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# Pagerfanta
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This project is for PHP 7.
If you need support for PHP < 7, use [Release v1.1.0](
## Usage
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;
$adapter = new ArrayAdapter($array);
$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta($adapter);
$pagerfanta->setMaxPerPage($maxPerPage); // 10 by default
$maxPerPage = $pagerfanta->getMaxPerPage();
$pagerfanta->setCurrentPage($currentPage); // 1 by default
$currentPage = $pagerfanta->getCurrentPage();
$nbResults = $pagerfanta->getNbResults();
$currentPageResults = $pagerfanta->getCurrentPageResults();
Some of the other methods available:
$pagerfanta->haveToPaginate(); // whether the number of results is higher than the max per page
### Changing the page based on user selection
If you're using the example route-generator function shown below,
the page selected by the user will be available in the `page` GET (querystring) parameter.
You would then need to call `setCurrentPage` with the value of that parameter:
if (isset($_GET["page"])) {
### setMaxPerPage and setCurrentPage
The `->setMaxPerPage()` and `->setCurrentPage()` methods implement
a fluent interface:
The `->setMaxPerPage()` method throws an exception if the max per page
is not valid:
* `Pagerfanta\Exception\NotIntegerMaxPerPageException`
* `Pagerfanta\Exception\LessThan1MaxPerPageException`
Both extend from `Pagerfanta\Exception\NotValidMaxPerPageException`.
The `->setCurrentPage()` method throws an exception if the page is not valid:
* `Pagerfanta\Exception\NotIntegerCurrentPageException`
* `Pagerfanta\Exception\LessThan1CurrentPageException`
* `Pagerfanta\Exception\OutOfRangeCurrentPageException`
All of them extend from `Pagerfanta\Exception\NotValidCurrentPageException`.
`->setCurrentPage()` throws an out ot range exception depending on the
max per page, so if you are going to modify the max per page, you should do it
before setting the current page.
(If you want to use Pagerfanta in a Symfony project, see
## Adapters
The adapter's concept is very simple. An adapter just returns the number
of results and an slice for a offset and length. This way you can adapt
a pagerfanta to paginate any kind results simply by creating an adapter.
An adapter must implement the `Pagerfanta\Adapter\AdapterInterface`
interface, which has these two methods:
* Returns the number of results.
* @return integer The number of results.
function getNbResults();
* Returns an slice of the results.
* @param integer $offset The offset.
* @param integer $length The length.
* @return array|\Iterator|\IteratorAggregate The slice.
function getSlice($offset, $length);
Pagerfanta comes with these adapters:
### ArrayAdapter
To paginate an array.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
$adapter = new ArrayAdapter($array);
### MongoAdapter
To paginate [Mongo]( Cursors.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\MongoAdapter;
$cursor = $collection->find();
$adapter = new MongoAdapter($cursor);
### MandangoAdapter
To paginate [Mandango]( Queries.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\MandangoAdapter;
$query = $mandango->getRepository('Model\Article')->createQuery();
$adapter = new MandangoAdapter($query);
### DoctrineDbalAdapter
To paginate [DoctrineDbal](
query builders.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineDbalAdapter;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder;
$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder($conn);
$queryBuilder->select('p.*')->from('posts', 'p');
$countQueryBuilderModifier = function ($queryBuilder) {
$queryBuilder->select('COUNT(DISTINCT AS total_results')
$adapter = new DoctrineDbalAdapter($queryBuilder, $countQueryBuilderModifier);
### DoctrineDbalSingleTableAdapter
To simplify the pagination of single table
query builders.
