improve balance results; workaround batch (wip)

This commit is contained in:
poka 2022-08-11 19:19:50 +02:00
parent cd91ea838b
commit 99c559d38c
4 changed files with 77 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -385,19 +385,20 @@ class GenerateWalletsProvider with ChangeNotifier {
for (var derivationNbr in [for (var i = 0; i < numberScan; i += 1) i]) {
final addressData = await sub.sdk.api.keyring.addressFromMnemonic(sub.ss58,
final addressData = await sub.sdk.api.keyring.addressFromMnemonic(
cryptoType: CryptoType.sr25519,
mnemonic: generatedMnemonic!,
derivePath: '//$derivationNbr');
final balance = await sub.getBalance(addressData.address!).timeout(
const Duration(seconds: 1),
onTimeout: () => 0,
onTimeout: () => {},
// const balance = 0;
if (balance != 0) {
if (balance != {}) {
isAlive = true;
String walletName = scanedWalletNumber == 0
? 'currentWallet'.tr()
@ -431,11 +432,11 @@ class GenerateWalletsProvider with ChangeNotifier {
final balance = await sub.getBalance(addressData.address!).timeout(
const Duration(seconds: 1),
onTimeout: () => 0,
onTimeout: () => {},
if (balance != 0) {
if (balance != {}) {
String walletName = 'myRootWallet'.tr();
await sub.importAccount(
mnemonic: '', fromMnemonic: true, password: pin.text);

View File

@ -78,9 +78,8 @@ class SubstrateSdk with ChangeNotifier {
List txOptions = calls;
return [txInfo, txOptions];
return [txInfo, calls];
TxSenderData _setSender() {
@ -99,7 +98,9 @@ class SubstrateSdk with ChangeNotifier {
for (var element in keyring.allAccounts) {
final account = AddressInfo(address: element.address);
account.balance = await getBalance(element.address!);
final globalBalance = await getBalance(element.address!);
account.balance = globalBalance['transferableBalance']!;
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ class SubstrateSdk with ChangeNotifier {
// return balance;
// }
Future<double> getBalance(String address) async {
Future<Map<String, double>> getBalance(String address) async {
// Get onchain storage values
final Map balanceGlobal = await getStorage('system.account("$address")');
final int? idtyIndex =
@ -178,22 +179,26 @@ class SubstrateSdk with ChangeNotifier {
await getStorage('universalDividend.pastReevals()');
// Compute amount of claimable UDs
final int newUdsAmount = _computeClaimUds(currentUdIndex,
final int unclaimedUds = _computeUnclaimUds(currentUdIndex,
idtyData?['data']?['firstEligibleUd'] ?? 0, pastReevals);
// Calculate transferable and potential balance
final int transferableBalance =
(balanceGlobal['data']['free'] + newUdsAmount);
final int potentialBalance =
(balanceGlobal['data']['reserved'] + transferableBalance);
(balanceGlobal['data']['free'] + unclaimedUds);
'transferableBalance: $transferableBalance --- potentialBalance: $potentialBalance');
Map<String, double> finalBalances = {
'transferableBalance': transferableBalance / 100,
'free': balanceGlobal['data']['free'] / 100,
'unclaimedUds': unclaimedUds / 100,
'reserved': balanceGlobal['data']['reserved'] / 100,
return transferableBalance / 100;
// log.i(finalBalances);
return finalBalances;
int _computeClaimUds(
int _computeUnclaimUds(
int currentUdIndex, int firstEligibleUd, List pastReevals) {
int totalAmount = 0;
@ -618,9 +623,50 @@ class SubstrateSdk with ChangeNotifier {
final txInfo = TxInfoData(
'balances', amount == -1 ? 'transferAll' : 'transferKeepAlive', sender);
final txOptions = [destAddress, amount == -1 ? false : amountUnit];
final globalBalance = await getBalance(fromAddress);
TxInfoData txInfo;
List txOptions;
// if (globalBalance['unclaimedUds'] != 0) {
// claimUDs(password);
// }
// txInfo = TxInfoData(
// 'balances', amount == -1 ? 'transferAll' : 'transferKeepAlive', sender);
// txOptions = [destAddress, amount == -1 ? false : amountUnit];
if (globalBalance['unclaimedUds'] == 0) {
txInfo = TxInfoData('balances',
amount == -1 ? 'transferAll' : 'transferKeepAlive', sender);
txOptions = [destAddress, amount == -1 ? false : amountUnit];
} else {
txInfo = TxInfoData(
txOptions = [
// 'balances.transferKeepAlive($destAddress, $amountUnit)'
// amount == -1
// ? 'balances.transferAll(false)'
// : 'balances.transferKeepAlive([$destAddress, $amountUnit])'
log.d('yooooo: ${txInfo.module}, ${}, $txOptions');
// Map tata = await sdk.webView!
// .evalJavascript('api.tx.universalDividend.claimUds()',
// wrapPromise: false)
// .timeout(
// const Duration(seconds: 12),
// onTimeout: () => {},
// );
// return tata.toString();
return await executeCall(txInfo, txOptions, password);

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class WalletOptionsProvider with ChangeNotifier {
if (answer ?? false) {
//Check if balance is null
final balance = await sub.getBalance(wallet.address!);
if (balance != 0) {
if (balance != {}) {
MyWalletsProvider myWalletProvider =
Provider.of<MyWalletsProvider>(context, listen: false);
final defaultWallet = myWalletProvider.getDefaultWallet();
@ -531,9 +531,10 @@ Widget balance(BuildContext context, String address, double size,
Consumer<SubstrateSdk>(builder: (context, sdk, _) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: sdk.getBalance(address),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<double> balance) {
if (balance.connectionState != ConnectionState.done ||
balance.hasError) {
builder: (BuildContext context,
AsyncSnapshot<Map<String, double>> globalBalance) {
if (globalBalance.connectionState != ConnectionState.done ||
globalBalance.hasError) {
if (balanceCache[address] != null &&
balanceCache[address] != -1) {
return Text(
@ -551,7 +552,7 @@ Widget balance(BuildContext context, String address, double size,
balanceCache[address] =!;
balanceCache[address] =!['transferableBalance']!;
if (balanceCache[address] != -1) {
return Text(
"${balanceCache[address]!.toString()} $currencyName",

View File

@ -518,10 +518,10 @@ class WalletViewScreen extends StatelessWidget {
builder: (BuildContext context,
AsyncSnapshot<double> balance) {
if (balance.connectionState !=
AsyncSnapshot<Map<String, double>> globalBalance) {
if (globalBalance.connectionState !=
ConnectionState.done ||
balance.hasError) {
globalBalance.hasError) {
if (balanceCache[
defaultWallet.address!] !=
null) {
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ class WalletViewScreen extends StatelessWidget {
balanceCache[defaultWallet.address!] =!;!['transferableBalance']!;
return Text(
"${balanceCache[defaultWallet.address!]} $currencyName",
style: const TextStyle(