift2.urls import UrlRule, NotFoundException, AmbiguousUrlException from xbmcswift2.xbmcmixin import XBMCMixin from urllib import urlencode try: from urlparse import parse_qs except ImportError: from cgi import parse_qs class Plugin(XBMCMixin): '''The Plugin objects encapsulates all the properties and methods necessary for running an KODI plugin. The plugin instance is a central place for registering view functions and keeping track of plugin state. Usually the plugin instance is created in the main addon.py file for the plugin. Typical creation looks like this:: from xbmcswift2 import Plugin plugin = Plugin('Hello KODI') .. versionchanged:: 0.2 The *addon_id* and *filepath* parameters are now optional. They will now default to the correct values. :param name: The name of the plugin, e.g. 'Academic Earth'. :param addon_id: The KODI addon ID for the plugin, e.g. 'plugin.video.academicearth'. This parameter is now optional and is really only useful for testing purposes. If it is not provided, the correct value will be parsed from the addon.xml file. :param filepath: Optional parameter. If provided, it should be the path to the addon.py file in the root of the addon directoy. This only has an effect when xbmcswift2 is running on the command line. Will default to the current working directory since xbmcswift2 requires execution in the root addon directoy anyway. The parameter still exists to ease testing. ''' def __init__(self, name=None, addon_id=None, filepath=None, info_type=None): self._name = name self._routes = [] self._view_functions = {} # addon_id is no longer required as it can be parsed from addon.xml if addon_id: self._addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=addon_id) else: self._addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() self._addon_id = addon_id or self._addon.getAddonInfo('id') self._name = name or self._addon.getAddonInfo('name') # Default plugin icon and fanart self.icon = self._addon.getAddonInfo('icon') self.fanart = self._addon.getAddonInfo('fanart') # Profile and addon folder self.addon_data = self._addon.getAddonInfo('profile') self.addon_folder = self._addon.getAddonInfo('path') self._info_type = info_type if not self._info_type: types = { 'video': 'video', 'audio': 'music', 'image': 'pictures', } self._info_type = types.get(self._addon_id.split('.')[1], 'video') # Keeps track of the added list items self._current_items = [] # Gets initialized when self.run() is called self._request = None # A flag to keep track of a call to xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory() self._end_of_directory = False # Keep track of the update_listing flag passed to # xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory() self._update_listing = False # The plugin's named logger self._log = setup_log(self._addon_id) # The path to the storage directory for the addon self._storage_path = xbmc.translatePath( 'special://profile/addon_data/%s/.storage/' % self._addon_id) if not os.path.isdir(self._storage_path): os.makedirs(self._storage_path) # If we are runing in CLI, we need to load the strings.po manually # Since xbmcswift2 currently relies on execution from an addon's root # directly, we can rely on cwd for now... if xbmcswift2.CLI_MODE: from xbmcswift2.mockxbmc import utils if filepath: addon_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath) else: addon_dir = os.getcwd() strings_fn = os.path.join(addon_dir, 'resources', 'language', 'resource.language.en_gb', 'strings.po') if not os.path.exists(strings_fn): strings_fn = os.path.join(addon_dir, 'resources', 'language', 'English', 'strings.po') utils.load_addon_strings(self._addon, strings_fn) @property def info_type(self): return self._info_type @property def log(self): '''The log instance for the plugin. Returns an instance of the stdlib's ``logging.Logger``. This log will print to STDOUT when running in CLI mode and will forward messages to KODI's log when running in KODI. Some examples:: plugin.log.debug('Debug message') plugin.log.warning('Warning message') plugin.log.error('Error message') ''' return self._log @property def id(self): '''The id for the addon instance.''' return self._addon_id @property def storage_path(self): '''A full path to the storage folder for this plugin's addon data.''' return self._storage_path @property def addon(self): '''This plugin's wrapped instance of xbmcaddon.Addon.''' return self._addon @property def added_items(self): '''The list of currently added items. Even after repeated calls to :meth:`~xbmcswift2.Plugin.add_items`, this property will contain the complete list of added items. ''' return self._current_items def clear_added_items(self): # TODO: This shouldn't be exposed probably... self._current_items = [] @property def handle(self): '''The current plugin's handle. Equal to ``plugin.request.handle``.''' return self.request.handle @property def request(self): '''The current :class:`~xbmcswift2.Request`. Raises an Exception if the request hasn't been initialized yet via :meth:`~xbmcswift2.Plugin.run()`. ''' if self._request is None: raise Exception('It seems the current request has not been ' 