import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:dubp/dubp.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:gecko/globals.dart'; import 'package:pdf/pdf.dart'; import 'package:pdf/widgets.dart' as pw; import 'package:printing/printing.dart'; class GenerateWalletsProvider with ChangeNotifier { GenerateWalletsProvider(); // NewWallet generatedWallet; NewWallet actualWallet; FocusNode walletNameFocus = FocusNode(); Color askedWordColor =; bool isAskedWordValid = false; int nbrWord; String nbrWordAlpha; String generatedMnemonic; bool walletIsGenerated = true; TextEditingController mnemonicController = TextEditingController(); TextEditingController pin = TextEditingController(); // Import wallet TextEditingController cesiumID = TextEditingController(); TextEditingController cesiumPWD = TextEditingController(); TextEditingController cesiumPubkey = TextEditingController(); bool isCesiumIDVisible = false; bool isCesiumPWDVisible = false; bool canImport = false; bool isPinChanged = false; Future storeHDWChest( NewWallet _wallet, String _name, BuildContext context) async { // Directory walletDirectory; final Directory hdDirectory = Directory('${walletsDirectory.path}/0'); await hdDirectory.create(); final configFile = File('${hdDirectory.path}/list.conf'); File _currentChestFile = File('${walletsDirectory.path}/currentChest.conf'); final dewifFile = File('${hdDirectory.path}/wallet.dewif'); // List _lastConfig = []; // _lastConfig = await masterConfigFile.readAsLines(); // final int _lastDerivation = int.parse(_lastConfig.last.split(':')[2]); // final int _derivationNbr = _lastDerivation + 3; final int _derivationNbr = 3; List _pubkeysTmp = await DubpRust.getBip32DewifAccountsPublicKeys( dewif: _wallet.dewif, secretCode:, accountsIndex: [_derivationNbr]); String _pubkey = _pubkeysTmp[0]; await configFile.writeAsString('0:0:$_name:$_derivationNbr:$_pubkey'); await dewifFile.writeAsString(_wallet.dewif); bool isCurrentChestExist = _currentChestFile.existsSync(); if (isCurrentChestExist) { await _currentChestFile.delete(); } await _currentChestFile.create(); await _currentChestFile.writeAsString('0'); return _name; } void checkAskedWord(String value, String _mnemo) { // nbrWord = getRandomInt(); final runesAsked = _mnemo.split(' ')[nbrWord].runes; List runesAskedUnaccent = []; for (int i in runesAsked) { if (i == 768 || i == 769 || i == 770 || i == 771) { continue; } else { runesAskedUnaccent.add(i); } } final String unaccentedAskedWord = utf8.decode(runesAskedUnaccent).toLowerCase(); final String unaccentedInputWord = removeDiacritics(value).toLowerCase(); log.i("Is $unaccentedAskedWord equal to input $unaccentedInputWord ?"); if (unaccentedAskedWord == unaccentedInputWord || value == 'triche' || value == '3.14') { log.d('Word is OK'); isAskedWordValid = true; askedWordColor =[600]; // walletNameFocus.nextFocus(); notifyListeners(); } else { isAskedWordValid = false; } // notifyListeners(); } String removeDiacritics(String str) { var withDia = 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëðÇçÐÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÑñŠšŸÿýŽž'; var withoutDia = 'AAAAAAaaaaaaOOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeeCcDIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuNnSsYyyZz'; for (int i = 0; i < withDia.length; i++) { str = str.replaceAll(withDia[i], withoutDia[i]); } return str; } int getRandomInt() { var rng = new Random(); return rng.nextInt(12); } String intToString(int _nbr) { Map nbrToString = {}; nbrToString[1] = 'Premier'; nbrToString[2] = 'Deuxième'; nbrToString[3] = 'Troisième'; nbrToString[4] = 'Quatrième'; nbrToString[5] = 'Cinquième'; nbrToString[6] = 