cache_dir = $absoluteurl; $rss->cache_time = 43200; // 12 hours cache time between each update of podcastgen news if ($rs = $rss->get($rssurl)) { // I could use also ['author']['guid']['link'] $RSSnews_title = $rs['items']['0']['title']; $RSSnews_date = $rs['items']['0']['pubDate']; $RSSnews_description = html_entity_decode($rs['items']['0']['description']); // I use html_entity_decode to enable html tags //output RSS last item $PG_mainbody .= '



'; } else { $PG_mainbody .= _("Error: It's not possible to get Podcast Generator news feed. News will be automatically disabled."); //DISABLE news display if the server doesn't allow $enablepgnewsinadmin = "no"; include ("$absoluteurl"."core/admin/createconfig.php"); //regenerate config.php } ?>