// Copyright (C) 2020 Éloïs SANCHEZ. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . use crate::*; #[derive(Debug)] struct OpaqueAccount { address_index: u32, chain_code: ChainCode, public_key: PublicKey, } static CHAINING_EXTERNAL_PUBKEYS: Lazy>>> = Lazy::new(|| Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()))); pub(crate) fn get_accounts_pubkeys( currency: Currency, dewif: &str, secret_code: &str, accounts_indexs: Vec, ) -> Result, DubpError> { if accounts_indexs.contains(&U31::new(0)?) { verify_member_secret_code(currency, dewif, secret_code)?; } let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => { let master_keypair = KeyPair::from_mnemonic(&mnemonic); Ok(accounts_indexs .into_iter() .map(|account_index| { PrivateDerivationPath::transparent(account_index) .map(|path| master_keypair.derive(path).public_key().to_base58()) }) .collect::, InvalidAccountIndex>>()?) } _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } pub(crate) fn get_bip32_keypair( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, currency: Currency, dewif: &str, external_opt: Option, secret_code: &str, ) -> Result { let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; if account_index == 0 { verify_member_secret_code(currency, dewif, secret_code)?; } match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => { let master_keypair = KeyPair::from_mnemonic(&mnemonic); Ok(KeyPairEnum::Bip32Ed25519(master_keypair.derive( z_get_derivation_path(account_index, address_index_opt, external_opt)?, ))) } _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } pub(crate) fn get_bip32_pubkey( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, currency: Currency, dewif: &str, external_opt: Option, secret_code: &str, ) -> Result { let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; if account_index == 0 { verify_member_secret_code(currency, dewif, secret_code)?; } match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => { let master_keypair = KeyPair::from_mnemonic(&mnemonic); Ok(master_keypair .derive(z_get_derivation_path( account_index, address_index_opt, external_opt, )?) .public_key() .to_base58()) } _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } pub(crate) fn get_opaque_account_next_external_address( account_index: U31, ) -> Result { let mut guard = CHAINING_EXTERNAL_PUBKEYS.lock(); if let Some(opaque_account) = guard.get_mut(&account_index.into_u32()) { let next_address = PublicKeyWithChainCode { chain_code: opaque_account.chain_code, public_key: opaque_account.public_key, } .derive(U31::new(opaque_account.address_index).expect("unreachable")) .expect("unreachable") .public_key; opaque_account.address_index += 1; Ok(next_address.to_base58()) } else { Err(DubpError::OpaqueAccountNotLoaded) } } pub(crate) fn get_mnemonic( currency: Currency, dewif: &str, secret_code: &str, ) -> Result { let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => Ok(mnemonic.phrase().to_owned()), _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } pub(crate) fn load_opaque_bip32_accounts( accounts_indexs: Vec, currency: Currency, dewif: &str, secret_code: &str, ) -> Result<(), DubpError> { let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => { let master_keypair = KeyPair::from_mnemonic(&mnemonic); for account_index in accounts_indexs { let external_path = PrivateDerivationPath::opaque(account_index, true, None)?; let external_kp = master_keypair.derive(external_path); let opaque_account = OpaqueAccount { address_index: 0, public_key: external_kp.public_key(), chain_code: external_kp.chain_code(), }; let mut guard = CHAINING_EXTERNAL_PUBKEYS.lock(); guard.insert(account_index.into_u32(), opaque_account); } Ok(()) } _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } pub(crate) fn sign_bip32( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, currency: Currency, dewif: &str, external_opt: Option, secret_code: &str, msg: &str, ) -> Result { let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; if account_index == 0 { verify_member_secret_code(currency, dewif, secret_code)?; } match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => { let master_keypair = KeyPair::from_mnemonic(&mnemonic); sign_bip32_inner( account_index, address_index_opt, external_opt, master_keypair, msg, ) } _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } pub(crate) fn sign_several_bip32( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, currency: Currency, dewif: &str, external_opt: Option, secret_code: &str, msgs: &[&str], ) -> Result, DubpError> { let DewifContent { payload, .. } = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_content( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, &secret_code.