version: "3" services: redis: image: redis mongo: image: mongo volumes: - mongo-data:/data ohmyform: image: ohmyform/ohmyform #build: . #volumes: # - ".:/opt/app" environment: CREATE_ADMIN: "TRUE" SOCKET_URL: 'localhost:5000' SOCKET_PORT: "5000" SOCKET_PORT_EXTERN_VISIBLE: "TRUE" MONGODB_URI: mongodb://mongo/ohmyform REDIS_URL: redis://redis MAILER_SMTP_HOST: mail MAILER_SMTP_PORT: 1025 # command: grunt dev # override command to have livereloading on file change links: - mongo - redis - mail ports: - "5000:5000" depends_on: - mongo - redis mail: image: mailhog/mailhog ports: - "5050:8025" mongoexpress: image: mongo-express environment: ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER: mongo ports: - "5051:8081" links: - mongo depends_on: - mongo secret2dunikey: build: context: . dockerfile: ./secret2dunikey/Dockerfile volumes: - ${SSB_PATH}:/home/astroport/.ssb oasis: build: context: . dockerfile: ./oasis/Dockerfile tty: true ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: - ${SSB_PATH}:/home/astroport/.ssb depends_on: - secret2dunikey tip: build: context: . dockerfile: ./tip/Dockerfile tty: true volumes: - ${SSB_PATH}:/home/astroport/.ssb links: - oasis depends_on: - oasis - secret2dunikey ipfs: image: ipfs/go-ipfs volumes: - ipfs-data:/data/ipfs ports: - 8080:8080 - 4001:4001 - 5001:5001 volumes: ipfs-data: mongo-data: