<%- include('_header', { main_class: "screen-center", body_class: "home-page" }) %>

Secret Messages

<%- include('secrets/_messages') %> <%- include('secrets/_compose_multiple') %>

<%= profile.name %>

<%- escapeMarkdown(profile.description || "").substr(0, 70) %>

Your Wall

<% if (posts.length > 0) { %> <%- include('../shared/_posts', { posts }) %> <% } else { %>
You have no posts yet, publish something!
<% } %>
<% if (friends.requestsReceived.length) { %>

Friend Requests

<%- include('_friends', { friends: friends.requestsReceived }) %>
<% } %>


<%- include('_friends', { friends: friends.friends }) %> <% if (friends.friends.length == 0) { %>

You don't have any friends yet 🙁

Use the search or look in communities to find some

<% } %> <% if (friends.requestsSent.length > 0) { %>

Requests Sent

<%- include('_friends', { friends: friends.requestsSent }) %> <% } %>


<% communities.map(community => { %> #<%= community %> <% }) %> <% if (communities.length == 0) { %>

You haven't joined any communities yet

<% } %>
<%- include('_footer') %>