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; if account_index == 0 { verify_member_secret_code(currency, dewif, secret_code)?; } match payload { DewifPayload::Bip32Ed25519(mnemonic) => { let master_keypair = KeyPair::from_mnemonic(&mnemonic); sign_several_bip32_inner( account_index, address_index_opt, external_opt, master_keypair, msgs, ) } _ => Err(DubpError::NotHdWallet), } } fn sign_bip32_inner( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, external_opt: Option, master_keypair: KeyPair, msg: &str, ) -> Result { Ok(master_keypair .derive(z_get_derivation_path( account_index, address_index_opt, external_opt, )?) .generate_signator() .sign(msg.as_bytes()) .to_base64()) } fn sign_several_bip32_inner( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, external_opt: Option, master_keypair: KeyPair, msgs: &[&str], ) -> Result, DubpError> { let signator = master_keypair .derive(z_get_derivation_path( account_index, address_index_opt, external_opt, )?) .generate_signator(); Ok(msgs .iter() .map(|msg| signator.sign(msg.as_bytes()).to_base64()) .collect()) } fn verify_member_secret_code( currency: Currency, dewif: &str, secret_code: &str, ) -> Result<(), DubpError> { if crate::secret_code::is_ascii_letters(secret_code) { let log_n = dubp_client::crypto::dewif::read_dewif_log_n( ExpectedCurrency::Specific(currency), dewif, ) .map_err(DubpError::DewifReadError)?; let expected_secret_code_len = crate::secret_code::compute_secret_code_len(true, SecretCodeType::Letters, log_n)?; if secret_code.len() < expected_secret_code_len { Err(DubpError::SecretCodeTooShort) } else { Ok(()) } } else { Err(DubpError::InvalidSecretCodeType) } } fn z_get_derivation_path( account_index: u32, address_index_opt: Option, external_opt: Option, ) -> Result { let account_index_u31 = U31::new(account_index)?; match account_index % 3 { 0 => Ok(PrivateDerivationPath::transparent(account_index_u31)?), 1 => { if let Some(external) = external_opt { if external { if address_index_opt.is_none() { Ok(PrivateDerivationPath::semi_opaque_external( account_index_u31, )?) } else { Err(DubpError::InvalidAccountIndex(InvalidAccountIndex)) } } else if address_index_opt.is_some() { Ok(PrivateDerivationPath::semi_opaque_internal( account_index_u31, address_index_opt, )?) } else { Err(DubpError::TryToSignWithInternalChainingAddress) } } else { Err(DubpError::MissingExternalBool) } } 2 => { if address_index_opt.is_some() { if let Some(external) = external_opt { Ok(PrivateDerivationPath::opaque( account_index_u31, external, address_index_opt, )?) } else { Err(DubpError::MissingExternalBool) } } else { Err(DubpError::TryToSignWithChainingAddress) } } _ => unreachable!(), } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use assert_matches::assert_matches; const MNEMONIC: &str = "tongue cute mail fossil great frozen same social weasel impact brush kind"; #[test] fn test_get_accounts_pubkeys() -> Result<(), DubpError> { let vec = crate::dewif::gen_dewif( "g1", Language::English, MNEMONIC, false, SecretCodeType::Letters, 1_000, )?; let dewif = &vec[0]; let secret_code = &vec[1]; //println!("TMP: secret_code={}", secret_code); assert_matches!( get_accounts_pubkeys( Currency::from(G1_CURRENCY), dewif, secret_code, vec![U31::new(0).expect("unreachable")], ), Err(DubpError::SecretCodeTooShort) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_sign_bip32() { assert_matches!( z_get_derivation_path(1, None, None), Err(DubpError::MissingExternalBool) ); assert_matches!( z_get_derivation_path(2, None, None), Err(DubpError::TryToSignWithChainingAddress) ); assert_matches!(z_get_derivation_path(3, None, None), Ok(_)); assert_matches!( z_get_derivation_path(1, None, Some(false)), Err(DubpError::TryToSignWithInternalChainingAddress) ); assert_matches!( z_get_derivation_path(2, None, Some(true)), Err(DubpError::TryToSignWithChainingAddress) ); assert_matches!( z_get_derivation_path(1, Some(U31::new(5).expect("unreachable")), Some(true),), Err(DubpError::InvalidAccountIndex(_)) ); } }