--- title: 'EVASION NUMERIQUE' --- # ASTROPORT ## [is Not an Astroport](./ANA) === ### **FR: [Internet est cassé](./ANA/01.home/default.fr.md)** **EN: [The Internet is broken](./ANA/01.home/default.en.md) | DE: [Das Internet ist kaputt](./ANA/01.home/default.de.md) | ES: [La Internet está rota](./ANA/01.home/default.es.md) | PT: [A Internet está quebrada](./ANA/01.home/default.pt.md) | IT: [Internet è rotto](./ANA/01.home/default.it.md) | NL: [Het internet is kapot](./ANA/01.home/default.nl.md) | PL: [Internet jest zepsuty](./ANA/01.home/default.pl.md) | RU: [Интернет сломан](./ANA/01.home/default.ru.md)** === ## So what is Astroport ? Astroport is an ecosystem of several open sources applications forming a global mesh and complete network. It's using: - ScuttleButt for communication layer - IPFS for media transport layer and swarm authentification - Libre currency Duniter/Ḡ1 as monetary layer ## Installation ``` curl -s https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/raw/master/git-install.sh | bash && cd astroport ./install.sh # Can have argument to specific gate, or script ask which gate do you want interactively. ``` **WARNING: This is an early stage develepment, use it with great care!** MAIN ENTRANCE BUILD UP [![](./raw/master/doc/images/astroport_main_entrance.jpg)](https://astroport.frama.site/)