'._("Change Podcast Generator Configuration").' '; if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action']=="change") { // if action is set //streaming $streaming = $_POST['streaming']; if ($streaming != "") { $enablestreaming = $streaming; } // social networks integration $socialnetworks = $_POST['socialnetworks']; if ($socialnetworks != "") { $enablesocialnetworks = array($socialnetworks); //create an array with values 1 or 0 for each social networks } //freebox $fbox = $_POST['fbox']; if ($fbox != "") { $freebox = $fbox; } //categories $cats = $_POST['cats']; if ($cats != "") { $categoriesenabled = $cats; } //news display $newsinadmin = $_POST['newsinadmin']; if ($newsinadmin != "") { $enablepgnewsinadmin = $newsinadmin; } // strict rename $strictfilename = $_POST['strictfilename']; if ($strictfilename != "") { $strictfilenamepolicy = $strictfilename; } // recent in home $recent = $_POST['recent']; if ($recent != "") { $max_recent = $recent; } // recent in FEED $recentinfeed = $_POST['recentinfeed']; if ($recentinfeed != "") { $recent_episode_in_feed = $recentinfeed; } // date format $selectdateformat = $_POST['selectdateformat']; if ($selectdateformat != "") { $dateformat = $selectdateformat; } // script language $scriptlanguage = $_POST['scriptlanguage']; if ($scriptlanguage != "") { $scriptlang = $scriptlanguage; } include ("$absoluteurl"."core/admin/createconfig.php"); //regenerate config.php $PG_mainbody .= '

'._("The information has been successfully sent.").'

'; //REGENERATE FEED ... //include ("$absoluteurl"."core/admin/feedgenerate.php"); $episodesCounter = generatePodcastFeed(TRUE,NULL,FALSE); //Output in file $PG_mainbody .= '

'; } else { // if action not set $PG_mainbody .= '
'; ##########streaming $PG_mainbody .= '

'._("Enable Audio and Video web player for supported files and browsers.").'


'._("Display Facebook, Twitter and Google+ buttons for each episode.").'


'._("Freebox allows you to write freely what you wish, add links or text through a visual editor in the admin section.").'


'._("Enable categories feature to make thematic lists of your podcasts.").'


'._("Displays Podcast Generator latest news in the main administration page of your podcast.").'


'._("The uploaded episode files will be automatically renamed using just alphanumeric characters and the current date.").'


'; } } ?>