import 'dart:io'; import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart'; part 'wallet_data.g.dart'; @HiveType(typeId: 0) class WalletData extends HiveObject { @HiveField(0) int? version; @HiveField(1) int? chest; @HiveField(2) String? address; @HiveField(3) int? number; @HiveField(4) String? name; @HiveField(5) int? derivation; @HiveField(6) String? imageName; @HiveField(7) File? imageFile; WalletData( {this.version, this.chest, this.address, this.number,, this.derivation, this.imageName, this.imageFile}); // representation of WalletData when debugging @override String toString() { return name!; } // creates the ':'-separated string from the WalletData String inLine() { return "$chest:$number:$name:$derivation:$imageName"; } // returns only the id part of the ':'-separated string List id() { return [chest, number]; } } class NewWallet { final String address; final String password; NewWallet._(this.address, this.password); }