remove debug mode #2

This commit is contained in:
poka 2020-09-21 02:11:23 +02:00
parent 275f98a972
commit 56525b7785
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ indexhtml="$WEBPATH/index.html"
echo -e "\n############# $day à $startTime #############\n"
[[ -z $(which jq) || -z $(which bc) ]] && apt update && apt install jq bc
echo "Initialisation ..."
TXBLOCKS=$(cat $SCRIPTPATH/db/txblocs) #kopa
#TXBLOCKS=$(cat $SCRIPTPATH/db/txblocs) #kopa
TXBLOCKS=$(curl -s ${DUNITER}/blockchain/with/tx | jq '.result.blocks[]')
#TXBLOCKS=($(echo "$TXBLOCKS" | sort -hu | awk '{printf $1" "}'))
TXBLOCKS=($(echo "$TXBLOCKS" | sort -hu | awk '{printf $1" "}'))
unset 'TXBLOCKS[${#TXBLOCKS[@]}-1]'
membresPubkeys=$(curl -s ${DUNITER}/wot/members | jq -r '.results[].pubkey')
#membresPubkeys=$(cat db/membresPubkeys) #kopa