'initialized yet. Please ensure that ' '`plugin.run()` has been called before attempting ' 'to access the current request.') return self._request @property def name(self): '''The addon's name''' return self._name def _parse_request(self, url=None, handle=None): '''Handles setup of the plugin state, including request arguments, handle, mode. This method never needs to be called directly. For testing, see plugin.test() ''' # To accomdate self.redirect, we need to be able to parse a full url as # well if url is None: url = sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: url += sys.argv[2] if handle is None: handle = sys.argv[1] return Request(url, handle) def register_module(self, module, url_prefix): '''Registers a module with a plugin. Requires a url_prefix that will then enable calls to url_for. :param module: Should be an instance `xbmcswift2.Module`. :param url_prefix: A url prefix to use for all module urls, e.g. '/mymodule' ''' module._plugin = self module._url_prefix = url_prefix for func in module._register_funcs: func(self, url_prefix) def cached_route(self, url_rule, name=None, options=None, TTL=None): '''A decorator to add a route to a view and also apply caching. The url_rule, name and options arguments are the same arguments for the route function. The TTL argument if given will passed along to the caching decorator. ''' route_decorator = self.route(url_rule, name=name, options=options) if TTL: cache_decorator = self.cached(TTL) else: cache_decorator = self.cached() def new_decorator(func): return route_decorator(cache_decorator(func)) return new_decorator def route(self, url_rule, name=None, options=None): '''A decorator to add a route to a view. name is used to differentiate when there are multiple routes for a given view.''' # TODO: change options kwarg to defaults def decorator(f): view_name = name or f.__name__ self.add_url_rule(url_rule, f, name=view_name, options=options) return f return decorator def add_url_rule(self, url_rule, view_func, name, options=None): '''This method adds a URL rule for routing purposes. The provided name can be different from the view function name if desired. The provided name is what is used in url_for to build a URL. The route decorator provides the same functionality. ''' rule = UrlRule(url_rule, view_func, name, options) if name in self._view_functions.keys(): # TODO: Raise exception for ambiguous views during registration log.warning('Cannot add url rule "%s" with name "%s". There is ' 'already a view with that name', url_rule, name) self._view_functions[name] = None else: log.debug('Adding url rule "%s" named "%s" pointing to function ' '"%s"', url_rule, name, view_func.__name__) self._view_functions[name] = rule self._routes.append(rule) def url_for(self, endpoint, **items): '''Returns a valid KODI plugin URL for the given endpoint name. endpoint can be the literal name of a function, or it can correspond to the name keyword arguments passed to the route decorator. Raises AmbiguousUrlException if there is more than one possible view for the given endpoint name. ''' try: rule = self._view_functions[endpoint] except KeyError: try: rule = (rule for rule in self._view_functions.values() if rule.view_func == endpoint).next() except StopIteration: raise NotFoundException( '%s doesn\'t match any known patterns.' % endpoint) # rule can be None since values of None are allowed in the # _view_functions dict. This signifies more than one view function is # tied to the same name. if not rule: # TODO: Make this a regular exception raise AmbiguousUrlException pathqs = rule.make_path_qs(items) return 'plugin://%s%s' % (self._addon_id, pathqs) def _dispatch(self, path): for rule in self._routes: try: view_func, items = rule.match(path) except NotFoundException: continue log.info('Request for "%s" matches rule for function "%s"', path, view_func.__name__) listitems = view_func(**items) # Only call self.finish() for UI container listing calls to plugin # (handle will be >= 0). Do not call self.finish() when called via # RunPlugin() (handle will be -1). if not self._end_of_directory and self.handle >= 0: if listitems is None: self.finish(succeeded=False) else: listitems = self.finish(listitems) return listitems raise NotFoundException('No matching view found for %s' % path) def redirect(self, url): '''Used when you need to redirect to another view, and you only have the final plugin:// url.''' # TODO: Should we be overriding self.request with the new request? new_request = self._parse_request(url=url, handle=self.request.handle) log.debug('Redirecting %s to %s', self.request.path, new_request.path) return self._dispatch(new_request.path) def run(self, test=False): '''The main entry point for a plugin.''' self._request = self._parse_request() log.debug('Handling incoming request for %s', self.request.path) items = self._dispatch(self.request.path) # Close any open storages which will persist them to disk if hasattr(self, '_unsynced_storages'): for storage in self._unsynced_storages.values(): log.debug('Saving a %s storage to disk at "%s"', storage.file_format, storage.filename) storage.close() return items