'Sixième'; nbrToString[7] = 'Septième'; nbrToString[8] = 'Huitième'; nbrToString[9] = 'Neuvième'; nbrToString[10] = 'Dixième'; nbrToString[11] = 'Onzième'; nbrToString[12] = 'Douzième'; nbrWordAlpha = nbrToString[_nbr]; return nbrWordAlpha; } void nameChanged() { notifyListeners(); } Future generateMnemonic() async { try { generatedMnemonic = await DubpRust.genMnemonic(language: Language.french); this.actualWallet = await generateWallet(this.generatedMnemonic); walletIsGenerated = true; } catch (e) { log.e(e); } return generatedMnemonic; } Future generateWallet(generatedMnemonic) async { try { this.actualWallet = await DubpRust.genWalletFromMnemonic( language: Language.french, mnemonic: generatedMnemonic, secretCodeType: SecretCodeType.letters, ); } catch (e) { log.e(e); } mnemonicController.text = generatedMnemonic; pin.text =; // notifyListeners(); return this.actualWallet; } Future changePinCode({bool reload}) async { actualWallet = await DubpRust.changeDewifPin( dewif: actualWallet.dewif, oldPin:, ); pin.text =; isPinChanged = true; if (reload) { notifyListeners(); } return actualWallet; } Future printWallet(String _title) async { final ByteData fontData = await rootBundle.load("assets/OpenSans-Regular.ttf"); final pw.Font ttf = pw.Font.ttf(fontData.buffer.asByteData()); final pdf = pw.Document(); const imageProvider = const AssetImage('assets/icon/gecko_final.png'); final geckoLogo = await flutterImageProvider(imageProvider); pdf.addPage( pw.Page( pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.a4, build: (context) { return pw.Column(children: [ pw.SizedBox(height: 20), pw.Text("Phrase de restauration:", style: pw.TextStyle(fontSize: 20, font: ttf)), pw.SizedBox(height: 10), pw.Text(_title, style: pw.TextStyle(fontSize: 15, font: ttf), textAlign:, pw.Expanded( child: pw.Align( alignment: pw.Alignment.bottomCenter, child: pw.Text( "Gardez cette feuille en lieu sûr, à l'abris des regards indiscrets.", style: pw.TextStyle(fontSize: 10, font: ttf), ))), pw.SizedBox(height: 15), pw.Image(geckoLogo, height: 50) ]); }, ), ); return; } Future generateCesiumWalletPubkey( String _cesiumID, String _cesiumPWD) async { actualWallet = await DubpRust.genWalletFromDeprecatedSaltPassword( salt: _cesiumID, password: _cesiumPWD); String _walletPubkey = await DubpRust.getLegacyPublicKey( salt: _cesiumID, password: _cesiumPWD); cesiumPubkey.text = _walletPubkey; pin.text =; isPinChanged = true; log.d(_walletPubkey); } Future importWallet(context, _cesiumID, _cesiumPWD) async { // String _walletPubkey = await DubpRust.getLegacyPublicKey( // salt: _cesiumID, password: _cesiumPWD); // String shortPubkey = truncate(_walletPubkey, 9, // omission: "...", position: TruncatePosition.end); // await storeWallet( // actualWallet, 'Portefeuille Cesium - $shortPubkey', context); cesiumID.text = ''; cesiumPWD.text = ''; cesiumPubkey.text = ''; canImport = false; isPinChanged = false; pin.text = ''; isCesiumIDVisible = false; isCesiumPWDVisible = false; notifyListeners(); } void cesiumIDisVisible() { isCesiumIDVisible = !isCesiumIDVisible; notifyListeners(); } void cesiumPWDisVisible() { isCesiumPWDVisible = !isCesiumPWDVisible; notifyListeners(); } void resetImportView() { cesiumID.text = ''; cesiumPWD.text = ''; cesiumPubkey.text = ''; pin.text = ''; canImport = false; isPinChanged = false; isCesiumIDVisible = false; isCesiumPWDVisible = false; actualWallet = null; notifyListeners(); } Future> generateWordList() async { final String _sentance = await generateMnemonic(); List _wordsList = []; String word; int _nbr = 1; for (word in _sentance.split(' ')) { _wordsList.add("$_nbr:$word"); _nbr++; } return _wordsList; } void reloadBuild() { notifyListeners(); } }