This adapter only paginates single table query builders, without joins.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineDbalSingleTableAdapter;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder;
$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder($conn);
$queryBuilder->select('p.*')->from('posts', 'p');
$countField = '';
$adapter = new DoctrineDbalSingleTableAdapter($queryBuilder, $countField);
### DoctrineORMAdapter
To paginate [DoctrineORM]( query objects.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineORMAdapter;
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder()
->from('Model\Article', 'u');
$adapter = new DoctrineORMAdapter($queryBuilder);
### DoctrineODMMongoDBAdapter
To paginate [DoctrineODMMongoDB]( query builders.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineODMMongoDBAdapter;
$queryBuilder = $documentManager->createQueryBuilder('Model\Article');
$adapter = new DoctrineODMMongoDBAdapter($queryBuilder);
### DoctrineODMPhpcrAdapter
To paginate [Doctrine PHPCR-ODM]( query builders.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineODMPhpcrAdapter;
$queryBuilder = $documentManager->createQueryBuilder();
$adapter = new DoctrineODMPhpcrAdapter($queryBuilder);
### DoctrineCollectionAdapter
To paginate a `Doctrine\Common\Collection\Collections` interface
you can use the `DoctrineCollectionAdapter`. It proxies to the
count() and slice() methods on the Collections interface for
pagination. This makes sense if you are using Doctrine ORMs Extra
Lazy association features:
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineCollectionAdapter;
$user = $em->find("Pagerfanta\Tests\Adapter\DoctrineORM\User", 1);
$adapter = new DoctrineCollectionAdapter($user->getGroups());
### DoctrineSelectableAdapter
To paginate a `Doctrine\Common\Collection\Selectable` interface
you can use the `DoctrineSelectableAdapter`. It uses the matching()
method on the Selectable interface for pagination. This is
especially usefull when using the Doctrine Criteria object to
filter a PersistentCollection:
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineSelectableAdapter;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
$user = $em->find("Pagerfanta\Tests\Adapter\DoctrineORM\User", 1);
$comments = $user->getComments();
$criteria = Criteria::create()->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->in('id', array(1,2,3));
$adapter = new DoctrineSelectableAdapter($comments, $criteria);
Note that you should never use this adapter with a
PersistentCollection which is not set to use the EXTRA_LAZY fetch mode.
*Be careful when using the `count()` method, currently Doctrine2
needs to fetch all the records to count the number of elements.*
### ElasticaAdapter
To paginate an Elastica Query query:
use Elastica\Index;
use Elastica\Query;
use Elastica\Query\Term;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ElasticaAdapter;
// Searchable can be any valid searchable Elastica object. For example a Type or Index
$searchable = new Index($elasticaClient, 'index_name');
// A Query can be any valid Elastica query (json, array, Query object)
$query = new Query::create(new Term(array(
'name' => 'Fred'
$adapter = new ElasticaAdapter($searchable, $query);
*Be careful when paginating a huge set of documents. By default, offset + limit
can't exceed 10000. You can mitigate this by setting the `$maxResults`
parameter when constructing the `ElasticaAdapter`. For more information, see:
### PropelAdapter
To paginate a propel 1 query:
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\PropelAdapter;
$adapter = new PropelAdapter($query);
### Propel2Adapter
To paginate a propel 2 query:
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\Propel2Adapter;
$adapter = new Propel2Adapter($query);
### SolariumAdapter
To paginate a [solarium]( query:
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\SolariumAdapter;
$query = $solarium->createSelect();
$query->setQuery('search term');
$adapter = new SolariumAdapter($solarium, $query);
### FixedAdapter
Best used when you need to do a custom paging solution and
don't want to implement a full adapter for a one-off use case.
It returns always the same data no matter what page you query:
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\FixedAdapter;
$nbResults = 5;
$results = array(/* ... */);
$adapter = new FixedAdapter($nbResults, $results);
### ConcatenationAdapter
Concatenates the results of other adapter instances into a single adapter.
It keeps the order of sub adapters and the order of their results.
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ConcatenationAdapter;
$superAdapter = new ConcatenationAdapter(array($adapter1, $adapter2 /* ... */));
## Views
Views are to render pagerfantas, this way you can reuse your
pagerfantas' HTML in several projects, share them and use another
ones from another developer's.
The views implement the `Pagerfanta\View\ViewInterface` interface,
which has two methods:
* Renders a pagerfanta.
* The route generator is any callable to generate the routes receiving the page number
* as first and unique argument.
* @param PagerfantaInterface $pagerfanta A pagerfanta.
* @param mixed $routeGenerator A callable to generate the routes.
* @param array $options An array of options (optional).
function render(PagerfantaInterface $pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, array $options = array());
* Returns the canonical name.
