#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 2020.12.03 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" # Connect to IPFS peers with bidirectionnal "like" (gchange friends) # ######################################################################## # \\/// # qo-op ############# '$MY_PATH/$ME' ######################################################################## # ex: ./'$ME' # GET GCHANGE FRIENDS AND FIND THEIR IPFS ID TO "ipfs swarm connect" THEM ########################################################################' ## TODO : Beware of liking_me FLOOD & Invite $liking_me people to my #Swarm0 ######################################################################## ## CONNECT GLOBAL "ipfs.io" ## DANGEROUS DATA LEAK only for short time... ######################################################################## # ADD ipfs.io public bootstrap into your swarm peers # RUN: cat ~/.zen/astroport/ipfs.swarm.ipfs.io | ipfs swarm connect # SOON ipfs swarm peers will GROW!!! YOU ARE VSIBLE !!! # RUN: sudo systemctl restart ipfs # GOES BACK TO SWARM0 ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # ENVIRONEMENT DETECTION + IPFS ~/.zen/ipfs/.$IPFSNODEID/G1SSB/_info ######################################################################## IPFSNODEID=$(ipfs id -f='\n') [[ $IPFSNODEID == "" ]] && echo "ERROR missing IPFS Node id !! IPFS is not installed !?" && exit 1 isIPFSRunning=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) [[ ! $isIPFSRunning ]] && echo "ERROR! ipfs daemon is not running. EXIT" && exit 1 ######################################################################## # Force Strict #swarm0 !!? # ipfs bootstrap rm --all echo "" > ~/.zen/A_allow_ip.txt echo "" > ~/.zen/A_liking_me_NO_ipfstryme.txt # contains "friends" with no "ipfstryme" incoming message liking_me_count=0 friend_of_mine_count=0 ######################################################################## # Let's look for Friends and "IPFS swarm connect" with them ######################################################################## cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/jaklis # 1. Get Gchange "liking_me" people list for liking_me in $(./jaklis.py like | jq -r '.likes[].issuer'); do # Check if my like is reverse friend_of_mine=$(./jaklis.py like -p $liking_me | jq -r '.yours'); [[ $friend_of_mine != null ]] && echo "Connect to my friend $liking_me" && friend_of_mine_count=$((friend_of_mine_count+1)) && ipfsadd=0 \ && for peer in $(./jaklis.py read -n50 -j | jq -r --arg friendKEY "$liking_me" '.[] | select(.pubkey == $friendKEY)' | jq 'select(.title == "ipfstryme")' | jq -r '.content'); # 2. Searching "ipfstryme" message from friend_of_mine do ip=$(echo "$peer" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') && [[ $ip == "" ]] && continue || echo "Adding $ip to ~/.zen/A_allow_ip.txt" # Fill a file with friend of mine ip echo $ip >> ~/.zen/A_allow_ip.txt # Get its ipfsnodeid ipfsnodeid=$(echo "$peer" | awk -F '/' '{print $7}') # 3. ADD liking_me friend_of_mine to my swarm & bootstrap ipfs swarm connect $peer; ipfs bootstrap add $peer; ipfsadd=$((ipfsadd+1)) done; if [[ $friend_of_mine != null ]]; then if [[ $ipfsadd == 0 ]]; then # Friend of mine with no ipfstryme message (did not install astroport) echo "No 'ipfstryme' message... from $liking_me" echo "$liking_me" >> ~/.zen/A_liking_me_NO_ipfstryme.txt else nbmessage=0 for messageid in $(./jaklis.py read -n50 -j | jq -r --arg friendKEY "$liking_me" '.[] | select(.pubkey == $friendKEY)' | jq -r '.id') do nbmessage=$((nbmessage+1)) [ $nbmessage -gt 1 ] && echo "Delete OLD 'ipfstryme' messages from $liking_me" && ./jaklis.py delete -i $messageid done fi fi # Automatic level_1 like from oasis.astroport.com (TODO add other default bootstrap) # TODO get $g1pub from ~/.zen/ipfs/.$IPFSNODEID/G1SSB/_g1.pubkey ?? # [[ $friend_of_mine == null && $G1PUB == "2jQUH4HfHxdTesjCjvMCx1VJgA5AnpuvrWRq1swfRdsS" ]] && ./jaklis.py like -p $g1pub -s 1 echo "__________________________________________" liking_me_count=$((liking_me_count+1)) done echo "#################################################### I have $friend_of_mine_count friends amoung $liking_me_count liking me people __________________________________________ My actual #SWARM0" ipfs swarm peers echo "__________________________________________" echo ## Send message to for line in $(cat ~/.zen/A_liking_me_NO_ipfstryme.txt | uniq); do echo "Liking ME, but no ipfstryme received..." echo "cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/jaklis" echo "./jaklis.py send -d $line -t 'Astroport' -m 'Rejoins mon #Swarm0 installe https://astroport.com'" done cd -