
487 lines
20 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MIT License (see LICENSE.txt or
"""Implements the main InputStream Helper class"""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import os
from . import config
from .kodiutils import (addon_version, delete, exists, get_proxies, get_setting, get_setting_bool, get_setting_float, get_setting_int, jsonrpc,
kodi_to_ascii, kodi_version, listdir, localize, log, notification, ok_dialog, progress_dialog, select_dialog,
set_setting, set_setting_bool, textviewer, translate_path, yesno_dialog)
from .utils import arch, http_download, remove_tree, run_cmd, store, system_os, temp_path, unzip
from .widevine.arm import install_widevine_arm, unmount
from .widevine.widevine import (backup_path, has_widevinecdm, ia_cdm_path, install_cdm_from_backup, latest_widevine_version,
load_widevine_config, missing_widevine_libs, widevine_config_path, widevine_eula, widevinecdm_path)
from .unicodes import compat_path
# NOTE: Work around issue caused by platform still using os.popen()
# This helps to survive 'IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes'
if hasattr(os, 'popen'):
del os.popen
class InputStreamException(Exception):
"""Stub Exception"""
def cleanup_decorator(func):
"""Decorator which runs cleanup before and after a function"""
def clean_before_after(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# pylint only complains about a missing docstring on py2.7?
result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return result
return clean_before_after
class Helper:
"""The main InputStream Helper class"""
def __init__(self, protocol, drm=None):
"""Initialize InputStream Helper class"""
self.protocol = protocol
self.drm = drm
from platform import uname
log(0, 'Platform information: {uname}', uname=uname())
if self.protocol not in config.INPUTSTREAM_PROTOCOLS:
raise InputStreamException('UnsupportedProtocol')
self.inputstream_addon = config.INPUTSTREAM_PROTOCOLS[self.protocol]
if self.drm:
if self.drm not in config.DRM_SCHEMES:
raise InputStreamException('UnsupportedDRMScheme')
self.drm = config.DRM_SCHEMES[drm]
# Add proxy support to HTTP requests
proxies = get_proxies()
if proxies:
try: # Python 3
from urllib.request import build_opener, install_opener, ProxyHandler
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib2 import build_opener, install_opener, ProxyHandler
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of Helper class"""
return 'Helper({protocol}, drm={drm})'.format(protocol=self.protocol, drm=self.drm)
def disable():
"""Disable plugin"""
if not get_setting_bool('disabled', False):
set_setting_bool('disabled', True)
def enable():
"""Enable plugin"""
if get_setting('disabled', False):
set_setting_bool('disabled', False)
def _inputstream_version(self):
"""Return the requested inputstream version"""
from xbmcaddon import Addon
addon = Addon(self.inputstream_addon)
except RuntimeError:
return None
from .unicodes import to_unicode
return to_unicode(addon.getAddonInfo('version'))
def _get_lib_version(path):
if not path or not exists(path):
return '(Not found)'
import re
with open(compat_path(path), 'rb') as library:
match ='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+',
if not match:
return '(Undetected)'
from .unicodes import to_unicode
return to_unicode(
def _has_inputstream(self):
"""Checks if selected InputStream add-on is installed."""
data = jsonrpc(method='Addons.GetAddonDetails', params=dict(addonid=self.inputstream_addon))
if 'error' in data:
log(3, '{addon} is not installed.', addon=self.inputstream_addon)
return False
log(0, '{addon} is installed.', addon=self.inputstream_addon)
return True
def _inputstream_enabled(self):
"""Returns whether selected InputStream add-on is enabled.."""
data = jsonrpc(method='Addons.GetAddonDetails', params=dict(addonid=self.inputstream_addon, properties=['enabled']))
if data.get('result', {}).get('addon', {}).get('enabled'):
log(0, '{addon} {version} is enabled.', addon=self.inputstream_addon, version=self._inputstream_version())
return True
log(3, '{addon} is disabled.', addon=self.inputstream_addon)
return False
def _enable_inputstream(self):
"""Enables selected InputStream add-on."""
