# Ğecko Ğecko is mobile client for Duniter v2s blockchain (Ḡ1v2): https://duniter.org/blog/duniter-substrate
It use polkawallet_sdk package to interact with Duniter: https://github.com/polkawallet-io/sdk This application is maintained by [Axiom-Team association](https://axiom-team.fr/). You can download the last version of the app [here](https://forum.duniter.org/t/gecko-gdev-last-build/9367/last).
You can ask questions about Ḡecko developpement in our [Duniter forum](https://forum.duniter.org/t/gecko-talks-user-support/9372/last).
![Demo Gif](https://git.duniter.org/clients/gecko/-/raw/master/images/demo-0.0.9+2.gif)

## Develop To contribute to the code, we advise you to install the following development environment: 1. [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio/install) 2. [Flutter](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install) 3. [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/linux) or [VSCodium](https://vscodium.com/) This will take about 12GB on your drive and 20 min of your time (with a good connection). Don't hesitate to ask on the forum for a peer-coding session if you are stuck. At the end, `flutter doctor` command should be OK for what you need. ### Android Studio Android Studio will let you set up an Android VM and install tools you need. - Install [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio/) using your favorite installation method. - At startup, do not open a project but click "configure" at the bottom of the "Welcome" menu - In "SDK Manager" - SDK Platforms tab - select Android 11 (R) API level 30 (default) or higher - In "AVD Manager" - create a virtual machine If you reach this point without trouble, you're good to go for the next step. ### iOS (Xcode on Mac) TODO: documentation ### Flutter SDK Flutter is a powerfull SDK to develop Android apps. [Install it](https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/linux) with your favorite installation method. ### VSCode We are using VSCode and therefore document the process for this IDE. Of course you're free to use whatever you want. Clone the ğecko repo and open a dart file (e.g. `lib/main.dart`). VSCode will suggest you to insall relevant extensions. ### Launch the app in debug mode Start a VM, then open a dart file (e.g. `lib/main.dart`), type the `F5` key to build the code. The app should open automatically in your VM which is running. ### Build APK You will need to generate PlayStore key or disable signing APK before continue. Then, check this script and launch it: ``` ./scripts/build-apk.sh ``` ### Integration tests Open an android or iOS emulator, then launch this script: ``` ./integration_test/launch_test.sh ``` It will start the [default test scenario](https://git.duniter.org/clients/gecko/-/blob/master/integration_test/scenarios/gecko_complete.dart). You can start another scenario defined [here](https://git.duniter.org/clients/gecko/-/tree/master/integration_test/scenarios) specifying the name of the file without its extension, for example to run migrate_cesium_identity.dart test: ``` ./integration_test/launch_test.sh migrate_cesium_identity ``` ### A problem ? Please open an issue here: https://git.duniter.org/clients/gecko/-/boards