#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 1.0 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ######################################################################## # \\/// # qo-op ############# $ME DELAY ######################################################################## echo " _(_)_ _(_)_ @@@@ (_)@(_) @@@@ (_)@(_) @@@@ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ @@()@@ wWWWw @@@@ (___) \|/ @@@@ (___) \|/ @@@@ (___) / Y \| / Y \| / Y \ | \ |/ | / \ | \ |/ | / \ | \ |/ \\|// \\|/// \\\|// \\|// \\|/// \\\|// \\|// \\|/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # [ASTROPORT](https://astroport.com) # ex: ./$ME \"10 days\" # Survey Node G1 Wallet for TX/IN Commands in received comments ... ######################################################################## " DELAY="$1" ipfsnodeid=$(ipfs id -f='\n') [[ "$ipfsnodeid" == "" ]] && echo "$USER Please Install IPFS !!" && exit 1 [[ ! -d ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs ]] && mkdir -p ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs # Directory containing G1 blockchain incoming TX Scan [[ ! -d ~/.zen/ipfs ]] && mkdir -p ~/.zen/ipfs # Directory where NODE store SMS & other Channel Wallets [[ ! -d ~/.zen/ipfs_swarm ]] && mkdir -p ~/.zen/ipfs_swarm # Local copy of all SSB friends IPFS Nodes published ipfs ######################################################################################################### # GET G1 PUBKEY FROM SCUTTLEBUTT or $2 (DEBUG) [[ $DELAY == "" ]] && DELAY="60 days" && echo "*** HELP ***" && echo "./$ME \"duration\" (default $DELAY)" && echo "************" && echo DELAYUNIT=$(echo $DELAY | cut -d ' ' -f 2) # g1pub=$2 # DEBUG [[ ! -f ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey ]] && $MY_PATH/tools/secret2dunikey.sh g1pub=$(cat ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey | grep 'pub:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) [[ "$g1pub" == "" ]] && echo "$USER Missing ~/.ssb/secret : Please Install Scuttlebutt server !" && exit 1; ######################################################################################################### echo "=======================================" echo "IPFS Node ID = $ipfsnodeid __ _|_ _ _| |\ | _ _| _ /__/| _.|| __|_ (_| |(/_(_|< | \|(_)(_|(/_ \_| | \/\/(_|||(/_|_ last $DELAY G1 PUBKEY = $g1pub SSB ID = %$ssbpub.ed25519 " # PREPARE TIMESTAMP LIMITS TIMEBEFORE=$(date -u --date="-$DELAY" +"%s") TIMESTAMP=$(date -u +"%s") # GET DUNITER SERVER DUNITERNODE=$($MY_PATH/tools/duniter_getnode.sh) DUNITERURL="https://$DUNITERNODE" # GET BLOCKCHAIN TX FOR TIME WINDOW curl -s $DUNITERURL/tx/history/$g1pub/times/$TIMEBEFORE/$TIMESTAMP > /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt TXNB=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | wc -l) echo " $DUNITERURL/tx/history/$g1pub/times/$TIMEBEFORE/$TIMESTAMP ___ |\/ ._ ._ _ |_ _ ._ G1 |/\ | ||_|| | ||_)(/_| $TXNB " # Choose between "history.received" OR "history.pending" depending on DELAY if [[ $DELAYUNIT != "minutes" && $DELAYUNIT != "minute" ]]; then # HOW MANY TX DO WE HAVE... TXnb=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq '.history.received[].hash' | wc -l) echo "During $DELAY, detected $TXnb TX... Now looking for INPUT TX..." # PARSE $TXnb TX line=1 while [[ $line -le $TXnb ]]; do # GET TX HASH TXhash=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq -r '.history.received[].hash' | head -n $line | tail -n 1 ) # IT IS A NEW TX? if [[ ! -f ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs/zen.$TXhash ]]; then # GET LAST TX ISSUER ISSUER=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq -r '.history.received[].issuers[0]' | head -n $line | tail -n 1) [[ $ISSUER == $g1pub ]] && ((line++)) && continue ## TX/OUT CONTINUE echo $ISSUER > ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs/zen.$TXhash # GET OUTPUTS AND MAKE ZEN=G1*100 SUM ZEN=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq -r '.history.received[].outputs[]' | grep $g1pub | head -n $line | tail -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1) # GET COMMENT COMMENT=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq '.history.received' | jq -r '.[].comment' | head -n $line | tail -n 1) # echo "TX-IN $ISSUER => $g1pub" echo "Received $ZEN Zen From $ISSUER :: $COMMENT :: ($TXhash)" CMD=$(echo "$COMMENT" | awk '{print toupper($1)}') echo " ___ ___ _ ___ _ |\/ | |\ ||_)| || |_) _ _ _ o _ _| |/\ _|_| \|| |_|| | \(/_(_(/_|\/(/_(_| " case "$CMD" in ZEN) # Create ZenTAG QRCode $MY_PATH/zen_MAKE.sh $ZEN $TXhash ;; *) echo "$TXhash = $ZEN ZEN ($COMMENT)" # $MY_PATH/zen_MAKE.sh "ME" $TXhash ;; esac fi ((line++)) done else # MINUTE DELAY = pending // TODO: if anyone succeed in passing $VAR in jq command, both can be merge... # HOW MANY TX DO WE HAVE... TXnb=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq '.history.pending[].hash' | wc -l) echo "During $DELAY, detected $TXnb TX... Now looking for INPUT TX..." # PARSE $TXnb TX line=1 while [[ $line -le $TXnb ]]; do TXhash=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq -r '.history.pending[].hash' | head -n $line | tail -n 1) # IT IS A NEW TX/IN? if [[ ! -f ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs/zen.$TXhash ]]; then # GET LAST RX ISSUER ISSUER=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq -r '.history.pending[].issuers[0]' | head -n $line | tail -n 1) [[ $ISSUER == $g1pub ]] && ((line++)) && continue ## TX/OUT CONTINUE echo $ISSUER > ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs/zen.$TXhash # GET OUTPUTS AND MAKE ZEN SUM ZEN=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq -r '.history.pending[].outputs[]' | grep $g1pub | head -n $line | tail -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1) # GET COMMENT COMMENT=$(cat /tmp/g1_TX.scan.txt | jq '.history.pending' | jq -r '.[].comment' | head -n $line | tail -n 1) # echo "TX-IN $ISSUER => $g1pub" echo "Pending $ZEN Zen From $ISSUER :: $COMMENT :: ($TXhash)" CMD=$(echo "$COMMENT" | awk '{print toupper($1)}') echo " ___ ___ _ ___ _ |\/ | |\ ||_)| || |_)_ ._ _|o._ _ |/\ _|_| \|| |_|| | (/_| |(_||| |(_| _| " case "$CMD" in ZEN) # Create ZenTAG QRCode $MY_PATH/zen_MAKE.sh $ZEN $TXhash ;; *) echo "$TXhash = $ZEN ZEN ($COMMENT)" # $MY_PATH/zen_MAKE.sh "ME" $TXhash ;; esac fi ((line++)) done fi echo "FINISH ! ls ~/.zen/cache/g1_TX_inputs/ __ |\ | _ _| _ /__/| \ /_.|| __|_ |_ _.| _.._ _ _ | \|(_)(_|(/_ \_| | \/\/(_|||(/_|_ |_)(_||(_|| |(_(/_ silkaj -p $DUNITERNODE balance $g1pub " exit 0