data = jsonrpc(method='Addons.SetAddonEnabled', params=dict(addonid=self.inputstream_addon, enabled=True))
if 'error' in data:
return False
return True
def _supports_widevine():
"""Checks if Widevine is supported on the architecture/operating system/Kodi version."""
if arch() not in config.WIDEVINE_SUPPORTED_ARCHS:
log(4, 'Unsupported Widevine architecture found: {arch}', arch=arch())
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30007, arch=arch())) # Widevine not available on this architecture
return False
if arch() == 'arm64' and system_os() != 'Android':
import struct
if struct.calcsize('P') * 8 == 64:
log(4, 'Unsupported 64-bit userspace found. User needs 32-bit userspace on {arch}', arch=arch())
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30039)) # Widevine not available on ARM64
return False
if system_os() not in config.WIDEVINE_SUPPORTED_OS:
log(4, 'Unsupported Widevine OS found: {os}', os=system_os())
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30011, os=system_os())) # Operating system not supported by Widevine
return False
from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-suppression
if LooseVersion(config.WIDEVINE_MINIMUM_KODI_VERSION[system_os()]) > LooseVersion(kodi_version()):
log(4, 'Unsupported Kodi version for Widevine: {version}', version=kodi_version())
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30010, version=config.WIDEVINE_MINIMUM_KODI_VERSION[system_os()])) # Kodi too old
return False
if 'WindowsApps' in translate_path('special://xbmcbin/'): # uwp is not supported
log(4, 'Unsupported UWP Kodi version detected.')
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30012)) # Windows Store Kodi falls short
return False
return True
def _install_widevine_x86(bpath):
"""Install Widevine CDM on x86 based architectures."""
cdm_version = latest_widevine_version()
if not store('download_path'):
cdm_os = config.WIDEVINE_OS_MAP[system_os()]
cdm_arch = config.WIDEVINE_ARCH_MAP_X86[arch()]
url = config.WIDEVINE_DOWNLOAD_URL.format(version=cdm_version, os=cdm_os, arch=cdm_arch)
downloaded = http_download(url)
downloaded = True
if downloaded:
progress = progress_dialog()
progress.create(heading=localize(30043), message=localize(30044)) # Extracting Widevine CDM
unzip(store('download_path'), os.path.join(bpath, cdm_version, ''))
return (progress, cdm_version)
return False
def install_and_finish(self, progress, version):
"""Installs the cdm from backup and runs checks"""
progress.update(97, message=localize(30049)) # Installing Widevine CDM
progress.update(98, message=localize(30050)) # Finishing
if has_widevinecdm():
wv_check = self._check_widevine()
if wv_check:
progress.update(100, message=localize(30051)) # Widevine CDM successfully installed.
notification(localize(30037), localize(30051)) # Success! Widevine CDM successfully installed.
return wv_check
return False
def install_widevine(self):
"""Wrapper function that calls Widevine installer method depending on architecture"""
if not self._supports_widevine():
return False
if not widevine_eula():
return False
if 'x86' in arch():
result = self._install_widevine_x86(backup_path())
result = install_widevine_arm(backup_path())
if not result:
return result
if self.install_and_finish(*result):
from time import time
set_setting('last_check', time())
return True
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30005)) # An error occurred
return False
def remove_widevine():
"""Removes Widevine CDM"""
if has_widevinecdm():
widevinecdm = widevinecdm_path()
log(0, 'Removed Widevine CDM at {path}', path=widevinecdm)
notification(localize(30037), localize(30052)) # Success! Widevine successfully removed.
set_setting('last_modified', '0.0')
return True
notification(localize(30004), localize(30053)) # Error. Widevine CDM not found.
