#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys, requests, json, base58, base64 from natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey, box_decrypt from datetime import datetime from termcolor import colored class ReadFromCesium: def __init__(self, dunikey, pod): # Get my pubkey from my private key try: self.dunikey = dunikey except: sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n") sys.exit(1) self.recipient = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey self.pod = pod # Configure JSON document to send def configDoc(self, nbrMsg, outbox): if outbox: boxType = "issuer" else: boxType = "recipient" return { "sort": { "time": "desc" }, "from": 0, "size": nbrMsg, "_source":[ "issuer", "recipient", "title", "content", "time", "nonce", "read_signature" ],"query":{ "bool":{ "filter":{ "term":{ boxType: self.recipient } } } } } def sendDocument(self, nbrMsg, outbox): if outbox: boxType = "outbox" else: boxType = "inbox" document = json.dumps(self.configDoc(nbrMsg, outbox)) headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json', } # Send JSON document and get JSON result result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}/_search'.format(self.pod, boxType), headers=headers, data=document).json()["hits"] return result # Parse JSON result and display messages def readMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg): # Get terminal size rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1]) self.total = msgJSON["total"] infoTotal = " Nombre de messages: " + str(nbrMsg) + "/" + str(self.total) + " " print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow")) for hits in msgJSON["hits"]: self.idMsg = hits["_id"] msgSrc = hits["_source"] self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"] nonce = msgSrc["nonce"] nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce) self.title = base64.b64decode(msgSrc["title"]) self.title = box_decrypt(self.title, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode() self.content = base64.b64decode(msgSrc["content"]) self.content = box_decrypt(self.content, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode() self.dateS = msgSrc["time"] date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dateS).strftime(", le %d/%m/%Y à %H:%M ") headerMsg = " De " + self.issuer + date + "(ID: {})".format(self.idMsg) + " " print('-'.center(rows, '-')) print(colored(headerMsg, "blue").center(rows+9, '-')) print('-'.center(rows, '-')) print("Objet: " + self.title) print(self.content) def read(self, nbrMsg, outbox): jsonMsg = self.sendDocument(nbrMsg, outbox) self.readMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg) ############################################# class SendToCesium: def __init__(self, dunikey, pod): # Get my pubkey from my private key try: self.dunikey = dunikey except: sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n") sys.exit(1) self.issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey self.pod = pod # Configure JSON document to send def configDoc(self, nbrMsg, outbox): if outbox: boxType = "issuer" else: boxType = "recipient" return { "sort": { "time": "desc" }, "from": 0, "size": nbrMsg, "_source":[ "issuer", "recipient", "title", "content", "time", "nonce", "read_signature" ],"query":{ "bool":{ "filter":{ "term":{ boxType: self.issuer } } } } } def sendDocument(self, nbrMsg, outbox): if outbox: boxType = "outbox" else: boxType = "inbox" document = json.dumps(self.configDoc(nbrMsg, outbox)) headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json', } # Send JSON document and get JSON result result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}/_search'.format(self.pod, boxType), headers=headers, data=document).json()["hits"] return result # Parse JSON result and display messages def readMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg): # Get terminal size rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1]) self.total = msgJSON["total"] infoTotal = " Nombre de messages: " + str(nbrMsg) + "/" + str(self.total) + " " print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow")) for hits in msgJSON["hits"]: self.idMsg = hits["_id"] msgSrc = hits["_source"] self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"] nonce = msgSrc["nonce"] nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce) self.title = base64.b64decode(msgSrc["title"]) self.title = box_decrypt(self.title, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode() self.content = base64.b64decode(msgSrc["content"]) self.content = box_decrypt(self.content, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode() self.dateS = msgSrc["time"] date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dateS).strftime(", le %d/%m/%Y à %H:%M ") headerMsg = " De " + self.issuer + date + "(ID: {})".format(self.idMsg) + " " print('-'.center(rows, '-')) print(colored(headerMsg, "blue").center(rows+9, '-')) print('-'.center(rows, '-')) print("Objet: " + self.title) print(self.content) def read(self, nbrMsg, outbox): jsonMsg = self.sendDocument(nbrMsg, outbox) self.readMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg)