from code.decoding_bencoded import bencoding from code.torrentclientfactory import Transmission292 from code.pretty import pretty_data, pretty_GET from hashlib import sha1 from urllib.parse import quote_plus import requests import logging import random from tqdm import tqdm from time import sleep from struct import unpack logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class process_torrent(): def __init__(self, configuration): self.configuration = configuration self.open_torrent() self.torrentclient = Transmission292(self.tracker_info_hash()) def open_torrent(self): torrent_file = self.configuration['torrent'] with open(torrent_file, 'rb') as tf: data = self.b_enc = bencoding() self.metainfo = self.b_enc.bdecode(data) = self.metainfo['info'] if 'length' not in['length'] = 0 for file in['files']:['length'] += file['length'] print(pretty_data(['files'])) def tracker_info_hash(self): raw_info = self.b_enc.get_dict('info') hash_factory = sha1() hash_factory.update(raw_info) hashed = hash_factory.hexdigest() sha = bytearray.fromhex(hashed) return str(quote_plus(sha)) def send_request(self, params, headers): url = self.metainfo['announce'] print(pretty_GET(url, headers, params)) while True: try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: sleep(1) continue break return r.content def tracker_start_request(self): tc = self.torrentclient headers = tc.get_headers() params = tc.get_query(uploaded=0, downloaded=0, event='started') print('----------- First Command to Tracker --------') content = self.send_request(params, headers) self.tracker_response_parser(content) def tracker_response_parser(self, tr_response): b_enc = bencoding() response = b_enc.bdecode(tr_response) print('----------- Received Tracker Response --------') print(pretty_data(response)) raw_peers = b_enc.get_dict('peers') i = 0 peers = [] while i