import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:gecko/globals.dart'; import 'package:gecko/models/queries_indexer.dart'; import 'package:gecko/providers/substrate_sdk.dart'; import 'package:graphql_flutter/graphql_flutter.dart'; class DuniterIndexer with ChangeNotifier { Map walletNameIndexer = {}; String? fetchMoreCursor; Map? pageInfo; List? transBC; List listIndexerEndpoints = []; bool isLoadingIndexer = false; Map idtyStatusCache = {}; void reload() { notifyListeners(); } Future checkIndexerEndpoint(String endpoint) async { isLoadingIndexer = true; notifyListeners(); final client = HttpClient(); client.connectionTimeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 4000); try { final request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse('$endpoint/v1/graphql')); final response = await request.close(); if (response.statusCode != 200) { log.d('INDEXER IS OFFLINE'); indexerEndpoint = ''; isLoadingIndexer = false; notifyListeners(); return false; } else { indexerEndpoint = endpoint; await configBox.put('indexerEndpoint', endpoint); // await configBox.put('customEndpoint', endpoint); isLoadingIndexer = false; notifyListeners(); final cache = HiveStore(); cache.reset(); return true; } } catch (e) { log.d('INDEXER IS OFFLINE'); indexerEndpoint = ''; isLoadingIndexer = false; notifyListeners(); return false; } } // Future checkIndexerEndpointBackground() async { // final oldEndpoint = indexerEndpoint; // while (true) { // await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 30)); // final isValid = await checkIndexerEndpoint(oldEndpoint); // if (!isValid) { // log.d('INDEXER IS OFFILINE'); // indexerEndpoint = ''; // } else { // // log.d('Indexer is online'); // indexerEndpoint = oldEndpoint; // } // } // } Future getValidIndexerEndpoint() async { // await configBox.delete('indexerEndpoint'); listIndexerEndpoints = await rootBundle .loadString('config/indexer_endpoints.json') .then((jsonStr) => jsonDecode(jsonStr)); // _listEndpoints.shuffle(); log.d(listIndexerEndpoints); listIndexerEndpoints.add('Personnalisé'); if (configBox.containsKey('customIndexer')) { return configBox.get('customIndexer'); } if (configBox.containsKey('indexerEndpoint')) { if (await checkIndexerEndpoint(configBox.get('indexerEndpoint'))) { return configBox.get('indexerEndpoint'); } } int i = 0; // String _endpoint = ''; int statusCode = 0; final client = HttpClient(); client.connectionTimeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 3000); do { int listLenght = listIndexerEndpoints.length - 1; if (i >= listLenght) { log.e('NO VALID INDEXER ENDPOINT FOUND'); indexerEndpoint = ''; break; } log.d('${i + 1}n indexer endpoint try: ${listIndexerEndpoints[i]}'); if (i != 0) { await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); } try { String endpointPath = '${listIndexerEndpoints[i]}/v1/graphql'; final request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(endpointPath)); final response = await request.close(); indexerEndpoint = listIndexerEndpoints[i]; await configBox.put('indexerEndpoint', listIndexerEndpoints[i]); statusCode = response.statusCode; i++; } on TimeoutException catch (_) { log.e('This endpoint is timeout, next'); statusCode = 50; i++; continue; } on SocketException catch (_) { log.e('This endpoint is a bad endpoint, next'); statusCode = 70; i++; continue; } on Exception { log.e('Unknown error'); statusCode = 60; i++; continue; } } while (statusCode != 200); log.i('INDEXER: $indexerEndpoint'); return indexerEndpoint; } List parseHistory(blockchainTX, pubkey) { List transBC = []; int i = 0; for (final trans in blockchainTX) { final transaction = trans['node']; final direction = transaction['issuer_pubkey'] != pubkey ? 'RECEIVED' : 'SENT'; transBC.add(i); transBC[i] = []; transBC[i].add(DateTime.parse(transaction['created_at'])); final amountBrut = transaction['amount']; final amount = removeDecimalZero(amountBrut / 100); if (direction == "RECEIVED") { transBC[i].add(transaction['issuer_pubkey']); transBC[i].add(transaction['issuer']['identity']?['name'] ?? ''); } else if (direction == "SENT") { transBC[i].add(transaction['receiver_pubkey']); transBC[i].add(transaction['receiver']['identity']?