return False
def _first_run():
"""Check if this add-on version is running for the first time"""
# Get versions
settings_version = get_setting('version', '0.3.4') # settings_version didn't exist in version 0.3.4 and older
# Compare versions
from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-suppression
if LooseVersion(addon_version()) > LooseVersion(settings_version):
# New version found, save addon_version to settings
set_setting('version', addon_version())
log(2, 'InputStreamHelper version {version} is running for the first time', version=addon_version())
return True
return False
def _update_widevine(self):
"""Prompts user to upgrade Widevine CDM when a newer version is available."""
from time import localtime, strftime, time
last_check = get_setting_float('last_check', 0.0)
if last_check and not self._first_run():
if last_check + 3600 * 24 * get_setting_int('update_frequency', 14) >= time():
log(2, 'Widevine update check was made on {date}', date=strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', localtime(last_check)))
wv_config = load_widevine_config()
if not wv_config:
log(3, 'Widevine config missing. Could not determine current version, forcing update.')
current_version = '0'
elif 'x86' in arch():
component = 'Widevine CDM'
current_version = wv_config['version']
component = 'Chrome OS'
current_version = wv_config['version']
latest_version = latest_widevine_version()
if not latest_version:
log(3, 'Updating widevine failed. Could not determine latest version.')
log(0, 'Latest {component} version is {version}', component=component, version=latest_version)
log(0, 'Current {component} version installed is {version}', component=component, version=current_version)
from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-suppression
if LooseVersion(latest_version) > LooseVersion(current_version):
log(2, 'There is an update available for {component}', component=component)
if yesno_dialog(localize(30040), localize(30033), nolabel=localize(30028), yeslabel=localize(30034)):
log(3, 'User declined to update {component}.', component=component)
set_setting('last_check', time())
log(0, 'User is on the latest available {component} version.', component=component)
def _check_widevine(self):
"""Checks that all Widevine components are installed and available."""
if system_os() == 'Android': # no checks needed for Android
return True
if not exists(widevine_config_path()):
log(4, 'Widevine or Chrome OS recovery.json is missing. Reinstall is required.')
ok_dialog(localize(30001), localize(30031)) # An update of Widevine is required
return self.install_widevine()
if 'x86' in arch(): # check that widevine arch matches system arch
wv_config = load_widevine_config()
if config.WIDEVINE_ARCH_MAP_X86[arch()] != wv_config['arch']:
log(4, 'Widevine/system arch mismatch. Reinstall is required.')
ok_dialog(localize(30001), localize(30031)) # An update of Widevine is required
return self.install_widevine()
if missing_widevine_libs():
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30032, libs=', '.join(missing_widevine_libs()))) # Missing libraries
return False
return True
def cleanup():
"""Clean up function after Widevine CDM installation"""
if store('attached_loop_dev'):
cmd = ['losetup', '-d', store('loop_dev')]
unattach_output = run_cmd(cmd, sudo=True)
if unattach_output['success']:
store('loop_dev', False)
store('attached_loop_dev', False)
if store('modprobe_loop'):
notification(localize(30035), localize(30036)) # Unload by hand in CLI
if not has_widevinecdm():
return True
def _supports_hls(self):
"""Return if HLS support is available in inputstream.adaptive."""
from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-suppression
if LooseVersion(self._inputstream_version()) >= LooseVersion(config.HLS_MINIMUM_IA_VERSION):
return True
log(3, 'HLS is unsupported on {addon} version {version}', addon=self.inputstream_addon, version=self._inputstream_version())
return False
def _check_drm(self):
"""Main function for ensuring that specified DRM system is installed and available."""
if not self.drm or self.inputstream_addon != 'inputstream.adaptive':
return True
if self.drm != 'widevine':
return True
if has_widevinecdm():
return self._check_widevine()
if yesno_dialog(localize(30041), localize(30002), nolabel=localize(30028), yeslabel=localize(30038)): # Widevine required
return self.install_widevine()
return False
def _install_inputstream(self):
"""Install inputstream addon."""
from xbmc import executebuiltin
from xbmcaddon import Addon
# See if there's an installed repo that has it
executebuiltin('InstallAddon({})'.format(self.inputstream_addon), wait=True)
# Check if InputStream add-on exists!
log(0, 'InputStream add-on installed from repo.')
return True
except RuntimeError:
log(3, 'InputStream add-on not installed.')
return False
def check_inputstream(self):
"""Main function. Ensures that all components are available for InputStream add-on playback."""
if get_setting_bool('disabled', False): # blindly return True if helper has been disabled
log(3, 'InputStreamHelper is disabled in its settings.xml.')
return True
if self.drm == 'widevine' and not self._supports_widevine():
return False
if not self._has_inputstream():
# Try to install InputStream add-on
if not self._install_inputstream():
ok_dialog(localize(30004), localize(30008, addon=self.inputstream_addon)) # inputstream is missing on system
return False
elif not self._inputstream_enabled():
ret = yesno_dialog(localize(30001), localize(30009, addon=self.inputstream_addon)) # inputstream is disabled
if not ret:
return False
log(0, '{addon} {version} is installed and enabled.', addon=self.inputstream_addon, version=self._inputstream_version())
if self.protocol == 'hls' and not self._supports_hls():
ok_dialog(localize(30004), # HLS Minimum version is needed
localize(30017, addon=self.inputstream_addon, version=config.HLS_MINIMUM_IA_VERSION))
return False
return self._check_drm()
def info_dialog(self):
""" Show an Info box with useful info e.g. for bug reports"""
text = localize(30800, version=kodi_version(), system=system_os(), arch=arch()) + '\n' # Kodi information
text += '\n'
disabled_str = ' ({disabled})'.format(disabled=localize(30054))
ishelper_state = disabled_str if get_setting_bool('disabled', False) else ''
istream_state = disabled_str if not self._inputstream_enabled() else ''
text += localize(30810, version=addon_version(), state=ishelper_state) + '\n'
text += localize(30811, version=self._inputstream_version(), state=istream_state) + '\n'
text += '\n'
if system_os() == 'Android':
text += localize(30820) + '\n'
from time import localtime, strftime
if get_setting_float('last_modified', 0.0):
wv_updated = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', localtime(get_setting_float('last_modified', 0.0)))
wv_updated = 'Never'
text += localize(30821, version=self._get_lib_version(widevinecdm_path()), date=wv_updated) + '\n'
if arch() in ('arm', 'arm64'): # Chrome OS version
wv_cfg = load_widevine_config()
if wv_cfg:
text += localize(30822, name=wv_cfg['hwidmatch'].split()[0].lstrip('^'), version=wv_cfg['version']) + '\n'
if get_setting_float('last_check', 0.0):
wv_check = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', localtime(get_setting_float('last_check', 0.0)))
wv_check = 'Never'
text += localize(30823, date=wv_check) + '\n'
text += localize(30824, path=ia_cdm_path()) + '\n'
text += '\n'
text += localize(30830, url=config.SHORT_ISSUE_URL) # Report issues
log(2, '\n{info}'.format(info=kodi_to_ascii(text)))
textviewer(localize(30901), text)
def rollback_libwv(self):
"""Rollback lib to a version specified by the user"""
bpath = backup_path()
versions = listdir(bpath)
# Return if Widevine is not installed
if not exists(widevine_config_path()):
notification(localize(30004), localize(30041))
installed_version = load_widevine_config()['version']
del versions[versions.index(installed_version)]
if 'x86' in arch():
show_versions = versions
show_versions = []
for version in versions:
lib_version = self._get_lib_version(os.path.join(bpath, version, config.WIDEVINE_CDM_FILENAME[system_os()]))
show_versions.append('{} ({})'.format(lib_version, version))
if not show_versions:
notification(localize(30004), localize(30056))
version = select_dialog(localize(30057), show_versions)
if version != -1:
log(0, 'Rollback to version {version}', version=versions[version])
notification(localize(30037), localize(30051)) # Success! Widevine successfully installed.