
45 lines
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const prometheus = require("prom-client");
const collectDefaultMetrics = prometheus.collectDefaultMetrics;
const register = prometheus.register;
collectDefaultMetrics({ register });
const { Gauge, Summary, Counter } = prometheus;
module.exports = {
router: new Counter({
name: "social_router",
help: "Routes accessed by users",
labelNames: ["method", "path"],
ssbProgressRate: new Gauge({
name: "social_ssb_progress_rate",
help: "Tracks ssb syncing progress rate",
ssbProgressFeeds: new Gauge({
name: "social_ssb_progress_feeds",
help: "Tracks ssb syncing progress feeds",
ssbProgressIncompleteFeeds: new Gauge({
name: "social_ssb_progress_incomplete_feeds",
help: "Tracks ssb syncing progress incomplete feeds",
ssbProgressProgress: new Gauge({
name: "social_ssb_progress_progress",
help: "Tracks ssb syncing progress progress",
ssbProgressTotal: new Gauge({
name: "social_ssb_progress_total",
help: "Tracks ssb syncing progress total",
searchResultsPeople: new Summary({
name: "social_search_results_people",
help: "Amount of people results returned from search",
searchResultsCommunities: new Summary({
name: "social_search_results_communities",
help: "Amount of communities results returned from search",