import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:gecko/globals.dart'; import 'package:gecko/models/widgets_keys.dart'; import 'tests_utility.dart'; // GENERAL ACTIONS Future changeNode(WidgetTester tester) async { final ipAddress = dotenv.env['ip_address'] ?? ''; log.d('ip address: $ipAddress'); await goKey(tester, keyDrawerMenu); await goKey(tester, keyParameters); await goKey(tester, keySelectDuniterNodeDropDown, duration: 5); await goKey(tester, keySelectDuniterNode('Personnalisé'), selectLast: true); await enterText(tester, keyCustomDuniterEndpoint, 'ws://$ipAddress:9944'); await goKey(tester, keyConnectToEndpoint); await isIconPresent(tester, Icons.add_card_sharp, timeout: const Duration(seconds: 8)); await goBack(tester); } Future deleteAllWallets(WidgetTester tester) async { if (await isPresent(tester, 'Rechercher')) { await goKey(tester, keyDrawerMenu); await goKey(tester, keyParameters); await goKey(tester, keyDeleteAllWallets); await goKey(tester, keyConfirm); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); } } Future restoreChest(WidgetTester tester) async { // Copy test mnemonic in clipboard Clipboard.setData(const ClipboardData(text: testMnemonic)); // Open screen import chest await goKey(tester, keyRestoreChest); // Wait frame stop before continue await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Tap on button to paste mnemonic await goKey(tester, keyPastMnemonic); // Tap on next button 4 times to skip 3 screen await goKey(tester, keyGoNext); await goKey(tester, keyGoNext); await goKey(tester, keyGoNext); await goKey(tester, keyGoNext); // Check if cached password checkbox is checked final isCached = await isIconPresent(tester, Icons.check_box); // If not, tap on to cache password if (!isCached) await goKey(tester, keyCachePassword, duration: 0); // Enter password await enterText(tester, keyPinForm, 'AAAAA', 0); // Check if string "Accéder à mon coffre" is present in screen await waitFor(tester, 'Accéder à mon coffre'); // Go to wallets home await goKey(tester, keyGoWalletsHome, duration: 0); // Check if string "ĞD" is present in screen await waitFor(tester, 'ĞD'); // Tap on add a new derivation button await addDerivation(tester); // Tap on Wallet 5 await goKey(tester, keyOpenWallet(test5.address)); // Copy address of Wallet 5 await goKey(tester, keyCopyAddress); // Check if string "Cette adresse a été copié" is present in screen await waitFor(tester, 'Cette adresse a été copié'); // Pop screen 2 time to go back home screen await goBack(tester); await goBack(tester); // Check if string "y'a pas de lézard" is present in screen await waitFor(tester, "y'a pas de lézard"); } Future addDerivation(WidgetTester tester) async { await goKey(tester, keyAddDerivation); await waitFor(tester, 'Portefeuille 5'); }