* @return string The canonical name.
function getName();
RouteGenerator example:
$routeGenerator = function($page) {
return '/path?page='.$page;
Pagerfanta comes with five views: The default one, three for
[Twitter Bootstrap](, one for
[Semantic UI]( and
a special optionable view.
### DefaultView
This is the default view.
use Pagerfanta\View\DefaultView;
$view = new DefaultView();
$options = array('proximity' => 3);
$html = $view->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, $options);
Options (default):
* proximity (3)
* prev_message (Previous)
* next_message (Next)
* css_disabled_class (disabled)
* css_dots_class (dots)
* css_current_class (current)
* dots_text (...)
* container_template (<nav>%pages%</nav>)
* page_template (<a href="%href%">%text%</a>)
* span_template (<span class="%class%">%text%</span>)
.pagerfanta {
.pagerfanta a,
.pagerfanta span {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid blue;
color: blue;
margin-right: .2em;
padding: .25em .35em;
.pagerfanta a {
text-decoration: none;
.pagerfanta a:hover {
background: #ccf;
.pagerfanta .dots {
border-width: 0;
.pagerfanta .current {
background: #ccf;
font-weight: bold;
.pagerfanta .disabled {
border-color: #ccf;
color: #ccf;
.pagerfanta a,
.pagerfanta span {
border-color: blue;
color: blue;
.pagerfanta a:hover {
background: #ccf;
.pagerfanta .current {
background: #ccf;
.pagerfanta .disabled {
border-color: #ccf;
color: #cf;
### TwitterBootstrapView, TwitterBootstrap3View and TwitterBootstrap4View
These views generate paginators designed for use with
[Twitter Bootstrap](
`TwitterBootstrapView` is for Bootstrap 2; `TwitterBootstrap3View` is for Bootstrap 3; `TwitterBootstrap4View` is for Bootstrap 4 (alpha).
use Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrapView;
$view = new TwitterBootstrapView();
$options = array('proximity' => 3);
$html = $view->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, $options);
Options (default):
* proximity (3)
* prev_message (&larr; Previous)
* prev_disabled_href ()
* next_message (Next &rarr;)
* next_disabled_href ()
* dots_message (&hellip;)
* dots_href ()
* css_container_class (pagination)
* css_prev_class (prev)
* css_next_class (next)
* css_disabled_class (disabled)
* css_dots_class (disabled)
* css_active_class (active)
### SemanticUiView
This view generates a pagination for
[Semantic UI](
use Pagerfanta\View\SemanticUiView;
$view = new SemanticUiView();
$options = array('proximity' => 3);
$html = $view->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, $options);
Options (default):
* proximity (3)
* prev_message (&larr; Previous)
* prev_disabled_href ()
* next_message (Next &rarr;)
* next_disabled_href ()
* dots_message (&hellip;)
* dots_href ()
* css_container_class (pagination)
* css_item_class (item)
* css_prev_class (prev)
* css_next_class (next)
* css_disabled_class (disabled)
* css_dots_class (disabled)
* css_active_class (active)
### OptionableView
This view is to reuse options in different views.
use Pagerfanta\DefaultView;
use Pagerfanta\OptionableView;
$defaultView = new DefaultView();
// view and default options
$myView1 = new OptionableView($defaultView, array('proximity' => 3));
$myView2 = new OptionableView($defaultView, array('prev_message' => 'Anterior', 'next_message' => 'Siguiente'));
// using in a normal way
$pagerfantaHtml = $myView2->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator);
// overwriting default options
$pagerfantaHtml = $myView2->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, array('next_message' => 'Siguiente!!'));
## Contributing
We welcome contributions to this project, including pull requests and issues (and discussions on existing issues).
If you'd like to contribute code but aren't sure what, the [issues list]( is a good place to start.
If you're a first-time code contributor, you may find Github's guide to [forking projects]( helpful.
All contributors (whether contributing code, involved in issue discussions, or involved in any other way) must abide by our [code of conduct](
## Acknowledgements
Pagerfanta is inspired by [Zend Paginator](
Thanks also to Pablo Díez ( for most of the work on the first versions of Pagerfanta.
## Licence
Pagerfanta is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).