import requests from time import time from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon from lib.gvaWallets import ListWallets class GeolocProfiles(CesiumCommon): def getCesiumProfiles(self): # Send a POST request to the Cesium profiles API response = "", json={ "query": { "constant_score": { "filter": [ {"exists": {"field": "geoPoint"}}, { "geo_bounding_box": { "geoPoint": { "top_left": {"lat": 90, "lon": -180}, "bottom_right": {"lat": -90, "lon": 180}, } } }, ] } }, "_source": [ "title", "avatar._content_type", "description", "city", "address", "socials.url", "creationTime", "membersCount", "type", "geoPoint", ], "size": 20000, }, ) scroll_id = response.json()["_scroll_id"] finalResult: dict | None = response.json()["hits"]["hits"] while True: # Send a scroll request to get the next page response_scroll = "", json={"scroll_id": scroll_id, "scroll": "2m"}, ) # Check if the response is empty (no results) or if there's an error if ( not response_scroll.json()["hits"]["hits"] or "error" in response_scroll.json() ): break else: finalResult.extend(response_scroll.json()["hits"]["hits"]) # Process the results here # Delete the scroll context when done requests.delete( "", json={"scroll_id": [scroll_id]} ) return finalResult def getGVAProfiles(self, node): # Retrieve GVA profiles using the ListWallets class gva = ListWallets(node, map=True) return gva.sendDoc() def formatProfiles(self, cesiumProfiles, gvaProfiles): walletsResult = [] for profile in cesiumProfiles: source: dict = profile["_source"] pubkey: dict = profile["_id"] if pubkey not in gvaProfiles: continue # Extract necessary information from the profiles id_info: dict = gvaProfiles[pubkey].get("id") or {} isMember = id_info.get("isMember", False) userId = id_info.get("username") title = source.get("title") city = source.get("city") avatar = source.get("avatar") socials = source.get("socials") description = source.get("description") address = source.get("address") walletsResult.append( { "pubkey": pubkey, **({"address": address} if address else {}), **({"city": city} if city else {}), **({"description": description} if description else {}), **({"avatar": avatar} if avatar else {}), **({"userId": userId} if userId else {}), "isMember": isMember, "geoPoint": source["geoPoint"], **({"socials": socials} if socials else {}), **({"title": title} if title else {}), } ) return {"wallets": walletsResult, "time": int(time())}