['name'] ?? ''); } transBC[i].add(amount); transBC[i].add(direction); i++; } return transBC; } FetchMoreOptions? mergeQueryResult(result, opts, pubkey, nRepositories) { final List? blockchainTX = (['transaction_connection']['edges'] as List?); pageInfo =['transaction_connection']['pageInfo']; fetchMoreCursor = pageInfo!['endCursor']; final hasNextPage = pageInfo!['hasNextPage']; final hasPreviousPage = pageInfo!['hasPreviousPage']; log.d('endCursor: $fetchMoreCursor $hasNextPage $hasPreviousPage'); if (fetchMoreCursor != null) { opts = FetchMoreOptions( variables: {'cursor': fetchMoreCursor, 'number': nRepositories}, updateQuery: (previousResultData, fetchMoreResultData) { final List repos = [ ...previousResultData!['transaction_connection']['edges'] as List, ...fetchMoreResultData!['transaction_connection']['edges'] as List ]; fetchMoreResultData['transaction_connection']['edges'] = repos; return fetchMoreResultData; }, ); } if (fetchMoreCursor != null) { transBC = parseHistory(blockchainTX, pubkey); } else { log.i("###### DEBUG H - Début de l'historique"); } return opts; } double removeDecimalZero(double n) { String result = n.toStringAsFixed(n.truncateToDouble() == n ? 0 : 2); return double.parse(result); } } //// Manuals queries Future isIdtyExist(String name) async { final variables = { 'name': name, }; final result = await _execQuery(isIdtyExistQ, variables); return!['identity']?.isEmpty ?? false ? false : true; } Future getBlockStart() async { final result = await _execQuery(getBlockchainStartQ, {}); if (!result.hasException) { startBlockchainTime = DateTime.parse(!['block'][0]['created_at']); startBlockchainInitialized = true; return startBlockchainTime; } return DateTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } Future _execQuery( String query, Map variables) async { final httpLink = HttpLink( '$indexerEndpoint/v1/graphql', ); final GraphQLClient client = GraphQLClient( cache: GraphQLCache(), link: httpLink, ); final QueryOptions options = QueryOptions(document: gql(query), variables: variables); return await client.query(options); } Map computeHistoryView(repository, String address) { final bool isUdUnit = configBox.get('isUdUnit') ?? false; late double amount; late String finalAmount; final DateTime date = repository[0]; final dateForm = "${} ${monthsInYear[date.month]!.substring(0, { 1, 2, 7, 9 }.contains(date.month) ? 4 : 3)}"; DateTime normalizeDate(DateTime inputDate) { return DateTime(inputDate.year, inputDate.month,; } String getDateDelimiter() { DateTime now =; final transactionDate = normalizeDate(date.toLocal()); final todayDate = normalizeDate(now); final yesterdayDate = normalizeDate(now.subtract(const Duration(days: 1))); final isSameWeek = weekNumber(transactionDate) == weekNumber(now) && transactionDate.year == now.year; final isTodayOrYesterday = transactionDate == todayDate || transactionDate == yesterdayDate; if (transactionDate == todayDate) { return "today".tr(); } else if (transactionDate == yesterdayDate) { return "yesterday".tr(); } else if (isSameWeek && !isTodayOrYesterday) { return "thisWeek".tr(); } else if (!isSameWeek && !isTodayOrYesterday) { if (transactionDate.year == now.year) { return monthsInYear[transactionDate.month]!; } else { return "${monthsInYear[transactionDate.month]} ${transactionDate.year}"; } } else { return ''; } } final dateDelimiter = getDateDelimiter(); amount = repository[4] == 'RECEIVED' ? repository[3] : repository[3] * -1; if (isUdUnit) { amount = round(amount / balanceRatio); finalAmount = 'ud'.tr(args: ['$amount ']); } else { finalAmount = '$amount $currencyName'; } bool isMigrationTime = startBlockchainInitialized && date.compareTo(startBlockchainTime) < 0; //TODO: Migration date and transaction migration doesn't match, add this event to v2s indexer. // log.d('debug date transaction: $date'); // log.d('debug date identity migration: ${sub.oldOwnerKeys[address]?[1]}'); // isChangeOwnerkeyTime = date.compareTo(sub.oldOwnerKeys[address]?[1] ?? DateTime(2000)) < 0; return { 'finalAmount': finalAmount, 'isMigrationTime': isMigrationTime, 'dateDelimiter': dateDelimiter, 'dateForm': dateForm, }; } int weekNumber(DateTime date) { int dayOfYear = int.parse(DateFormat("D").format(date)); return ((dayOfYear - date.weekday + 10) / 7).floor(); }