const ssb = require("./ssb-client"); const express = require("express"); const app = express(); const port = process.env.PORT || 7624; const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); const { asyncRouter, reconstructKeys, uploadPicture, isPhone, ssbFolder, } = require("./utils"); const queries = require("./queries"); const serveBlobs = require("./serve-blobs"); const cookieParser = require("cookie-parser"); const debug = require("debug")("express"); const fileUpload = require("express-fileupload"); const Sentry = require("@sentry/node"); const metrics = require("./metrics"); const sgMail = require("@sendgrid/mail"); const ejs = require("ejs"); const cookieEncrypter = require("cookie-encrypter"); const expressLayouts = require("express-ejs-layouts"); const mobileRoutes = require("./mobile-routes"); const ejsUtils = require("ejs/lib/utils"); const fs = require("fs"); const ssbKeys = require("ssb-keys"); const mode = process.env.MODE || "standalone"; const profileUrl = (id, path = "") => { return `/profile/${id}${path}`; }; const SENTRY_DSN = process.env.SENTRY_DSN; if (SENTRY_DSN && process.env.NODE_ENV == "production") { Sentry.init({ dsn: SENTRY_DSN, }); // Sentry request handler must be the first middleware on the app app.use(Sentry.Handlers.requestHandler()); } app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.set("view engine", "ejs"); app.set("views", `${__dirname}/../views`); app.use(express.static(`${__dirname}/../public`)); app.use(fileUpload()); const cookieOptions = { httpOnly: true, signed: true, expires: new Date(253402300000000), // Friday, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT, nice date from stackoverflow sameSite: "Lax", }; if (mode != "standalone") { const cookieSecret = process.env.COOKIES_SECRET || "set_cookie_secret_you_are_unsafe"; // has to be 32-bits app.use(cookieParser(cookieSecret)); app.use(cookieEncrypter(cookieSecret)); } app.use(expressLayouts); app.set("layout", false); app.use(async (req, res, next) => { if (!ssb.client()) { setTimeout(() => { console.log("Waiting for SSB to load..."); res.redirect("/"); }, 500); return; } req.context = { syncing: ssb.isSyncing(), }; res.locals.context = req.context; let key; try { if (mode == "standalone") { const isLoggedOut = fs.existsSync(`${ssbFolder()}/logged-out`); key = !isLoggedOut && ssbKeys.loadSync(`${ssbFolder()}/secret`); } else { key = req.signedCookies["ssb_key"]; if (key) key = JSON.parse(key); } } catch (_) {} if (!key || ! return next(); ssb.client().identities.addUnboxer(key); req.context.profile = (await queries.getProfile( || {}; req.context.profile.key = key; const isRootUser = == ssb.client().id || process.env.NODE_ENV != "production"; req.context.profile.debug = isRootUser; req.context.profile.admin = isRootUser || mode == "standalone"; next(); }); app.use((_req, res, next) => { res.locals.profileUrl = profileUrl; res.locals.imageUrl = (blob) => { const imageHash = blob && typeof blob == "object" ? : blob; return imageHash && `/blob/${encodeURIComponent(imageHash)}`; }; res.locals.profileImageUrl = (profile) => { if (profile.image) { return res.locals.imageUrl(profile.image); } return "/images/no-avatar.png"; }; const BLOB_PATTERN = /(&.*?=\.sha\d+)/g; res.locals.topicTitle = (post) => { const title = res.locals .escapeMarkdown(post.content.title || post.content.text) .replace(BLOB_PATTERN, ""); if (title.length > 60) { return title.substr(0, 60) + "..."; } return title; }; res.locals.escapeMarkdown = (str) => { let result = ejsUtils.escapeXML(str); result = result.replace(/!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)/g, `$1`); // Images result = result.replace(/\[(@.*?)\]\(@.*?\)/g, `$1`); // Link to mention result = result.replace(/\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)/g, `$1`); // Any Link result = result.replace(/^#+ /gm, ""); return result; }; res.locals.htmlify = (str) => { let result = str; result = result.replace( /(\s|^)&(\S*?=\.sha\d+)/g, // Blobs `$1&$2` ); result = result.replace( /(https?:\/\/\S+)/g, // Urls with http in front `$1` ); result = result.replace( /(\s|^)(([a-z-_])*(\.[^\s.]{2,})+)/gm, // Domains without http `$1$2` ); result = result.replace(/\n/g, "
"); return result; }; next(); }); const router = asyncRouter(app); mobileRoutes.setupRoutes(router); router.get( "/", { public: true, mobileVersion: "/mobile" }, async (req, res) => { if (!req.context.profile) { return res.render("shared/index"); } const [posts, friends, secretMessages, communities] = await Promise.all([ queries.getPosts(req.context.profile), queries.getFriends(req.context.profile), queries.getSecretMessages(req.context.profile), queries.getProfileCommunities(, ]); res.render("desktop/home", { posts, friends, secretMessages, communities, profile: req.context.profile, }); } ); const doLogin = async (submittedKey, res) => { let decodedKey; try { decodedKey = reconstructKeys(submittedKey); } catch (e) { debug("Error on login", e); return res.send("Invalid key"); } if (mode == "standalone") { fs.unlinkSync(`${ssbFolder()}/secret`); fs.writeFileSync(`${ssbFolder()}/secret`, submittedKey, { mode: 0x100, flag: "wx", }); fs.unlinkSync(`${ssbFolder()}/logged-out`); } else { res.cookie("ssb_key", JSON.stringify(decodedKey), cookieOptions); await queries.autofollow(; } decodedKey.private = "[removed]"; debug("Login with key", decodedKey); res.redirect("/"); }; router.get("/login", { public: true }, async (req, res) => { const loginKey = req.query.key && Buffer.from(req.query.key, "base64").toString("utf8"); if (loginKey) { await doLogin(loginKey, res); } else { res.render("shared/login", { mode }); } });"/login", { public: true }, async (req, res) => { const submittedKey = req.files && req.files.ssb_key ? : req.body.ssb_key; await doLogin(submittedKey, res); }); router.get("/download", { public: true }, (_req, res) => { res.render("shared/download"); }); router.get("/logout", async (_req, res) => { if (mode == "standalone") { fs.writeFileSync(`${ssbFolder()}/logged-out`, ""); } else { res.clearCookie("ssb_key"); } res.redirect("/"); }); router.get("/signup", { public: true }, (req, res) => { if (req.context.profile) { return res.redirect("/"); } res.render("shared/signup", { mode }); });"/signup", { public: true }, async (req, res) => { const name =; const picture = req.files && req.files.pic; const pictureLink = picture && (await uploadPicture(ssb.client(), picture)); const key = await ssb.client().identities.createNewKey(); if (mode == "standalone") { fs.unlinkSync(`${ssbFolder()}/secret`); fs.writeFileSync(`${ssbFolder()}/secret`, humanifyKey(key), { mode: 0x100, flag: "wx", }); fs.unlinkSync(`${ssbFolder()}/logged-out`); } else { res.cookie("ssb_key", JSON.stringify(key), cookieOptions); await queries.autofollow(; } await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key, private: false, content: { type: "about", about:, name: name, ...(pictureLink ? { image: pictureLink } : {}), }, }); const debugKey = { ...key, private: "[removed]" }; debug("Generated key", debugKey); debug("Published about", { about:, name, image: pictureLink }); res.redirect("/keys"); }); router.get("/keys", (req, res) => { res.render("shared/keys", { useEmail: process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY, key: JSON.stringify(req.context.profile.key), }); });"/keys/email", async (req, res) => { /* According to * having any keys in the email is not secure, but the alternative to just ask users to copy their key on * sign up will not work because users tend to press Next > Next > Next > Done without reading, and it will * lead to loss of account access. * Solution is to put an email field which they fill without thinking and send them the key by email, asking * on the email body to copy the key and delete it later. */ const email =; const origin = req.body.origin; const ssb_key = JSON.stringify(req.context.profile.key); const login_key = Buffer.from(ssb_key).toString("base64"); if (process.env.NODE_ENV == "production") { let html = await ejs.renderFile("views/shared/email_sign_in.ejs", { origin, ssb_key, login_key, }); sgMail.setApiKey(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY); const msg = { to: email, from: "Feedless ", subject: `Login button for ${}`, html, }; await sgMail.send(msg); res.redirect("/"); } else { res.render("shared/email_sign_in", { origin, ssb_key, login_key }); } }); router.get("/keys/copy", (req, res) => { res.render("shared/keys_copy", { key: JSON.stringify(req.context.profile.key), }); }); const humanifyKey = (key) => { return ` # WARNING: Never show this to anyone. # WARNING: Never edit it or use it on multiple devices at once. # # This is your SECRET, it gives you magical powers. With your secret you can # sign your messages so that your friends can verify that the messages came # from you. If anyone learns your secret, they can use it to impersonate you. # # If you use this secret on more than one device you will create a fork and # your friends will stop replicating your content. # ${JSON.stringify(key)} # # The only part of this file that's safe to share is your public name: # # ${} `; }; router.get("/keys/download", async (req, res) => { const secretFile = humanifyKey(req.context.profile.key); res.contentType("text/plain"); res.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=secret"); res.send(secretFile); }); router.get( "/profile/:id(*)", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/profile/:id" }, async (req, res) => { const id =; if (id == { return res.redirect("/"); } const [ profile, posts, friends, friendshipStatus, communities, ] = await Promise.all([ queries.getProfile(id), queries.getPosts({ id }), queries.getFriends({ id }), queries.getFriendshipStatus(, id), queries.getProfileCommunities(id), ]); res.render("desktop/profile", { profile, posts, friends, friendshipStatus, communities, }); } );"/profile/:id(*)/add_friend", async (req, res) => { const id =; if (id == { throw "cannot befriend yourself"; } await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "contact", contact: id, following: true, }, }); res.redirect(profileUrl(id)); });"/profile/:id(*)/reject_friend", async (req, res) => { const id =; if (id == { throw "cannot reject yourself"; } await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "contact", contact: id, following: false, }, }); res.redirect(profileUrl(id)); });"/publish", async (req, res) => { await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "post", text: req.body.message, root:, }, }); res.redirect("/"); });"/publish_secret", async (req, res) => { const recipients = req.body.recipients; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: true, content: { type: "post", text: req.body.message, recps: [].concat(recipients.split(",")), }, }); res.redirect("/"); }); // TODO: tie reading with deleting"/vanish", async (req, res) => { const keys = req.body.keys.split(","); for (const key of keys) { await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "delete", dest: key, }, }); } res.send("ok"); });"/profile/:id(*)/publish", async (req, res) => { const id =; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "post", text: req.body.message, root: id, }, }); res.redirect(profileUrl(id)); });"/profile/:id(*)/publish_secret", async (req, res) => { const id =; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: true, content: { type: "post", text: req.body.message, recps: [, id], }, }); res.redirect(profileUrl(id)); }); router.get("/pubs", async (_req, res) => { const peers = await ssb.client().gossip.peers(); res.render("desktop/pubs", { peers }); }); router.get("/pub_invite", { public: true }, async (_req, res) => { const invite = await ssb.client().invite.create({ uses: 1 }); res.json({ invite }); });"/pubs/add", async (req, res) => { const inviteCode = req.body.invite_code; await ssb.client().invite.accept(inviteCode); res.redirect("/"); }); router.get("/about", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/about" }, (_req, res) => { res.render("desktop/about"); });"/about", async (req, res) => { const { name, description } = req.body; const picture = req.files && req.files.pic; const pictureLink = picture && (await uploadPicture(ssb.client(), picture)); let update = { type: "about", about:, }; if (name && name != { = name; } if (description && description != req.context.profile.description) { update.description = description; } if (pictureLink) { update.image = pictureLink; } if ( || update.image || update.description) { await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: update, }); delete queries.profileCache[]; } res.redirect("/"); }); router.get( "/communities", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/communities" }, async (req, res) => { const [communities, participating] = await Promise.all([ queries.getCommunities(), queries.getProfileCommunities(, ]); res.render("desktop/communities/list", { communities, participating }); } ); router.get( "/communities/new", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/communities/new" }, async (_req, res) => { res.render("desktop/communities/new"); } );"/communities/new", async (req, res) => { const name =; if (!name.match(/^[a-z0-9-]+$/)) { res.send("Invalid community name"); return; } const title = req.body.title; const post =; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "post", title: title, text: post, channel: name, }, }); await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "channel", channel: name, subscribed: true, }, }); res.redirect(`/communities/${name}`); }); const communityData = (req) => { const name =; return Promise.all([ queries.getCommunityMembers(name), queries.isMember(, name), ]).then(([members, isMember]) => ({ name, members, isMember, })); }; router.get( "/communities/:name", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/communities/:name" }, async (req, res) => { const name =; const [community, posts] = await Promise.all([ communityData(req), queries.getCommunityPosts(name), ]); res.render("desktop/communities/community", { community, posts, layout: "desktop/communities/_layout", }); } ); router.get( "/communities/:name/new", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/communities/:name/new" }, async (req, res) => { const community = await communityData(req); res.render("desktop/communities/new_topic", { community, layout: "desktop/communities/_layout", }); } );"/communities/:name/new", async (req, res) => { const name =; const title = req.body.title; const post =; const topic = await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "post", title: title, text: post, channel: name, }, }); res.redirect(`/communities/${name}/${topic.key.replace("%", "")}`); });"/communities/:name/join", async (req, res) => { const name =; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "channel", channel: name, subscribed: true, }, }); res.redirect(`/communities/${name}`); });"/communities/:name/leave", async (req, res) => { const name =; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "channel", channel: name, subscribed: false, }, }); res.redirect(`/communities/${name}`); });"/communities/:name/:key(*)/publish", async (req, res) => { const name =; const key = req.params.key; const reply = req.body.reply; await ssb.client().identities.publishAs({ key: req.context.profile.key, private: false, content: { type: "post", text: reply, channel: name, root: "%" + key, }, }); res.redirect(`/communities/${name}/${key}`); }); router.get( "/communities/:name/:key(*)", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/communities/:name/:key" }, async (req, res) => { const name =; const key = "%" + req.params.key; const [community, posts] = await Promise.all([ communityData(req), queries.getPostWithReplies(name, key), ]); res.render("desktop/communities/topic", { posts, community, layout: "desktop/communities/_layout", }); } ); router.get("/search", { mobileVersion: "/mobile/search" }, async (req, res) => { const query = req.query.query; let results = { people: [], communities: [], }; if (query.length >= 3) { results = await; metrics.searchResultsPeople.observe(results.people.length); metrics.searchResultsCommunities.observe(results.communities.length); } res.render("desktop/search", { ...results, query }); }); router.get("/blob/*", { public: true }, (req, res) => { serveBlobs(ssb.client())(req, res); }); router.get("/syncing", (_req, res) => { res.json({ syncing: ssb.isSyncing() }); }); router.get("/debug", async (req, res) => { const query = req.query || {}; const entries = await queries.getAllEntries(query); res.render("desktop/debug", { entries, query }); }); router.get("/debug-error", (_req, res) => { const object = {}; object.isUndefinedAFunction(); res.send("should never reach here"); });"/frontend-error", (req, res) => { const message = req.body.message; const stacktrace = req.body.stacktrace; if (SENTRY_DSN && process.env.NODE_ENV == "production") { Sentry.captureEvent({ message, stacktrace, }); } res.send("ok"); }); router.get("/metrics", { public: true }, (_req, res) => { res.set("Content-Type", metrics.register.contentType); res.end(metrics.register.metrics()); }); if (SENTRY_DSN && process.env.NODE_ENV == "production") { // The error handler must be before any other error middleware and after all controllers app.use(Sentry.Handlers.errorHandler()); } app.use((error, req, res, _next) => { res.statusCode = 500; if (isPhone(req)) { res.render("mobile/error", { error, layout: "mobile/_layout" }); } else { res.render("desktop/error", { error }); } }); const expressServer = app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`) ); module.exports = expressServer;