* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ class Util_RegexTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function validRegexpProvider() { return [ ['#valid regexp#', 'valid regexp', 1], [';val.*xp;', 'valid regexp', 1], ['/val.*xp/i', 'VALID REGEXP', 1], ['/a val.*p/','valid regexp', 0], ]; } public function invalidRegexpProvider() { return [ ['valid regexp', 'valid regexp'], [';val.*xp', 'valid regexp'], ['val.*xp/i', 'VALID REGEXP'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider validRegexpProvider */ public function testValidRegex($pattern, $subject, $return) { $this->assertEquals($return, PHPUnit_Util_Regex::pregMatchSafe($pattern, $subject)); } /** * @dataProvider invalidRegexpProvider */ public function testInvalidRegex($pattern, $subject) { $this->assertFalse(PHPUnit_Util_Regex::pregMatchSafe($pattern, $subject)); } }