#!/bin/bash { # this ensures the entire script is downloaded # # Check if astroport folder exist [[ -d astroport ]] && rm -rf astroport && echo "astroport folder has been deleted." [[ -z $(which git) ]] && echo "installation de git..." && sudo apt install git isp2plegal=$(nc -zv -w 1 3000 2<&1) if [[ "$isp2plegal" =~ "(?) open" ]]; then isp2plegalbool=true giturl="" else isp2plegalbool=false giturl="https://git.p2p.legal" fi [[ ${PWD##*/} != astroport ]] && git clone $giturl/axiom-team/astroport.git && cd astroport [[ $isp2plegalbool == true ]] && sed -i 's/https:\/\/git.p2p.legal/http:\/\/' .gitmodules && echo "Infra p2p.legal detected, switch remotes submodules" echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n./git-update.sh' > .git/hooks/post-merge git submodule update --init --recursive #source ./git-update.sh echo "Updating git submodules ..." git submodule foreach git pull origin master echo "Astroport updated!" echo "Astroport ready to go!" exit 0 } # this ensures the entire script is downloaded #