#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 2020.12.04 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## # # This script is run from ~/.config/autostart/Astroport_X_config.desktop # ######################################################################## # Create secret key files # ~/.zen/secret.june # ~/.zen/secret.dunikey # ~/.zen/secret.ipfs & /tmp/config.ipfs # ~/.zen/ipfs.sync ######################################################################## [[ -f ~/.zen/ipfs.sync ]] && echo "CONFIG ALREADY DONE" && source ~/.zen/ipfs.sync && exit 0 function cleanTMP { rm -f /tmp/secret.june /tmp/secret.dunikey /tmp/config.ipfs /tmp/secret.ipfs /tmp/secret.all } # NB: 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) remove zenity console warning zenity --question --width 300 --text "Initialiser votre station Astroport?" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) [ $? == 1 ] && exit 1 ######################################################################## # LOGIN (=SALT) salt="$(~/.zen/astroport/zen/tools/diceware.sh 3 | xargs)" # PASS (=PEPPER) pepper="$(~/.zen/astroport/zen/tools/diceware.sh 3 | xargs)" g1_profil=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --text "Nom de votre machine" --title "Astroport -- Profil" --entry-text="$(hostname)" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2)); g1_salt=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --text "Identifiant gchange/cesium (sel)" --title "Astroport - Sel" --entry-text="$salt" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2)); [ ${#g1_salt} -lt 8 ] && zenity --warning --width 300 --text "Identifiant doit faire plus de 8 caractères!!" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) && cleanTMP && exit 1 g1_pepper=$(zenity --entry --width 300 --text "Mot de passe gchange/cesium (poivre)" --title "Astroport - Poivre" --entry-text="$pepper" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2)); echo "CREATING /tmp/secret.june" echo "$g1_salt" > /tmp/secret.june echo "$g1_pepper" >> /tmp/secret.june echo "________________ https://gchange.fr ________________" > /tmp/secret.all cat /tmp/secret.june >> /tmp/secret.all ######################################################################## echo "CREATING /tmp/secret.dunikey" python3 ~/.zen/astroport/zen/tools/key_create_dunikey.py "$g1_salt" "$g1_pepper" g1pub=$(cat /tmp/secret.dunikey | grep "pub" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) g1sec=$(cat /tmp/secret.dunikey | grep "sec" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) echo "" >> /tmp/secret.all echo "_________________ https://cesium.app _______________" >> /tmp/secret.all cat /tmp/secret.dunikey >> /tmp/secret.all echo "" >> /tmp/secret.all ######################################################################## echo "CREATING /tmp/config.ipfs" ipfs_ID=$(python3 ~/.zen/astroport/zen/tools/create_ipfsnodeid_from_tmp_secret.dunikey.py) echo $ipfs_ID > /tmp/secret.ipfs && source /tmp/secret.ipfs jq -r --arg PeerID "$PeerID" '.Identity.PeerID=$PeerID' ~/.ipfs/config > /tmp/config.tmp jq -r --arg PrivKEY "$PrivKEY" '.Identity.PrivKey=$PrivKEY' /tmp/config.tmp > /tmp/config.ipfs rm /tmp/config.tmp echo "" >> /tmp/secret.all echo "_____________________ IPFS ________________________" >> /tmp/secret.all cat /tmp/secret.ipfs >> /tmp/secret.all echo "" >> /tmp/secret.all ## Which directory to sync with IPFS IPFS_sync_directory=$(zenity --file-selection --title="Choisissez le répertoire à partager par IPFS avec vos amis" --directory 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2)) [[ ! -d $IPFS_sync_directory ]] && zenity --warning --width 300 --text "Aucun répertoire... ANNULATION" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) && cleanTMP && exit 1 echo "IPFS_SYNC_DIR=$IPFS_sync_directory" >> /tmp/secret.all ######################################################################## echo "Copy new keys?" zenity --width=971 --height=600 --title "Validation de votre configuration" --text-info --filename="/tmp/secret.all" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) [ $? == 1 ] && cleanTMP && exit 1 [[ -f ~/.zen/secret.dunikey.old ]] && zenity --warning --width 300 --text "ANNULATION! Il existe déjà une sauvegarde d'anciennes clefs... support@qo-op.com" 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) && cleanTMP && exit 1 mv ~/.zen/secret.june ~/.zen/secret.june.old mv /tmp/secret.june ~/.zen/secret.june mv ~/.zen/secret.dunikey ~/.zen/secret.dunikey.old mv /tmp/secret.dunikey ~/.zen/secret.dunikey mv ~/.zen/secret.ipfs ~/.zen/secret.ipfs.old mv /tmp/secret.ipfs ~/.zen/secret.ipfs mv ~/.ipfs/config ~/.ipfs/config.old mv /tmp/config.ipfs ~/.ipfs/config rm /tmp/secret.all # WRITE ~/.zen/ipfs.sync CONFIG echo "IPFS_SYNC_DIR=$IPFS_sync_directory" > ~/.zen/ipfs.sync # CREATE gchange+ profile # cd ~/.zen/astroport/zen/jaklis # ./jaklis.py --key "~/.zen/secret.dunikey" --node "https://data.gchange.fr" set --name "$g1_profil" --avatar "~/.zen/astroport/logo.png" # ERROR echo "OK. Restart now" zenity --warning --width 300 --text "Veuillez redémarrer l'ordinateur pour activer votre configuration..." 2> >(grep -v 'GtkDialog' >&2) exit 0