# ASTROPORT IS NOT AN ASTROPORT: ANA If you are exhausted with the actual Feodal Internet... If you want to join and build a P2P Digital Cyberspace, made and own by everyone. You are at the right place [Do you want to join Swarm#0](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport#installation) ? It as a swarm of Nodes spread accross Internet networks. Each loading a fat stack protocol layer made with + DUNITER Blockchain G1 for Libre money co-creation based on Humans + SCUTTLEBUTT Pubs for Machine & Human social interactions + IPFS Nodes for File Storage, public, private and Zen accounting Astroport is a Framework mixing protocols as communication and messaging layers. This release is a bunch of install install scripts. Each one opening a new "cabin" offering different interfaces and uses with the Metaverse - Cesium ease your life and manage all your wallets - Gchange is a market for your local and global exchanges - Patchwork, Oasis, Feedless, ... and more Fabulous ScuttleButt Apps to come [CODE](https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport) EXTRA DEPT: - Nextcloud open, share and backup your cloud with your friends and family - Minetest organise your virtual meetings, build your world on your 1km² land - Kodi your multimedia center in a friend of friends Zen economy | [EN](01.home/default.en.md) | [ES](01.home/default.es.md) | [FR](01.home/default.fr.md) | [DE](01.home/default.de.md) | [IT](01.home/default.it.md) | [PL](01.home/default.pl.md) | [RU](01.home/default.ru.md) | [PT](01.home/default.pt.md) | [NL](01.home/default.nl.md) | | ------------------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | [METAVERSE](02.metaverse/default.en.md) | [METAVERSO](02.metaverse/default.es.md) | [METAVERS](02.metaverse/default.fr.md) | [METAVERSUM](02.metaverse/default.de.md) | [METAVERSO](02.metaverse/default.it.md) | [METAVERSE](02.metaverse/default.pl.md) | [МУЖЧИНА](02.metaverse/default.ru.md) | [METAVERSO](02.metaverse/default.pt.md) | [METAVERSIE](02.metaverse/default.nl.md) | ## Chose which metaverse you want to live in : | Panoptikon | Anoptikon | |:------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------- | | Datacenter | P2P | | Web 3.0 | Web 4D | | Web for them | Web for thee | | pseudo-gratuity | data sovereignty | | forced march towards their technology | free from adopting or not adopting | | "_high tech_" | relevant tech | | things-centric | human-centric | | Facebook | Scuttlebutt | | Google Cloud | Nextcloud | | Minecraft | Minetest | ## We can take back sovereignty : | Media | Money | Politics | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | Grow your own data garden, share multimedia in private ipfs swarm of friends. Don't depend on Datacenters or even Internet anymore. Depend on YOU! | Take back money creation from the banks using a [libre currency](https://libre-currency.org/). | Get your Scuttlebutt(s), Freedom and sovereignty. Focus your mind. Activate friends collective intelligence making your self data mining. | | IPFS | Duniter | Scuttlebutt | ## Let's code freedom! We are all spread thin, each community doing one cool thing in its own place, sometimes reinventing the wheel, altough the technology is often already here. Let's stop protocol wars and work together to progress toward our mutual vision. Let's join our efforts and invent protocols to make our systems able to communicate at the lowest level. ## [The Map is the Territory](https://solarpunk.cool/zines/map-is-the-territory/) ![https://solarpunk.cool/zines/map-is-the-territory/aesthetic/tmitt_dither.png] ``` cd ~/.zen/ curl -L coolguy.website/earth | grep "~~*" -A2 | tail -2 >> earth curl -L angblev.com/water | grep "~~*" -A2 | tail -2 >> water curl -L solarpunk.cool/magic/fire | grep "~~*" -A2 | tail -2 >> fire curl -L apileof.rocks | grep "~~*" -A2 | tail -2 >> air curl -L solarpunk.cool/magic/end | grep "~~*" -A2 | tail -2 >> end cat begin earth water fire air end ### YOUR KEY IS IMPORTANT cat ~/.zen/secret.astroport.key # SECURITY AND FREEDOM IS IMPORTANT TO YOU ? ############################################# USE LINUX !! #### ### My favorite distribution is Linux Mint ```