const pull = require("pull-stream"); const cat = require("pull-cat"); const debugPosts = require("debug")("queries:posts"), debugMessages = require("debug")("queries:messages"), debugFriends = require("debug")("queries:friends"), debugFriendshipStatus = require("debug")("queries:friendship_status"), debugPeople = require("debug")("queries:people"), debugProfile = require("debug")("queries:profile"), debugCommunities = require("debug")("queries:communities"), debugCommunityMembers = require("debug")("queries:communityMembers"), debugCommunityPosts = require("debug")("queries:communityPosts"); const paramap = require("pull-paramap"); const { promisePull, mapValues } = require("./utils"); const latestOwnerValue = (ssbServer, { key, dest }) => { return promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { author: dest, content: { type: "about", about: dest }, }, }, }, ], }), pull.filter((msg) => { return ( msg.value.content && key in msg.value.content && !(msg.value.content[key] && msg.value.content[key].remove) ); }), pull.take(1) ).then(([entry]) => { if (entry) { return entry.value.content[key]; } return ssbServer.about.latestValue({ key, dest }); }); }; const mapProfiles = (ssbServer) => (data, callback) => getProfile(ssbServer, .then((author) => { data.value.authorProfile = author; callback(null, data); }) .catch((err) => callback(err, null)); const getPosts = async (ssbServer, profile) => { debugPosts("Fetching"); const posts = await promisePull( // @ts-ignore cat([{ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { private: { $not: true }, content: { root:, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 100, }),{ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { author:, private: { $not: true }, content: { type: "post", root: { $not: true }, channel: { $not: true }, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 100, }), ]), pull.filter((msg) => msg.value.content.type == "post"), paramap(mapProfiles(ssbServer)) ); debugPosts("Done"); return mapValues(posts); }; const getSecretMessages = async (ssbServer, profile) => { debugMessages("Fetching"); const messagesPromise = promisePull( // @ts-ignore cat([{ reverse: true, limit: 100, }), ]), pull.filter( (msg) => msg.value.content.type == "post" && msg.value.content.recps && msg.value.content.recps.includes( ) ); const deletedPromise = promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { author:, content: { type: "delete", }, }, }, }, ], }) ).then(Object.values); const [messages, deleted] = await Promise.all([ messagesPromise, deletedPromise, ]); const deletedIds = => x.value.content.dest); const messagesByAuthor = {}; for (const message of messages) { if ( == { for (const recp of message.value.content.recps) { if (recp == continue; if (!messagesByAuthor[recp]) { messagesByAuthor[recp] = { author: recp, messages: [], }; } } continue; } const author =; if (!messagesByAuthor[author]) { messagesByAuthor[author] = { author:, messages: [], }; } if (!deletedIds.includes(message.key)) messagesByAuthor[author].messages.push(message); } const profilesList = await Promise.all( Object.keys(messagesByAuthor).map((id) => getProfile(ssbServer, id)) ); const profilesHash = profilesList.reduce((hash, profile) => { hash[] = profile; return hash; }, {}); const chatList = Object.values(messagesByAuthor).map((m) => { m.authorProfile = profilesHash[]; return m; }); debugMessages("Done"); return chatList; }; const search = async (ssbServer, search) => { debugPeople("Fetching"); // const normalizedSearch = search .normalize("NFD") .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ""); const safelyEscapedSearch = normalizedSearch.replace( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&" ); const loosenSpacesSearch = safelyEscapedSearch.replace(" ", ".*"); const searchRegex = new RegExp(`.*${loosenSpacesSearch}.*`, "i"); const people = await promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { content: { type: "about", name: { $is: "string" }, }, }, }, }, ], }), pull.filter((msg) => { if (!msg.value.content) return; const normalizedName = .normalize("NFD") .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ""); return searchRegex.exec(normalizedName); }), paramap(mapProfiles(ssbServer)) ); const communitiesPosts = await promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { private: { $not: true }, content: { type: "post", channel: { $truthy: true }, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 3000, }) ); const communities = Array.from( new Set( => ).filter((name) => { const normalizedName = name .normalize("NFD") .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ""); return searchRegex.exec(normalizedName); }); debugPeople("Done"); return { people: Object.values(mapValues(people)), communities }; }; const getFriends = async (ssbServer, profile) => { debugFriends("Fetching"); let graph = await ssbServer.friends.getGraph(); let connections = {}; for (let key in graph) { let isFollowing = graph[] && graph[][key] > 0; let isFollowingBack = graph[key] && graph[key][] > 0; if (isFollowing && isFollowingBack) { connections[key] = "friends"; } else if (isFollowing && !isFollowingBack) { connections[key] = "requestsSent"; } else if (!isFollowing && isFollowingBack) { if (!graph[] || graph[][key] === undefined) connections[key] = "requestsReceived"; } } const profilesList = await Promise.all( Object.keys(connections).map((id) => getProfile(ssbServer, id)) ); const profilesHash = profilesList.reduce((hash, profile) => { hash[] = profile; return hash; }, {}); let result = { friends: [], requestsSent: [], requestsReceived: [], }; for (let key in connections) { result[connections[key]].push(profilesHash[key]); } debugFriends("Done"); return result; }; const getFriendshipStatus = async (ssbServer, source, dest) => { debugFriendshipStatus("Fetching"); let requestRejectionsPromise = promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { author: source, content: { type: "contact", following: false, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 100, }) ).then(mapValues); const [isFollowing, isFollowingBack, requestRejections] = await Promise.all([ ssbServer.friends.isFollowing({ source: source, dest: dest }), ssbServer.friends.isFollowing({ source: dest, dest: source }), requestRejectionsPromise.then((x) => =>, ]); let status = "no_relation"; if (isFollowing && isFollowingBack) { status = "friends"; } else if (isFollowing && !isFollowingBack) { status = "request_sent"; } else if (!isFollowing && isFollowingBack) { if (requestRejections.includes(dest)) { status = "request_rejected"; } else { status = "request_received"; } } debugFriendshipStatus("Done"); return status; }; const getAllEntries = (ssbServer, query) => { let queries = []; if ( { queries.push({ $filter: { value: { author: } } }); } if (query.type) { queries.push({ $filter: { value: { content: { type: query.type } } } }); } const queryOpts = queries.length > 0 ? { query: queries } : {}; return promisePull({ reverse: true, limit: 1000, ...queryOpts, }) ); }; let profileCache = {}; const getProfile = async (ssbServer, id) => { if (profileCache[id]) return profileCache[id]; let getKey = (key) => latestOwnerValue(ssbServer, { key, dest: id }); let [name, image, description] = await Promise.all([ getKey("name"), getKey("image"), getKey("description"), ]).catch((err) => { console.error("Could not retrieve profile for", id, err); }); let profile = { id, name, image, description }; profileCache[id] = profile; return profile; }; const progress = (ssbServer, callback) => { pull( ssbServer.replicate.changes(), pull.drain(callback, (err) => { console.error("Progress drain error", err); }) ); }; const autofollow = async (ssbServer, id) => { const isFollowing = await ssbServer.friends.isFollowing({ source:, dest: id, }); if (!isFollowing) { await ssbServer.publish({ type: "contact", contact: id, following: true, autofollow: true, }); } }; const getCommunities = async (ssbServer) => { debugCommunities("Fetching"); const communitiesPosts = await promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { private: { $not: true }, content: { type: "post", channel: { $truthy: true }, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 1000, }) ); const communities = Array.from( new Set( => ); debugCommunities("Done"); return communities; }; const getCommunityMembers = async (ssbServer, name) => { debugCommunityMembers("Fetching"); const communityMembers = await promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { content: { type: "channel", channel: name, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 100, }), paramap(mapProfiles(ssbServer)) ); debugCommunityMembers("Done"); return => x.value.authorProfile); }; const getCommunityPosts = async (ssbServer, name) => { debugCommunityPosts("Fetching"); const communityPosts = await promisePull({ reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { content: { type: "post", channel: name, }, }, }, }, ], limit: 1000, }), paramap(mapProfiles(ssbServer)) ); let communityPostsByKey = {}; let replies = []; let rootKey = (post) => { let replyKey = post.value.content.reply && Object.keys(post.value.content.reply)[0]; return replyKey || post.value.content.root; }; for (let post of communityPosts) { if (rootKey(post)) { replies.push(post); } else { post.value.replies = []; communityPostsByKey[post.key] = post; } } for (let reply of replies) { let root = communityPostsByKey[rootKey(reply)]; if (root) root.value.replies.push(reply); } debugCommunityPosts("Done"); return mapValues(Object.values(communityPostsByKey)); }; setInterval(() => { debugProfile("Clearing profile cache"); profileCache = {}; }, 5 * 60 * 1000); module.exports = { mapProfiles, getPosts, search, getFriends, getAllEntries, getProfile, getSecretMessages, profileCache, getFriendshipStatus, getCommunities, getCommunityMembers, getCommunityPosts, progress, autofollow, };