gbanque work on multicanal

This commit is contained in:
poka 2020-08-07 19:03:13 +02:00
parent ca3a901105
commit b4c023fa80
3 changed files with 45 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -6,14 +6,19 @@ const util = require('util'){
starts: ['./gbanque', 'biz ./gbanque', 'biz gb', 'gb']
}, (b) => {
username =
process.env.hb_username = username
room =
process.env.hb_room = room
cmd = b.message.text
process.env.hb_cmd = cmd
process.env.hb_cmd = b.message.text
gbanque = exec("src/shell/ ~~~$hb_cmd~~~$hb_username~~~$hb_room", function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (typeof room === 'undefined' || room === null) {
process.env.hb_username = + "@" + tool
process.env.hb_room = room
} else {
process.env.hb_username =
process.env.hb_room = room + "@" + tool
gbanque = exec("src/shell/ $hb_cmd~~~$hb_username~~~$hb_room", function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err) {
b.respond("Une erreur est survenu: " + stderr)
} else {

View File

@ -7,21 +7,34 @@ MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized
# Globals variables
chanDB() {
if [[ "$1" =~ '@' ]]; then
chan=$(echo "$1" | awk -F '@' '{ print $1 }')
tool=$(echo "$1" | awk -F '@' '{ print $2 }')
[[ ! $chan ]] && echo "Please select user." && exit 0
if [[ "$chan" =~ '#' ]]; then
# echo "args: $1"
# echo "tool: $tool"
# echo "homedir: $homedir"
[[ -f $homedir/db ]] && source $homedir/db
# Send a message
sendmsg() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
[[ ! "$chan" == '#|@'* ]] && chan="@$chan"
local msg="${@:2}"
[[ ! $chan || ! $msg ]] && echo "Please select user and message." && exit 0
curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $API_TOKEN" \
-H "X-User-Id: $API_ID" \
curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $AC_API_TOKEN" \
-H "X-User-Id: $AC_API_ID" \
-H "Content-type:application/json" \
$API_URL/api/v1/chat.postMessage \
-d "{ \"channel\": \"$chan\", \"text\": \"$msg\" }" > /dev/null 2>&1
@ -46,7 +59,7 @@ getPseudo() {
getPassword() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
if [[ -d $homedir ]]; then
sendmsg $chan "Voici les identifiants de connexion de votre ḠCompte: \n \
Login: **$salt**\nMot de passe: **$pepper**\nClé publique: **$pubkey** \n \
@ -57,7 +70,7 @@ Calcul du solde de votre compte en cours ..."
info_account() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
if [[ -d $homedir ]]; then
sendmsg $chan "Récupération de votre solde en cours sur **$pubkey** ..."
@ -69,7 +82,7 @@ info_account() {
init_account() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
if [[ -f $homedir/secret.dunikey ]]; then
pubkey=$(cat $homedir/secret.dunikey| grep "pub: " | awk '{ print $2 }')
echo "Vous disposez déjà d'un portefeuille Ḡ1: **$pubkey**"
@ -96,7 +109,7 @@ init_account() {
rm_account() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
if [[ -d $homedir ]]; then
echo "Suppression des données de votre portefeuille de votre ḠBanque."
echo -e "Login: **$salt**\nMot de passe: **$pepper**\nClé publique: **$pubkey**"
@ -108,7 +121,7 @@ rm_account() {
tx() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
local dest="$2"
local amount=$(echo "$3" | tr ',' '.')
local comment="${@:4}"
@ -122,12 +135,12 @@ tx() {
[[ $(echo $dest | wc -c) -le 43 ]] && local dest=$(getPubkey $dest)
[[ $dest == "none" ]] && echo "Ce pseudo ne correspond à aucun membre Ḡ1 connu." && exit 0
local result=$($silkaj --auth-file --file ~/.bog/ids/axiomchat/$chan/secret.dunikey tx --amount $amount --output $dest --comment "$comment" -y)
local result=$($silkaj --auth-file --file $homedir/secret.dunikey tx --amount $amount --output $dest --comment "$comment" -y)
[[ -n $result ]] && echo "\`\`\`$result\`\`\`" || echo "Une erreur est survenu, votre transaction n'a pas été effecutée." && exit 0
history_account() {
chanDB $1
chanDB "$1"
sendmsg $chan "Récupération de l'historique de votre compte **$pubkey** ..."
local result=$($silkaj history $pubkey)
echo "\`\`\`$result\`\`\`"

View File

@ -5,30 +5,19 @@ MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized
source $MY_PATH/
args=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '~~~' '{ print $2 }' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -vEwi 'gbanque|gb|biz|G1LibreBot' | tr '\n' ' ')
args=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '~~~' '{ print $1 }' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -vEwi 'gbanque|gb|biz|G1LibreBot' | tr '\n' ' ')
cmd=$(echo "$args" | awk '{ print $1 }')
args=$(echo "$args" | awk '{$1=""; print $0}')
user=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '~~~' '{ print $3 }')
room=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '~~~' '{ print $4 }')
user=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '~~~' '{ print $2 }')
room=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '~~~' '{ print $3 }')
[[ $room == "undefined" ]] && dest="@$user" || dest="#$room"
[[ $room == "undefined" ]] && dest="$user" || dest="#$room"
init() {
## Récupération depuis Ḡ1SMS
## ./shell/ "$PHONE" "$MEMBERUID" &
## ./silkaj/silkaj generate_auth_file --auth-scrypt -salt="$PHONE" -password="$PIN"
# echo "Cette conversation continue en privé @$user - @biz"
## TODO: Définir le workflow g1sms
init_account $dest
remove() { rm_account $dest; }
info() { info_account $dest; }
pay() { tx $dest $args; }
history() { history_account $dest; }
init() { init_account "$dest"; }
remove() { rm_account "$dest"; }
info() { info_account "$dest"; }
pay() { tx "$dest" $args; }
history() { history_account "$dest"; }
[[ "$cmd" =~ ^(init|remove|info|pay|history)$ ]] && "$cmd" || echo "Veuillez indiquer une commande valide"