import sys, json, requests, base64 from time import time from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX class Profiles(CesiumCommon): # Configure JSON document SET to send def configDocSet(self, name, description, city, address, pos, socials, avatar): timeSent = int(time()) data = {} if name: data["title"] = name if description: data["description"] = description if address: data["address"] = address if city: data["city"] = city if pos: geoPoint = {} geoPoint["lat"] = pos[0] geoPoint["lon"] = pos[1] data["geoPoint"] = geoPoint if socials: data["socials"] = [] data["socials"].append({}) data["socials"][0]["type"] = "web" data["socials"][0]["url"] = socials if avatar: avatar = open(avatar, "rb").read() avatar = base64.b64encode(avatar).decode() data["avatar"] = {} data["avatar"]["_content"] = avatar data["avatar"]["_content_type"] = "image/png" data["time"] = timeSent data["issuer"] = self.pubkey data["version"] = 2 data["tags"] = [] document = json.dumps(data) return self.signDoc(document) # Configure JSON document GET to send def configDocGet(self, profile, scope="title", getAvatar=None): if getAvatar: avatar = "avatar" else: avatar = "avatar._content_type" data = { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ {"match": {scope: {"query": profile, "boost": 2}}}, {"prefix": {scope: profile}}, ] } }, "highlight": {"fields": {"title": {}, "tags": {}}}, "from": 0, "size": 100, "_source": [ "title", avatar, "description", "city", "address", "socials.url", "creationTime", "membersCount", "type", "geoPoint", ], "indices_boost": {"user": 100, "page": 1, "group": 0.01}, } document = json.dumps(data) return document # Configure JSON document SET to send def configDocErase(self): timeSent = int(time()) data = {} data["time"] = timeSent data["id"] = self.pubkey data["issuer"] = self.pubkey data["version"] = 2 data["index"] = "user" data["type"] = "profile" document = json.dumps(data) return self.signDoc(document) def sendDocument(self, document, type): headers = { "Content-type": "application/json", } # Send JSON document and get JSON result if type == "set": reqQuery = "{0}/user/profile?pubkey={1}/_update?pubkey={1}".format( self.pod, self.pubkey ) elif type == "get": reqQuery = "{0}/user,page,group/profile,record/_search".format(self.pod) elif type == "erase": reqQuery = "{0}/history/delete".format(self.pod) result =, headers=headers, data=document) if result.status_code == 200: # print(result.text) return result.text else: sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + "\n") def parseJSON(self, doc): doc = json.loads(doc)["hits"]["hits"] if doc: pubkey = {"pubkey": doc[0]["_id"]} rest = doc[0]["_source"] final = {**pubkey, **rest} return json.dumps(final, indent=2) else: return "Profile vide"