#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 2020.03.24 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ######################################################################## # \\/// # qo-op ############# '$MY_PATH/$ME' ######################################################################## # ex: ./'$ME' # SYNC IPFS SWARM PEERS SHARED DATA .12D3KooW**** ########################################################################' export YOU=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) export IPFSNODEID=$(ipfs id -f='\n') ######################################################################## mkdir -p ~/.zen/ipfs_swarm echo ' ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ | |_)|_(_ (_\ //\ |_)|\/| |_)|_|_|_)|_(_ |_| _|_| | __) __)\/\//--\| \| | | \|_| | \|___)| | ' echo "I am $IPFSNODEID" ## TODO CHANNELS SWARM INDEX COPY PROCEDURE ## SIGNAL ~/.zen/g1sms/ TODO echo "PUBLISHING MY OWN /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs/ to SWARM" [[ ! -d /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs ]] && echo "ERROR : /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs/ NOT FOUND" && exit 1 IWALLETS=$(ipfs add -rHq /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs | tail -n 1) NODEIPNS=$(ipfs name publish --quieter /ipfs/$IWALLETS) ipfs get --output=/home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/ /ipns/$IPFSNODEID echo "REFRESHING /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/ from my SWARM peers" rm -Rf /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/.12D3KooW* rm -Rf /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/* count=1 ######################################################################## # Let's look for Friends and "IPFS swarm connect" with them ######################################################################## cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/jaklis # 1. Get Gchange "liking_me" people list for liking_me in $(./jaklis.py like | jq -r '.likes[].issuer'); do friend_of_mine=$(./jaklis.py like -p $liking_me | jq -r '.yours'); # 2. Searching "ipfstryme" message from friend_of_mine [[ $friend_of_mine != null ]] && echo "Connect to my friend $liking_me" && friend_of_mine_count=$((friend_of_mine_count+1)) && ipfsadd=0 \ && for peer in $(./jaklis.py read -n50 -j | jq -r --arg friendKEY "$liking_me" '.[] | select(.pubkey == $friendKEY)' | jq 'select(.title == "ipfstryme")' | jq -r '.content' | head -n1); do id=$(echo "$peer" | awk -F '/' '{print $7}') [[ "$id" == "" ]] && echo "WARNING! ID empty for $peer " && continue #### REFRESH ~/.zen/ipfs_swarm/ with /ipns/$id $MY_PATH/tools/timeout.sh -t 30 ipfs get --output=/home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/ /ipns/$id ipfsadd=$((ipfsadd+1)) done; [[ $friend_of_mine != null && $ipfsadd == 0 ]] && echo "No ipfstryme message..." && echo "$liking_me" >> /tmp/A_liking_me_NO_ipfstryme.txt # 4. liking_me IS NOT a friend_of_mine!! [[ $friend_of_mine == null ]] && echo "I am NOT LIKING $liking_me"; liking_me_count=$((liking_me_count+1)) done # Search for All peers Nodes. ## TODO: To be changed when Swarm is too big or not expanding #for id in $(ls -d ~/.zen/ipfs_swarm/.12D3KooW* | cut -d '.' -f 3); # Alternative search... for peer in $(ipfs swarm peers); do echo " ($count) Refreshing /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/.$id" ### Is "ipfs_swarm/.$id/G1SSB/_ssb.whoami" my SSB friend?? ssbID=$(cat /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/.$id/G1SSB/_ssb.whoami) isMyFriend=$(grep -Rwl "$ssbID" /tmp/ssb-friends.txt) if [[ -f /tmp/ssb-friends.txt && ! $isMyFriend ]]; then echo "WARNING! $count IS NOT my SSB Friend !!! Check $ssbID" rm -Rf /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/.$id ipfs swarm disconnect $peer ipfs bootstrap rm $peer ## Send sbotc alert message if [[ -f /tmp/ssb-friends_ALERT.txt && ! $(grep -Rwl "$ssbID" /tmp/ssb-friends_ALERT.txt) ]]; then sbotc publish '{"type":"post","text":"Salut '"$ssbID"' essaye de se connecter à ton swarm ipfs mais PAS ami!? ('"$id"')"}' echo "$ssbID" >> /tmp/ssb-friends_ALERT.txt fi ## TODO: Use fail2ban if same node continue entering our swarm... count=$((count+1)) continue fi #### IPFS SWARM SHAPING CONTROL ### CHECK Astroport Station Database Coherence? if [[ ! -d /home/$YOU/.zen/ipfs_swarm/.$id ]]; then echo "WARNING! $peer is NOT an Astroport Station !!" ipfs swarm disconnect $peer ipfs bootstrap rm $peer # TODO bannish with firewall ? fi echo "=============================================================" count=$((count+1)) done # TODO: TASK treatment.