diff --git a/installnot.sh b/installnot.sh index b6616798b..8f547a6bf 100644 --- a/installnot.sh +++ b/installnot.sh @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ME="${0##*/}" [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && echo "LANCEMENT root INTERDIT. Utilisez un simple utilisateur du groupe \"sudo\" SVP" && exit 1 +echo "Just for reference. PLEASE ADAPT" && exit ######################################################################## [[ ! $(which ipfs) ]] && echo "=== Installez IPFS !!" && echo "https://docs.ipfs.io/install/command-line/#official-distributions" && exit 1 @@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ if [[ "$USER" == "pi" ]]; then ## PROPOSE QR_CODE PRINTER SUR RPI sudo cupsctl --remote-admin sudo usermod -aG lpadmin pi sudo usermod -a -G gammu pi + sudo usermod -a -G tty pi + fi fi @@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ cp -Rf ~/.zen/astrXbian/.install/.kodi ~/ ######################################################################## echo "=== Configuration jaklis: Centre de communication CESIUM+ GCHANGE+" -cd ~/.zen/astrXbian/zen/jaklis +cd $MY_PATH/toos/jaklis ./setup.sh ######################################################################## diff --git a/tools/jaklis/.env b/tools/jaklis/.env new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4376e7c0e --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/.env @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Chemin de la clé privé Ḡ1 de l'émetteur, au format PubSec +DUNIKEY=/.zen/secret.dunikey + +# Noeud Duniter +NODE=https://g1.librelois.fr/gva + +# Adresse du pod Cesium ou Gchange à utiliser +#POD=https://g1.data.le-sou.org +#POD=https://g1.data.duniter.fr +POD=https://data.gchange.fr diff --git a/tools/jaklis/.env.template b/tools/jaklis/.env.template new file mode 100755 index 000000000..462b319ee --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/.env.template @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Chemin de la clé privé Ḡ1 de l'émetteur, au format PubSec +DUNIKEY= + +# Noeud Duniter +NODE=https://g1.librelois.fr/gva + +# Adresse du pod Cesium ou Gchange à utiliser +POD=https://g1.data.le-sou.org +#POD=https://g1.data.duniter.fr +#POD=https://data.gchange.fr diff --git a/tools/jaklis/README.md b/tools/jaklis/README.md new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9d7e9504c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# Client CLI for Cesium+/Ḡchange pod +## Installation + +Linux: +``` +bash setup.sh +``` + +Autre: +``` +Débrouillez-vous. +``` + +## Utilisation + +*Python 3.9 minimum* + +Renseignez optionnellement le fichier **.env** (Généré lors de la première tentative d'execution, ou à copier depuis .env.template). + +``` +./jaklis.py -h +``` + +``` +usage: jaklis.py [-h] [-v] [-k KEY] [-n NODE] {read,send,delete,get,set,erase,stars,unstars,getoffer,setoffer,deleteoffer,pay,history,balance,id,idBalance} ... + +Client CLI pour Cesium+ et Ḡchange + +optional arguments: + -h, --help show this help message and exit + -v, --version Affiche la version actuelle du programme + -k KEY, --key KEY Chemin vers mon trousseau de clé (PubSec) + -n NODE, --node NODE Adresse du noeud Cesium+, Gchange ou Duniter à utiliser + +Commandes de jaklis: + {read,send,delete,get,set,erase,stars,unstars,getoffer,setoffer,deleteoffer,pay,history,balance,id,idBalance} + read Lecture des messages + send Envoi d'un message + delete Supression d'un message + get Voir un profile Cesium+ + set Configurer son profile Cesium+ + erase Effacer son profile Cesium+ + stars Voir les étoiles d'un profile / Noter un profile (option -s NOTE) + unstars Supprimer un star + getoffer Obtenir les informations d'une annonce gchange + setoffer Créer une annonce gchange + deleteoffer Supprimer une annonce gchange + pay Payer en Ḡ1 + history Voir l'historique des transactions d'un compte Ḡ1 + balance Voir le solde d'un compte Ḡ1 + id Voir l'identité d'une clé publique/username + idBalance Voir l'identité d'une clé publique/username et son solde +``` + +Utilisez `./jaklis CMD -h` où `CMD` est la commande souhaité pour obtenir l'aide détaillé de cette commande. + +### Exemples: + +Lire les 10 derniers messages de mon compte indiqué dans le fichier `.env` (par defaut 3 messages): +``` +./jaklis read -n10 +``` + +Envoyer un message à la clé publique `Do99s6wQR2JLfhirPdpAERSjNbmjjECzGxHNJMiNKT3P` avec un fichier de trousseau particulier: +``` +./jaklis.py -k /home/saucisse/mon_fichier_de_trousseau.dunikey send -d Do99s6wQR2JLfhirPdpAERSjNbmjjECzGxHNJMiNKT3P -t "Objet du message" -m "Corps de mon message" +``` + +Noter 4 étoiles le profile `S9EJbjbaGPnp26VuV6fKjR7raE1YkNhUGDgoydHvAJ1` sur gchange: +``` +./jaklis.py -n https://data.gchange.fr like -p S9EJbjbaGPnp26VuV6fKjR7raE1YkNhUGDgoydHvAJ1 -s 4 +``` + +Paramétrer mon profile Cesium+: +``` +./jaklis.py set -n "Sylvain Durif" -v "Bugarach" -a "42 route de Vénus" -d "Christ cosmique" -pos 48.539927 2.6608169 -s https://www.creationmonetaire.info -A mon_avatar.png +``` + +Effacer mon profile Gchange: +``` +./jaklis.py -n https://data.gchange.fr erase +``` diff --git a/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py b/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0a13eb26c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import argparse, sys, os, getpass, string, random +from os.path import join, dirname +from shutil import copyfile +from dotenv import load_dotenv +from duniterpy.key import SigningKey + +__version__ = "0.0.4" + +MY_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/' + +# Get variables environment +if not os.path.isfile(MY_PATH + '.env'): + copyfile(MY_PATH + ".env.template",MY_PATH + ".env") +dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__),MY_PATH + '.env') +load_dotenv(dotenv_path) + +# Parse arguments +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Client CLI pour Cesium+ et Ḡchange") +parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help="Affiche la version actuelle du programme") +parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', help="Chemin vers mon trousseau de clé (PubSec)") +parser.add_argument('-n', '--node', help="Adresse du noeud Cesium+, Gchange ou Duniter à utiliser") + +subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Commandes de jaklis", dest="cmd") +read_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('read', help="Lecture des messages") +send_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('send', help="Envoi d'un message") +delete_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('delete', help="Supression d'un message") +getProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('get', help="Voir un profile Cesium+") +setProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('set', help="Configurer son profile Cesium+") +eraseProfile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('erase', help="Effacer son profile Cesium+") +stars_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('stars', help="Voir les étoiles d'un profile / Noter un profile (option -s NOTE)") +unstars_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('unstars', help="Supprimer un star") +getoffer_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('getoffer', help="Obtenir les informations d'une annonce gchange") +setoffer_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('setoffer', help="Créer une annonce gchange") +deleteoffer_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('deleteoffer', help="Supprimer une annonce gchange") +pay_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('pay', help="Payer en Ḡ1") +history_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('history', help="Voir l'historique des transactions d'un compte Ḡ1") +balance_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('balance', help="Voir le solde d'un compte Ḡ1") +id_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('id', help="Voir l'identité d'une clé publique/username") +id_balance_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('idBalance', help="Voir l'identité d'une clé publique/username et son solde") +currentUd = subparsers.add_parser('currentUd', help="Affiche la montant actuel du dividende Universel") + +# Messages management +read_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--number',type=int, default=3, help="Affiche les NUMBER derniers messages") +read_cmd.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Sort au format JSON") +read_cmd.add_argument('-o', '--outbox', action='store_true', help="Lit les messages envoyés") + +send_cmd.add_argument('-d', '--destinataire', required=True, help="Destinataire du message") +send_cmd.add_argument('-t', '--titre', help="Titre du message à envoyer") +send_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--message', help="Message à envoyer") +send_cmd.add_argument('-f', '--fichier', help="Envoyer le message contenu dans le fichier 'FICHIER'") +send_cmd.add_argument('-o', '--outbox', action='store_true', help="Envoi le message sur la boite d'envoi") + +delete_cmd.add_argument('-i', '--id', action='append', nargs='+', required=True, help="ID(s) du/des message(s) à supprimer") +delete_cmd.add_argument('-o', '--outbox', action='store_true', help="Suppression d'un message envoyé") + +# Profiles management +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--name', help="Nom du profile") +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-d', '--description', help="Description du profile") +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-v', '--ville', help="Ville du profile") +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--adresse', help="Adresse du profile") +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-pos', '--position', nargs=2, help="Points géographiques (lat + lon)") +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-s', '--site', help="Site web du profile") +setProfile_cmd.add_argument('-A', '--avatar', help="Chemin vers mon avatar en PNG") + +getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Nom du profile") +getProfile_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--avatar', action='store_true', help="Récupérer également l'avatar au format raw base64") + +# Likes management +stars_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile cible") +stars_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--number', type=int, help="Nombre d'étoile") +unstars_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--profile', help="Profile à dénoter") + +# Offers management +getoffer_cmd.add_argument('-i', '--id', help="Annonce cible à récupérer") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-t', '--title', help="Titre de l'annonce à créer") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-d', '--description', help="Description de l'annonce à créer") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-c', '--category', help="Categorie de l'annonce à créer") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-l', '--localisation', nargs=2, help="Localisation de l'annonce à créer (lat + lon)") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--picture', help="Image de l'annonce à créer") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-ci', '--city', help="Ville de l'annonce à créer") +setoffer_cmd.add_argument('-pr', '--price', help="Prix de l'annonce à créer") +deleteoffer_cmd.add_argument('-i', '--id', help="Annonce cible à supprimer") + +# GVA usage +pay_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Destinataire du paiement") +pay_cmd.add_argument('-a', '--amount', type=float, help="Montant de la transaction") +pay_cmd.add_argument('-c', '--comment', default="", help="Commentaire de la transaction") +pay_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--mempool', action='store_true', help="Utilise les sources en Mempool") +pay_cmd.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat JSON de la transaction") + +history_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé") +history_cmd.add_argument('-n', '--number',type=int, default=10, help="Affiche les NUMBER dernières transactions") +history_cmd.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en format JSON") +history_cmd.add_argument('--nocolors', action='store_true', help="Affiche le résultat en noir et blanc") + +balance_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé") +balance_cmd.add_argument('-m', '--mempool', action='store_true', help="Utilise les sources en Mempool") +id_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Clé publique du compte visé") +id_cmd.add_argument('-u', '--username', help="Username du compte visé") +id_balance_cmd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Pubkey du compte visé") +currentUd.add_argument('-p', '--pubkey', help="Pubkey du compte visé") + + +args = parser.parse_args() +cmd = args.cmd + +if args.version: + print(__version__) + sys.exit(0) + +if not cmd: + parser.print_help() + sys.exit(1) + +def createTmpDunikey(): + # Generate pseudo-random nonce + nonce=[] + for _ in range(32): + nonce.append(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)) + nonce = ''.join(nonce) + keyPath = "/tmp/secret.dunikey-" + nonce + + key = SigningKey.from_credentials(getpass.getpass("Identifiant: "), getpass.getpass("Mot de passe: "), None) + key.save_pubsec_file(keyPath) + + return keyPath + +# Check if we need dunikey +try: + pubkey = args.pubkey +except: + pubkey = False +try: + profile = args.profile +except: + profile = False + +if cmd in ('history','balance','get','id','idBalance') and (pubkey or profile): + noNeedDunikey = True + keyPath = False + try: + dunikey = args.pubkey + except: + dunikey = args.profile +else: + noNeedDunikey = False + if args.key: + dunikey = args.key + keyPath = False + else: + dunikey = os.getenv('DUNIKEY') + if not dunikey: + keyPath = createTmpDunikey() + dunikey = keyPath + else: + keyPath = False + if not os.path.isfile(dunikey): + HOME = os.getenv("HOME") + dunikey = HOME + dunikey + if not os.path.isfile(dunikey): + sys.stderr.write('Le fichier de trousseau {0} est introuvable.\n'.format(dunikey)) + sys.exit(1) + + +# Construct CesiumPlus object +if cmd in ("read","send","delete","set","get","erase","stars","unstars","getoffer","setoffer","deleteoffer"): + from lib.cesium import CesiumPlus + + if args.node: + pod = args.node + else: + pod = os.getenv('POD') + if not pod: + pod="https://g1.data.le-sou.org" + + cesium = CesiumPlus(dunikey, pod, noNeedDunikey) + + # Messaging + if cmd == "read": + cesium.read(args.number, args.outbox, args.json) + elif cmd == "send": + if args.fichier: + with open(args.fichier, 'r') as f: + msgT = f.read() + titre = msgT.splitlines(True)[0].replace('\n', '') + msg = ''.join(msgT.splitlines(True)[1:]) + if args.titre: + titre = args.titre + msg = msgT + elif args.titre and args.message: + titre = args.titre + msg = args.message + else: + titre = input("Indiquez le titre du message: ") + msg = input("Indiquez le contenu du message: ") + + cesium.send(titre, msg, args.destinataire, args.outbox) + + elif cmd == "delete": + cesium.delete(args.id[0], args.outbox) + + # Profiles + elif cmd == "set": + cesium.set(args.name, args.description, args.ville, args.adresse, args.position, args.site, args.avatar) + elif cmd == "get": + cesium.get(args.profile, args.avatar) + elif cmd == "erase": + cesium.erase() + + # Stars + elif cmd == "stars": + if args.number or args.number == 0: + cesium.like(args.number, args.profile) + else: + cesium.readLikes(args.profile) + elif cmd == "unstars": + cesium.unLike(args.profile) + + # Offers + elif cmd == "getoffer": + cesium.getOffer(args.id) + elif cmd == "setoffer": + cesium.setOffer(args.title, args.description, args.city, args.localisation, args.category, args.price, args.picture) + elif cmd == "deleteoffer": + cesium.deleteOffer(args.id) + +# Construct GVA object +elif cmd in ("pay","history","balance","id","idBalance","currentUd"): + from lib.gva import GvaApi + + if args.node: + node = args.node + else: + node = os.getenv('NODE') + if not node: + node="https://g1.librelois.fr/gva" + + if args.pubkey: + destPubkey = args.pubkey + else: + destPubkey = False + + gva = GvaApi(dunikey, node, destPubkey, noNeedDunikey) + + if cmd == "pay": + gva.pay(args.amount, args.comment, args.mempool, args.verbose) + elif cmd == "history": + gva.history(args.json, args.nocolors, args.number) + elif cmd == "balance": + gva.balance(args.mempool) + elif cmd == "id": + gva.id(args.pubkey, args.username) + elif cmd == "idBalance": + gva.idBalance(args.pubkey) + elif cmd == "currentUd": + gva.currentUd() + + +if keyPath: + os.remove(keyPath) diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesium.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesium.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f1b3e10e Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesium.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesium.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesium.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73823b202 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesium.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesiumCommon.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesiumCommon.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25ca01374 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesiumCommon.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesiumCommon.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesiumCommon.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a3c77bfb Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/cesiumCommon.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/currentUd.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/currentUd.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a89b0283d Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/currentUd.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/currentUd.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/currentUd.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72ea66497 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/currentUd.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gva.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gva.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c0ae3691 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gva.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gva.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gva.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dcd3ae324 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gva.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaBalance.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaBalance.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb498ac00 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaBalance.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaBalance.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaBalance.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b1402a6e Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaBalance.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaHistory.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaHistory.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c50235f73 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaHistory.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaHistory.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaHistory.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a06ef2aed Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaHistory.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaID.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaID.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec2a402b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaID.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaID.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaID.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49bf7303b Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaID.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaPay.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaPay.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc2076721 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaPay.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaPay.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaPay.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a472a10e Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/gvaPay.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/messaging.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/messaging.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..698eb8239 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/messaging.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/messaging.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/messaging.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11ab222a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/messaging.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/natools.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/natools.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b1efdefe Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/natools.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/natools.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/natools.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b903497e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/natools.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/offers.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/offers.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..522d93a8a Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/offers.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/offers.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/offers.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a313877f Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/offers.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/profiles.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/profiles.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..626bb437c Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/profiles.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/profiles.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/profiles.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a5497680 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/profiles.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/stars.cpython-36.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/stars.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77f0337f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/stars.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/stars.cpython-38.pyc b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/stars.cpython-38.pyc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..388a01d28 Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/jaklis/lib/__pycache__/stars.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/cesium.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/cesium.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e82252963 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/cesium.py @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +import re, string, random, base64 +from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX +from lib.messaging import ReadFromCesium, SendToCesium, DeleteFromCesium +from lib.profiles import Profiles +from lib.stars import ReadLikes, SendLikes, UnLikes +from lib.offers import Offers + +class CesiumPlus(CesiumCommon): + + #################### Messaging #################### + + def read(self, nbrMsg, outbox, isJSON): + readCesium = ReadFromCesium(self.dunikey, self.pod) + jsonMsg = readCesium.sendDocument(nbrMsg, outbox) + if isJSON: + jsonFormat = readCesium.jsonMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg, outbox) + print(jsonFormat) + else: + readCesium.readMessages(jsonMsg, nbrMsg, outbox) + + def send(self, title, msg, recipient, outbox): + sendCesium = SendToCesium(self.dunikey, self.pod) + sendCesium.recipient = recipient + + # Generate pseudo-random nonce + nonce=[] + for _ in range(32): + nonce.append(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)) + sendCesium.nonce = base64.b64decode(''.join(nonce)) + + finalDoc = sendCesium.configDoc(sendCesium.encryptMsg(title), sendCesium.encryptMsg(msg)) # Configure JSON document to send + sendCesium.sendDocument(finalDoc, outbox) # Send final signed document + + def delete(self, idsMsgList, outbox): + deleteCesium = DeleteFromCesium(self.dunikey, self.pod) + # deleteCesium.issuer = recipient + for idMsg in idsMsgList: + finalDoc = deleteCesium.configDoc(idMsg, outbox) + deleteCesium.sendDocument(finalDoc, idMsg) + + #################### Profiles #################### + + def set(self, name=None, description=None, ville=None, adresse=None, position=None, site=None, avatar=None): + setProfile = Profiles(self.dunikey, self.pod) + document = setProfile.configDocSet(name, description, ville, adresse, position, site, avatar) + result = setProfile.sendDocument(document,'set') + + print(result) + return result + + def get(self, profile=None, avatar=None): + getProfile = Profiles(self.dunikey, self.pod, self.noNeedDunikey) + if not profile: + profile = self.pubkey + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, profile) or len(profile) > 45: + scope = 'title' + else: + scope = '_id' + + document = getProfile.configDocGet(profile, scope, avatar) + resultJSON = getProfile.sendDocument(document, 'get') + result = getProfile.parseJSON(resultJSON) + + print(result) + + def erase(self): + eraseProfile = Profiles(self.dunikey, self.pod) + document = eraseProfile.configDocErase() + result = eraseProfile.sendDocument(document,'erase') + + print(result) + + #################### Likes #################### + + def readLikes(self, profile=False): + likes = ReadLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod, self.noNeedDunikey) + document = likes.configDoc(profile) + result = likes.sendDocument(document) + result = likes.parseResult(result) + + print(result) + + def like(self, stars, profile=False): + likes = SendLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod) + document = likes.configDoc(profile, stars) + if document: + likes.sendDocument(document, profile) + + def unLike(self, pubkey, silent=False): + likes = UnLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod) + idLike = likes.checkLike(pubkey) + if idLike: + document = likes.configDoc(idLike) + likes.sendDocument(document, silent) + + #################### Offer #################### + + def setOffer(self, title=None, description=None, city=None, localisation=None, category=None, price=None, picture=None): + setOffer = Offers(self.dunikey, self.pod) + document = setOffer.configDocSet(title, description, city, localisation, category, price, picture) + result = setOffer.sendDocumentSet(document,'set') + + # print(result) + return result + + def getOffer(self, id, avatar=None): + getOffer = Offers(self.dunikey, self.pod, self.noNeedDunikey) + + resultJSON = getOffer.sendDocumentGet(id, 'get') + # print(resultJSON) + result = getOffer.parseJSON(resultJSON) + + print(result) + + def deleteOffer(self, id): + eraseOffer = Offers(self.dunikey, self.pod) + document = eraseOffer.configDocErase(id) + result = eraseOffer.sendDocumentSet(document,'delete', id) + + print(result) diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/cesiumCommon.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/cesiumCommon.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b68337d2d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/cesiumCommon.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import sys, re, json +from hashlib import sha256 +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey + +PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}" + +def pp_json(json_thing, sort=True, indents=4): + # Print beautifull JSON + if type(json_thing) is str: + print(json.dumps(json.loads(json_thing), sort_keys=sort, indent=indents)) + else: + print(json.dumps(json_thing, sort_keys=sort, indent=indents)) + return None + +class CesiumCommon: + def __init__(self, dunikey, pod, noNeedDunikey=False): + self.pod = pod + self.noNeedDunikey = noNeedDunikey + # Get my pubkey from my private key + try: + self.dunikey = dunikey + if not dunikey: + raise ValueError("Dunikey is empty") + except: + sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path to your private key (PubSec)\n") + sys.exit(1) + + if noNeedDunikey: + self.pubkey = self.dunikey + else: + self.pubkey = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45: + sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + sys.exit(1) + + def signDoc(self, document): + # Generate hash of document + hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper() + + # Generate signature of document + signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode() + + # Build final document + data = {} + data['hash'] = hashDoc + data['signature'] = signature + signJSON = json.dumps(data) + finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)} + + return json.dumps(finalJSON) diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/crypt.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/crypt.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ee4cfb2a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/crypt.py @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import base64, base58, sys, string, random +from natools import get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt, fmt + +def getargv(arg:str, default:str="", n:int=1, args:list=sys.argv) -> str: + if arg in args and len(args) > args.index(arg)+n: + return args[args.index(arg)+n] + else: + return default + +cmd = sys.argv[1] + +dunikey = getargv("-k", "private.dunikey") +msg = getargv("-m", "test") +pubkey = getargv("-p") + +def decrypt(msg): + msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg) + return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec"), pubkey).decode() + +def encrypt(msg): + return fmt["64"](box_encrypt(msg.encode(), get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec"), pubkey)).decode() + +if cmd == 'decrypt': + clear = decrypt(msg) + print(clear) +elif cmd == 'encrypt': + clear = encrypt(msg) + print(clear) + diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/currentUd.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/currentUd.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f038ac5e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/currentUd.py @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import sys, re, os.path, json, ast +from termcolor import colored +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey +from gql import gql, Client +from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport + +class currentUd: + + def __init__(self, node): + # Define Duniter GVA node + transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node) + self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) + + def sendDoc(self): + # Build UD generation document + queryBuild = gql( + """ + query { + currentUd { + amount + } + } + """ + ) + paramsBuild = { + } + + # Send UD document + try: + udValue = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild) + except Exception as e: + message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"] + sys.stderr.write("Echec de récupération du DU:\n" + message + "\n") + sys.exit(1) + + udValueFinal = udValue['currentUd']['amount'] + + return udValueFinal diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/gva.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/gva.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c4173c9a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/gva.py @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +from lib.currentUd import currentUd +import sys, re +from lib.natools import get_privkey +from lib.gvaPay import Transaction, PUBKEY_REGEX +from lib.gvaHistory import History +from lib.gvaBalance import Balance +from lib.gvaID import Id + +class GvaApi(): + def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey, noNeedDunikey=False): + self.noNeedDunikey = noNeedDunikey + self.dunikey = dunikey + self.node = node + if noNeedDunikey: + self.pubkey = self.dunikey + else: + self.pubkey = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + + if pubkey: + self.destPubkey = pubkey + else: + self.destPubkey = self.pubkey + + try: + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45: + raise ValueError("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.") + except: + sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + raise + + try: + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.destPubkey) or len(self.destPubkey) > 45: + raise ValueError("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.") + except: + sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + raise + + #################### Payments #################### + + def pay(self, amount, comment, mempool, verbose): + gva = Transaction(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey, amount, comment, mempool, verbose) + gva.genDoc() + gva.checkTXDoc() + gva.signDoc() + return gva.sendTXDoc() + + def history(self, isJSON=False, noColors=False, number=10): + gva = History(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey) + gva.sendDoc(number) + transList = gva.parseHistory() + + if isJSON: + transJson = gva.jsonHistory(transList) + print(transJson) + else: + gva.printHistory(transList, noColors) + + def balance(self, useMempool): + gva = Balance(self.dunikey, self.node, self.destPubkey, useMempool) + balanceValue = gva.sendDoc() + print(balanceValue) + + def id(self, pubkey, username): + gva = Id(self.dunikey, self.node, pubkey, username) + result = gva.sendDoc() + print(result) + + def idBalance(self, pubkey): + gva = Id(self.dunikey, self.node, pubkey) + result = gva.sendDoc(True) + print(result) + + def currentUd(self): + gva = currentUd(self.node) + result = gva.sendDoc() + print(result) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaBalance.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaBalance.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1a20ea2fb --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaBalance.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import sys, re, os.path, json, ast +from termcolor import colored +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey +from gql import gql, Client +from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport + +PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}" + +class Balance: + + def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey, useMempool=False): + self.dunikey = dunikey + self.pubkey = pubkey if pubkey else get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + self.useMempool = useMempool + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45: + sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + sys.exit(1) + + # Define Duniter GVA node + transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node) + self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) + + def sendDoc(self): + # Build balance generation document + queryBuild = gql( + """ + query ($pubkey: PkOrScriptGva!){ + balance(script: $pubkey) { + amount + } + } + """ + ) + paramsBuild = { + "pubkey": self.pubkey + } + + # Send balance document + try: + balanceResult = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild) + except Exception as e: + message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"] + sys.stderr.write("Echec de récupération du solde:\n" + message + "\n") + sys.exit(1) + + if (balanceResult['balance'] == None): balanceValue = 'null' + else: + balanceValue = balanceResult['balance']['amount']/100 + + # print(balanceValue) + return balanceValue diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaHistory.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaHistory.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..39563a7e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaHistory.py @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import sys, re, os.path, json, ast, time, hashlib +from datetime import datetime +from duniterpy.key import base58 +from termcolor import colored +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey +from gql import gql, Client +from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport + +PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}" + +class History: + + def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey): + self.dunikey = dunikey + self.pubkey = pubkey if pubkey else get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + self.node = node + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45: + sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + sys.exit(1) + + # Define Duniter GVA node + transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node) + self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) + + def sendDoc(self, number): + # Build history generation document + queryBuild = gql( + """ + query ($pubkey: PubKeyGva!, $script: PkOrScriptGva!, $number: Int!){ + txsHistoryBc( + script: $script + pagination: { pageSize: $number, ord: DESC } + ) { + both { + pageInfo { + hasPreviousPage + hasNextPage + } + edges { + direction + node { + currency + issuers + outputs + comment + writtenTime + } + } + } + } + txsHistoryMp(pubkey: $pubkey) { + receiving { + currency + issuers + comment + outputs + receivedTime + } + receiving { + currency + issuers + comment + outputs + receivedTime + } + } + balance(script: $script) { + amount + base + } + node { + peer { + currency + } + } + currentUd { + amount + base + } + } + """ + ) + paramsBuild = { + "pubkey": self.pubkey, + "number": number, + "script": f"SIG({self.pubkey})", + } + + # Send history document + try: + self.historyDoc = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild) + except Exception as e: + message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"] + sys.stderr.write("Echec de récupération de l'historique:\n" + message + "\n") + sys.exit(1) + + + def parseHistory(self): + trans = [] + i = 0 + + currentBase = int(self.historyDoc['currentUd']['base']) + self.UD = self.historyDoc['currentUd']['amount']/100 + + + # Parse transactions in blockchain + resBc = [] + resBc = self.historyDoc['txsHistoryBc']['both']['edges'] + for j, transaction in enumerate(resBc): + # print(transaction) + direction = resBc[j]['direction'] + transaction = resBc[j]['node'] + output = transaction['outputs'][0] + outPubkey = output.split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','') + # if direction == 'RECEIVED' or self.pubkey != outPubkey: + trans.append(i) + trans[i] = [] + trans[i].append(direction) + trans[i].append(transaction['writtenTime']) + if direction == 'SENT': + trans[i].append(outPubkey) + amount = int('-' + output.split(':')[0]) + else: + trans[i].append(transaction['issuers'][0]) + amount = int(output.split(':')[0]) + base = int(output.split(':')[1]) + applyBase = base-currentBase + amount = round(amount*pow(10,applyBase)/100, 2) + # if referential == 'DU': amount = round(amount/UD, 2) + trans[i].append(amount) + trans[i].append(round(amount/self.UD, 2)) + trans[i].append(transaction['comment']) + trans[i].append(base) + i += 1 + + # Parse transactions in mempool + for direction in self.historyDoc['txsHistoryMp']: + resBc = [] + resBc = self.historyDoc['txsHistoryMp'][direction] + for j, transaction in enumerate(resBc): + # print(transaction) + transaction = resBc[j] + output = transaction['outputs'][0] + outPubkey = output.split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','') + # if direction == 'RECEIVING' or self.pubkey != outPubkey: + trans.append(i) + trans[i] = [] + trans[i].append(direction) + trans[i].append(int(time.time())) + if direction == 'SENDING': + trans[i].append(outPubkey) + amount = int('-' + output.split(':')[0]) + else: + trans[i].append(transaction['issuers'][0]) + amount = int(output.split(':')[0]) + base = int(output.split(':')[1]) + applyBase = base-currentBase + amount = round(amount*pow(10,applyBase)/100, 2) + # if referential == 'DU': amount = round(amount/UD, 2) + trans[i].append(amount) + trans[i].append(round(amount/self.UD, 2)) + trans[i].append(transaction['comment']) + trans[i].append(base) + i += 1 + + # Order transactions by date + trans.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) + + # Keep only base if there is base change + lastBase = 0 + for i in trans: + if i[6] == lastBase: i[6] = None + else: lastBase = i[6] + + return trans + + def printHistory(self, trans, noColors): + # Get balance + if (self.historyDoc['balance'] == None): + balance = balanceUD = 'null' + else: + + balance = self.historyDoc['balance']['amount']/100 + balanceUD = round(balance/self.UD, 2) + + # Get currency + currency = self.historyDoc['node']['peer']['currency'] + if currency == 'g1': currency = 'Ḡ1' + elif currency == 'g1-test': currency = 'GT' + # if referential == 'DU': currency = 'DU/' + currency.lower() + + # Get terminal size + rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1]) + + # Display history + print('+', end='') + print('-'.center(rows-1, '-')) + if noColors: isBold = isBoldEnd = '' + else: + isBold = '\033[1m' + isBoldEnd = '\033[0m' + print(isBold + "|{: <19} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(" Date"," De / À"," {0}".format(currency)," DU/{0}".format(currency.lower()),"Commentaire") + isBoldEnd) + print('|', end='') + for t in trans: + if t[0] == "RECEIVED": color = "green" + elif t[0] == "SENT": color = "blue" + elif t[0] == "receiving": color = "yellow" + elif t[0] == "sending": color = "red" + else: color = None + if noColors: + color = None + if t[0] in ('RECEIVING','SENDING'): + comment = '(EN ATTENTE) ' + t[5] + else: + comment = t[5] + else: + comment = t[5] + + date = datetime.fromtimestamp(t[1]).strftime("%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M") + print('-'.center(rows-1, '-')) + if t[6]: + print('|', end='') + print(' Changement de base : {0} '.format(t[6]).center(rows-1, '#')) + print('|', end='') + print('-'.center(rows-1, '-')) + print('|', end='') + checksum = self.gen_checksum(t[2]) + shortPubkey = t[2][0:4] + '\u2026' + t[2][-4:] + ':' + checksum + if noColors: + print(" {: <18} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(date, shortPubkey, t[3], t[4], comment)) + else: + print(colored(" {: <18} | {: <12} | {: <7} | {: <7} | {: <30}".format(date, shortPubkey, t[3], t[4], comment), color)) + print('|', end='') + print('-'.center(rows-1, '-')) + print('|', end='') + print(isBold + 'Solde du compte: {0} {1} ({2} DU/{3})'.format(balance, currency, balanceUD, currency.lower()).center(rows-1, ' ') + isBoldEnd) + print('+', end='') + print(''.center(rows-1, '-')) + if not noColors: + print(colored('Reçus', 'green'), '-', colored('En cours de réception', 'yellow'), '-', colored('Envoyé', 'blue'), '-', colored("En cours d'envoi", 'red')) + + return trans + + def gen_checksum(self, pubkey): + """ + Returns the checksum of the input pubkey (encoded in b58) + thx Matograine + """ + pubkey_byte = base58.Base58Encoder.decode(str.encode(pubkey)) + hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(pubkey_byte).digest()).digest() + return base58.Base58Encoder.encode(hash)[:3] + + def jsonHistory(self, transList): + dailyJSON = [] + for i, trans in enumerate(transList): + dailyJSON.append(i) + dailyJSON[i] = {} + dailyJSON[i]['date'] = trans[1] + dailyJSON[i]['pubkey'] = trans[2] + dailyJSON[i]['amount'] = trans[3] + dailyJSON[i]['amountUD'] = trans[4] + dailyJSON[i]['comment'] = trans[5] + + dailyJSON = json.dumps(dailyJSON, indent=2) + # If we want to write JSON to a file + #jsonFile = open("history-{0}.json".format(self.pubkey[0:8]), "w") + #jsonFile.writelines(dailyJSON + '\n') + #jsonFile.close() + return dailyJSON + diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaID.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaID.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..023a14426 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaID.py @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import sys, re, os.path, json, ast +from termcolor import colored +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey +from gql import gql, Client +from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport + +PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[1-9A-Za-z]{42,45}" + +class Id: + + def __init__(self, dunikey, node, pubkey='', username=''): + + self.dunikey = dunikey + self.pubkey = pubkey if pubkey else get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + self.username = username + # if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, self.pubkey) or len(self.pubkey) > 45: + # sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + # sys.exit(1) + + # Define Duniter GVA node + transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node) + self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) + + def sendDoc(self, getBalance=False): + # Build balance generation document + if (getBalance): + queryBuild = gql( + """ + query ($pubkey: PubKeyGva!, $script: PkOrScriptGva!){ + idty (pubkey: $pubkey) { + isMember + username + } + balance(script: $script) { + amount + } + } + """ + ) + else: + queryBuild = gql( + """ + query ($pubkey: PubKeyGva!){ + idty (pubkey: $pubkey) { + isMember + username + } + } + """ + ) + + paramsBuild = { + "pubkey": self.pubkey, + "script": f"SIG({self.pubkey})" + } + + # Send balance document + try: + queryResult = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild) + except Exception as e: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de récupération du solde:\n" + str(e) + "\n") + sys.exit(1) + + jsonBrut = queryResult + + if (getBalance): + if (queryResult['balance'] == None): + jsonBrut['balance'] = {"amount": 0.0} + else: + jsonBrut['balance'] = queryResult['balance']['amount']/100 + + if (queryResult['idty'] == None): + username = 'Matiou' + isMember = False + else: + username = queryResult['idty']['username'] + isMember = queryResult['idty']['isMember'] + + return json.dumps(jsonBrut, indent=2) diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaPay.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaPay.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..caa084f3d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/gvaPay.py @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import sys, re, os.path, json, ast +from termcolor import colored +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey +from gql import gql, Client +from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport + +PUBKEY_REGEX = "(?![OIl])[0-9A-Za-z]{42,45}" + +class Transaction: + + def __init__(self, dunikey, node, recipient, amount, comment='', useMempool=False, verbose=False): + self.dunikey = dunikey + self.recipient = recipient + self.amount = int(amount*100) + self.comment = comment + self.issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + self.useMempool = useMempool + self.verbose = verbose + self.node = node + self._isChange = False + + try: + if not re.match(PUBKEY_REGEX, recipient) or len(recipient) > 45: + raise ValueError("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.") + except: + sys.stderr.write("La clé publique n'est pas au bon format.\n") + raise + + + try: + if recipient == self.issuer: + raise ValueError('Le destinataire ne peut pas être vous même.') + except: + sys.stderr.write("Le destinataire ne peut pas être vous même.\n") + raise + + + # Define Duniter GVA node + transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=node) + self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) + + def genDoc(self): + # Build TX generation document + if self.verbose: print("useMempool:", str(self.useMempool)) + queryBuild = gql( + """ + query ($recipient: PkOrScriptGva!, $issuer: PubKeyGva!, $amount: Int!, $comment: String!, $useMempool: Boolean!){ genTx( + amount: $amount + comment: $comment + issuer: $issuer + recipient: $recipient + useMempoolSources: $useMempool + ) + } + """ + ) + paramsBuild = { + "recipient": self.recipient, + "issuer": self.issuer, + "amount": int(self.amount), + "comment": self.comment, + "useMempool": self.useMempool + } + + # Send TX document + try: + # self.txDoc = [] + self.txDoc = self.client.execute(queryBuild, variable_values=paramsBuild)['genTx'] + if self.verbose: print(self.txDoc[0]) + return self.txDoc + except Exception as e: + message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"] + sys.stderr.write("Echec de la génération du document:\n" + message + "\n") + raise + + + # Check document + def checkTXDoc(self): + issuerRaw=[];outAmount=[];outPubkey=[];commentRaw=[] + for docs in self.txDoc: + docList = docs.splitlines() + for i, line in enumerate(docList): + if re.search("Issuers:", line): + issuerRaw.append(docList[(i + 1) % len(docList)]) + if re.search("Outputs:", line): + outputRaw = docList[(i + 1) % len(docList)].split(":") + outAmount.append(int(outputRaw[0])) + outPubkey.append(outputRaw[2].split("SIG(")[1].replace(')','')) + if re.search("Comment:", line): + commentRaw.append(line.split(': ', 1)[1]) + + # Check if it's only a change transaction + if all(i == self.issuer for i in outPubkey): + print("Le document contient une transaction de change") + self.isChange = True + # Check validity of the document + elif all(i != self.issuer for i in issuerRaw) or sum(outAmount) != self.amount or all(i != self.recipient for i in outPubkey) or all(i != self.comment for i in commentRaw): + sys.stderr.write(colored("Le document généré est corrompu !\nLe noeud " + self.node + "a peut être un dysfonctionnement.\n", 'red')) + sys.stderr.write(colored(issuerRaw[0] + " envoi " + str(outAmount[0]) + " vers " + outPubkey[0] + " with comment: " + commentRaw[0] + "\n", "yellow")) + raise ValueError('Le document généré est corrompu !') + else: + print("Le document généré est conforme.") + self.isChange = False + return self.txDoc + + def signDoc(self): + # Sign TX documents + signature=[] + self.signedDoc=[] + for i, docs in enumerate(self.txDoc): + signature.append(fmt["64"](sign(docs.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(docs.encode())])) + self.signedDoc.append(docs + signature[i].decode()) + return self.signedDoc + + + def sendTXDoc(self): + # Build TX documents + txResult=[] + for docs in self.signedDoc: + querySign = gql( + """ + mutation ($signedDoc: String!){ tx( + rawTx: $signedDoc + ) { + version + issuers + outputs + } + } + """ + ) + paramsSign = { + "signedDoc": docs + } + + # Send TX Signed document + try: + txResult.append(str(self.client.execute(querySign, variable_values=paramsSign))) + except Exception as e: + message = ast.literal_eval(str(e))["message"] + sys.stderr.write("Echec de la transaction:\n" + message + "\n") + if self.verbose: + sys.stderr.write("Document final:\n" + docs) + raise ValueError(message) + else: + if self.isChange: + self.send() + else: + print(colored("Transaction effectué avec succès !", "green")) + if self.verbose: + print(docs) + break + + return txResult + + def _getIsChange(self): + return self._isChange + def _setIsChange(self, newChange): + if self.verbose: print("_setIsChange: ", str(newChange)) + self._isChange = newChange + if newChange: self.useMempool == True + isChange = property(_getIsChange, _setIsChange) + + def send(self): + result = self.genDoc() + result = self.checkTXDoc() + result = self.signDoc() + result = self.sendTXDoc() + return result + diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/messaging.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/messaging.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..2165182d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/messaging.py @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +import os, sys, ast, requests, json, base58, base64 +from time import time +from datetime import datetime +from termcolor import colored +from lib.natools import fmt, get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt +from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, pp_json, PUBKEY_REGEX + + +#################### Reading class #################### + + +class ReadFromCesium(CesiumCommon): + # Configure JSON document to send + def configDoc(self, nbrMsg, outbox): + boxType = "issuer" if outbox else "recipient" + + data = {} + data['sort'] = { "time": "desc" } + data['from'] = 0 + data['size'] = nbrMsg + data['_source'] = ['issuer','recipient','title','content','time','nonce','read_signature'] + data['query'] = {} + data['query']['bool'] = {} + data['query']['bool']['filter'] = {} + data['query']['bool']['filter']['term'] = {} + data['query']['bool']['filter']['term'][boxType] = self.pubkey + + document = json.dumps(data) + return document + + def sendDocument(self, nbrMsg, outbox): + boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox" + + document = self.configDoc(nbrMsg, outbox) + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}/_search'.format(self.pod, boxType), headers=headers, data=document) + if result.status_code == 200: + return result.json()["hits"] + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text) + + # Parse JSON result and display messages + def readMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg, outbox): + def decrypt(msg): + msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg) + return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode() + + # Get terminal size + rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1]) + + totalMsg = msgJSON["total"] + if nbrMsg > totalMsg: + nbrMsg = totalMsg + + if totalMsg == 0: + print(colored("Aucun message à afficher.", 'yellow')) + return True + else: + infoTotal = " Nombre de messages: " + str(nbrMsg) + "/" + str(totalMsg) + " " + print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow")) + for hits in msgJSON["hits"]: + self.idMsg = hits["_id"] + msgSrc = hits["_source"] + self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"] + nonce = msgSrc["nonce"] + nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce) + self.dateS = msgSrc["time"] + date = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dateS).strftime(", le %d/%m/%Y à %H:%M ") + if outbox: + startHeader = " À " + msgSrc["recipient"] + else: + startHeader = " De " + self.issuer + headerMsg = startHeader + date + "(ID: {})".format(self.idMsg) + " " + + print('-'.center(rows, '-')) + print(colored(headerMsg, "blue").center(rows+9, '-')) + print('-'.center(rows, '-')) + try: + self.title = decrypt(msgSrc["title"]) + self.content = decrypt(msgSrc["content"]) + except Exception as e: + sys.stderr.write(colored(str(e), 'red') + '\n') + pp_json(hits) + continue + print('\033[1m' + self.title + '\033[0m') + print(self.content) + + print(colored(infoTotal.center(rows, '#'), "yellow")) + + # Parse JSON result and display messages + def jsonMessages(self, msgJSON, nbrMsg, outbox): + def decrypt(msg): + msg64 = base64.b64decode(msg) + return box_decrypt(msg64, get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.issuer, nonce).decode() + + totalMsg = msgJSON["total"] + if nbrMsg > totalMsg: + nbrMsg = totalMsg + + if totalMsg == 0: + print("Aucun message à afficher") + return True + else: + data = [] + # data.append({}) + # data[0]['total'] = totalMsg + for i, hits in enumerate(msgJSON["hits"]): + self.idMsg = hits["_id"] + msgSrc = hits["_source"] + self.issuer = msgSrc["issuer"] + nonce = msgSrc["nonce"] + nonce = base58.b58decode(nonce) + self.date = msgSrc["time"] + + if outbox: + pubkey = msgSrc["recipient"] + else: + pubkey = self.issuer + + try: + self.title = decrypt(msgSrc["title"]) + self.content = decrypt(msgSrc["content"]) + except Exception as e: + sys.stderr.write(colored(str(e), 'red') + '\n') + pp_json(hits) + continue + + data.append(i) + data[i] = {} + data[i]['id'] = self.idMsg + data[i]['date'] = self.date + data[i]['pubkey'] = pubkey + data[i]['title'] = self.title + data[i]['content'] = self.content + + data = json.dumps(data, indent=2) + return data + + +#################### Sending class #################### + + +class SendToCesium(CesiumCommon): + def encryptMsg(self, msg): + return fmt["64"](box_encrypt(msg.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"), self.recipient, self.nonce)).decode() + + def configDoc(self, title, msg): + b58nonce = base58.b58encode(self.nonce).decode() + + # Get current timestamp + timeSent = int(time()) + + # Generate custom JSON + data = {} + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + data['recipient'] = self.recipient + data['title'] = title + data['content'] = msg + data['time'] = timeSent + data['nonce'] = b58nonce + data['version'] = 2 + document = json.dumps(data) + + return self.signDoc(document) + + + def sendDocument(self, document, outbox): + boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox" + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get result + try: + result = requests.post('{0}/message/{1}?pubkey={2}'.format(self.pod, boxType, self.recipient), headers=headers, data=document) + except Exception as e: + sys.stderr.write("Impossible d'envoyer le message:\n" + str(e)) + sys.exit(1) + else: + if result.status_code == 200: + print(colored("Message envoyé avec succès !", "green")) + print("ID: " + result.text) + return result + else: + sys.stderr.write("Erreur inconnue:" + '\n') + print(str(pp_json(result.text)) + '\n') + + +#################### Deleting class #################### + + +class DeleteFromCesium(CesiumCommon): + def configDoc(self, idMsg, outbox): + # Get current timestamp + timeSent = int(time()) + + boxType = "outbox" if outbox else "inbox" + + # Generate document to customize + data = {} + data['version'] = 2 + data['index'] = "message" + data['type'] = boxType + data['id'] = idMsg + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + data['time'] = timeSent + document = json.dumps(data) + + return self.signDoc(document) + + def sendDocument(self, document, idMsg): + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get result + try: + result = requests.post('{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document) + if result.status_code == 404: + raise ValueError("Message introuvable") + elif result.status_code == 403: + raise ValueError("Vous n'êtes pas l'auteur de ce message.") + except Exception as e: + sys.stderr.write(colored("Impossible de supprimer le message {0}:\n".format(idMsg), 'red') + str(e) + "\n") + return False + else: + if result.status_code == 200: + print(colored("Message {0} supprimé avec succès !".format(idMsg), "green")) + return result + else: + sys.stderr.write("Erreur inconnue.") diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/natools.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/natools.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..18f06d121 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/natools.py @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +""" + CopyLeft 2020 Pascal Engélibert + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . +""" + +__version__ = "1.3.1" + +import os, sys, duniterpy.key, libnacl, base58, base64, getpass + +def getargv(arg:str, default:str="", n:int=1, args:list=sys.argv) -> str: + if arg in args and len(args) > args.index(arg)+n: + return args[args.index(arg)+n] + else: + return default + +def read_data(data_path, b=True): + if data_path == "-": + if b: + return sys.stdin.buffer.read() + else: + return sys.stdin.read() + else: + return open(os.path.expanduser(data_path), "rb" if b else "r").read() + +def write_data(data, result_path): + if result_path == "-": + os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb').write(data) + else: + open(os.path.expanduser(result_path), "wb").write(data) + +def encrypt(data, pubkey): + return duniterpy.key.PublicKey(pubkey).encrypt_seal(data) + +def decrypt(data, privkey): + return privkey.decrypt_seal(data) + +def box_encrypt(data, privkey, pubkey, nonce=None, attach_nonce=False): + signer = libnacl.sign.Signer(privkey.seed) + sk = libnacl.public.SecretKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(signer.sk)) + verifier = libnacl.sign.Verifier(base58.b58decode(pubkey).hex()) + pk = libnacl.public.PublicKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(verifier.vk)) + box = libnacl.public.Box(sk.sk, pk.pk) + data = box.encrypt(data, nonce) if nonce else box.encrypt(data) + return data if attach_nonce else data[24:] + +def box_decrypt(data, privkey, pubkey, nonce=None): + signer = libnacl.sign.Signer(privkey.seed) + sk = libnacl.public.SecretKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(signer.sk)) + verifier = libnacl.sign.Verifier(base58.b58decode(pubkey).hex()) + pk = libnacl.public.PublicKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(verifier.vk)) + box = libnacl.public.Box(sk.sk, pk.pk) + return box.decrypt(data, nonce) if nonce else box.decrypt(data) + +def sign(data, privkey): + return privkey.sign(data) + +def verify(data, pubkey): + try: + ret = libnacl.sign.Verifier(duniterpy.key.PublicKey(pubkey).hex_pk()).verify(data) + sys.stderr.write("Signature OK!\n") + return ret + except ValueError: + sys.stderr.write("Bad signature!\n") + exit(1) + +def get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format): + if privkey_format == "pubsec": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "privkey.pubsec" + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_pubsec_file(privkey_path) + + elif privkey_format == "cred": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "-" + if privkey_path == "-": + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_credentials(getpass.getpass("Password: "), getpass.getpass("Salt: ")) + else: + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_credentials_file(privkey_path) + + elif privkey_format == "seedh": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "authfile.seedhex" + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_seedhex(read_data(privkey_path, False)) + + elif privkey_format == "wif": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "authfile.wif" + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_file(privkey_path) + + elif privkey_format == "wifh": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "authfile.wif" + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_hex(privkey_path) + + elif privkey_format == "ssb": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "secret" + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_ssb_file(privkey_path) + + elif privkey_format == "key": + if privkey_path == "*": + privkey_path = "authfile.key" + return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_private_key(privkey_path) + + print("Error: unknown privkey format") + +def fill_pubkey(pubkey, length=32): + while pubkey[0] == 0: + pubkey = pubkey[1:] + return b"\x00"*(length-len(pubkey)) + pubkey + +def pubkey_checksum(pubkey, length=32, clength=3): + return base58.b58encode(libnacl.crypto_hash_sha256(libnacl.crypto_hash_sha256(fill_pubkey(base58.b58decode(pubkey), length)))).decode()[:clength] + +# returns (pubkey:bytes|None, deprecated_length:bool) +def check_pubkey(pubkey): + if ":" in pubkey: + parts = pubkey.split(":") + if len(parts[1]) < 3 or len(parts[1]) > 32: + return (None, False) + for i in range(32, 0, -1): + if pubkey_checksum(parts[0], i, len(parts[1])) == parts[1]: + return (parts[0], i < 32) + return (None, False) + return (pubkey, False) + +fmt = { + "raw": lambda data: data, + "16": lambda data: data.hex().encode(), + "32": lambda data: base64.b32encode(data), + "58": lambda data: base58.b58encode(data), + "64": lambda data: base64.b64encode(data), + "64u": lambda data: base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data), + "85": lambda data: base64.b85encode(data), +} + +defmt = { + "raw": lambda data: data, + "16": lambda data: bytes.fromhex(data), + "32": lambda data: base64.b32decode(data), + "58": lambda data: base58.b58decode(data), + "64": lambda data: base64.b64decode(data), + "85": lambda data: base64.b85decode(data), +} + +def show_help(): + print("""Usage: +python3 natools.py [options] + +Commands: + encrypt Encrypt data + decrypt Decrypt data + box-encrypt Encrypt data (NaCl box) + box-decrypt Decrypt data (NaCl box) + sign Sign data + verify Verify data + pubkey Display pubkey + pk Display b58 pubkey shorthand + +Options: + -c Display pubkey checksum + -f Private key format (default: cred) + key cred pubsec seedh ssb wif wifh + -i Input file path (default: -) + -I Input format: raw 16 32 58 64 85 (default: raw) + -k Privkey file path (* for auto) (default: *) + -n Nonce (b64, 24 bytes) (for NaCl box) + -N Attach nonce to output (for NaCl box encryption) + --noinc Do not include msg after signature + -o Output file path (default: -) + -O Output format: raw 16 32 58 64 64u 85 (default: raw) + -p Pubkey (base58) + + --help Show help + --version Show version + --debug Debug mode (display full errors) + +Note: "-" means stdin or stdout. +""") + +if __name__ == "__main__": + + if "--help" in sys.argv: + show_help() + exit() + + if "--version" in sys.argv: + print(__version__) + exit() + + privkey_format = getargv("-f", "cred") + data_path = getargv("-i", "-") + privkey_path = getargv("-k", "*") + pubkey = getargv("-p") + result_path = getargv("-o", "-") + output_format = getargv("-O", "raw") + input_format = getargv("-I", "raw") + + if pubkey: + pubkey, len_deprecated = check_pubkey(pubkey) + if not pubkey: + print("Invalid pubkey checksum! Please check spelling.") + exit(1) + if len(base58.b58decode(pubkey)) > 32: + print("Invalid pubkey: too long!") + exit(1) + if len_deprecated: + print("Warning: valid pubkey checksum, but deprecated format (truncating zeros)") + + try: + if sys.argv[1] == "encrypt": + if not pubkey: + print("Please provide pubkey!") + exit(1) + write_data(fmt[output_format](encrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), pubkey)), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "decrypt": + write_data(fmt[output_format](decrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format))), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "box-encrypt": + if not pubkey: + print("Please provide pubkey!") + exit(1) + nonce = getargv("-n", None) + if nonce: + nonce = base64.b64decode(nonce) + attach_nonce = "-N" in sys.argv + write_data(fmt[output_format](box_encrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format), pubkey, nonce, attach_nonce)), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "box-decrypt": + if not pubkey: + print("Please provide pubkey!") + exit(1) + nonce = getargv("-n", None) + if nonce: + nonce = base64.b64decode(nonce) + write_data(fmt[output_format](box_decrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format), pubkey, nonce)), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "sign": + data = defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)) + signed = sign(data, get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format)) + + if "--noinc" in sys.argv: + signed = signed[:len(signed)-len(data)] + + write_data(fmt[output_format](signed), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "verify": + if not pubkey: + print("Please provide pubkey!") + exit(1) + write_data(fmt[output_format](verify(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), pubkey)), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "pubkey": + if pubkey: + if "-c" in sys.argv and output_format == "58": + write_data("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)).encode(), result_path) + else: + write_data(fmt[output_format](base58.b58decode(pubkey)), result_path) + else: + pubkey = get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format).pubkey + if "-c" in sys.argv and output_format == "58": + write_data("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)).encode(), result_path) + else: + write_data(fmt[output_format](base58.b58decode(pubkey)), result_path) + + elif sys.argv[1] == "pk": + if not pubkey: + pubkey = get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format).pubkey + if "-c" in sys.argv: + print("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey))) + else: + print(pubkey) + + else: + show_help() + + except Exception as e: + if "--debug" in sys.argv: + 0/0 # DEBUG MODE (raise error when handling error to display backtrace) + sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(e)) + show_help() + exit(1) diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/offers.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/offers.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce406df6e --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/offers.py @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +import sys, re, json, requests, base64 +from time import time +from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX + +class Offers(CesiumCommon): + # Configure JSON document SET to send + def configDocSet(self, title, description, city, localisation, category, price: float, picture): + timeSent = int(time()) + +# {"parent":"cat90","localizedNames":{"en":"Fruits & Vegetables","es-ES":"Frutas y Vegetales","fr-FR":"Fruits & Légumes"},"name":"Fruits & Légumes","id":"cat92"} + + data = {} + if title: data['title'] = title + if description: data['description'] = description + if city: data['city'] = city + if localisation: + geoPoint = {} + geoPoint['lat'] = localisation[0] + geoPoint['lon'] = localisation[1] + data['geoPoint'] = geoPoint + if picture: + picture = open(picture, 'rb').read() + picture = base64.b64encode(picture).decode() + data['thumbnail'] = {} + data['thumbnail']['_content'] = picture + data['thumbnail']['_content_type'] = "image/png" + # if category: data['category'] = category + # else: + data['category'] = {"parent":"cat24","localizedNames":{"en":"DVD / Films","es-ES":"DVDs / Cine","fr-FR":"DVD / Films"},"name":"DVD / Films","id":"cat25"} + if price: data['price'] = float(price) * 100 + data['type'] = 'offer' + data['time'] = timeSent + data['creationTime'] = timeSent + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + data['pubkey'] = self.pubkey + data['version'] = 2 + data['currency'] = 'g1' + data['unit'] = None + data['fees'] = None + data['feesCurrency'] = None + if picture: data['picturesCount'] = 1 + else: data['picturesCount'] = 0 + data['stock'] = 1 + data['tags'] = [] + + document = json.dumps(data) + + return self.signDoc(document) + + # Configure JSON document SET to send + def configDocErase(self, id): + timeSent = int(time()) + +# "currency":"g1","unit":null,"fees":null,"feesCurrency":null,"picturesCount":0,"stock":0,"tags":[],"id":"AXehXeyZaml2THvBAeS5","creationTime":1613320117} +#AXehXeyZaml2THvBAeS5 + + + offerToDeleteBrut = self.sendDocumentGet(id, 'get') + offerToDelete = json.loads(self.parseJSON(offerToDeleteBrut)) + + title = offerToDelete['title'] + creationTime = offerToDelete['time'] + issuer = offerToDelete['issuer'] + pubkey = offerToDelete['pubkey'] + + data = {} + data['title'] = title + data['time'] = timeSent + data['creationTime'] = creationTime + data['id'] = id + data['issuer'] = issuer + data['pubkey'] = pubkey + data['version'] = 2 + data['type'] = "offer" + data['currency'] = "g1" + data['unit'] = None + data['fees'] = None + data['feesCurrency'] = None + data['picturesCount'] = 0 + data['stock'] = 0 + data['tags'] = [] + + document = json.dumps(data) + + return self.signDoc(document) + + def sendDocumentGet(self, id, type): + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + if type == 'set': + reqQuery = '{0}/market/record'.format(self.pod) + elif type == 'get': + reqQuery = '{0}/market/record/{1}?_source=category,title,description,issuer,time,creationTime,location,address,city,price,unit,currency,thumbnail._content_type,thumbnail._content,picturesCount,type,stock,fees,feesCurrency,geoPoint,pubkey,freePrice'.format(self.pod, id) + elif type == 'erase': + reqQuery = '{0}/market/delete'.format(self.pod) + + + result = requests.get(reqQuery, headers=headers) + # print(result) + if result.status_code == 200: + # print(result.text) + return result.text + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + '\n') + + + def sendDocumentSet(self, document, type, id=None): + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + if type == 'set': + reqQuery = '{0}/market/record'.format(self.pod) + if type == 'delete': + reqQuery = '{0}/market/record/{1}/_update'.format(self.pod, id) + + result = requests.post(reqQuery, headers=headers, data=document) + if result.status_code == 200: + # print(result.text) + return result.text + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + '\n') + + def parseJSON(self, doc): + doc = json.loads(doc)['_source'] + if doc: + # pubkey = { "pubkey": doc['issuer'] } + # rest = { "description": doc['description'] } + # final = {**pubkey, **rest} + return json.dumps(doc, indent=2) + else: + return 'Profile vide' diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/profiles.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/profiles.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..cfe259204 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/profiles.py @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +import sys, re, json, requests, base64 +from time import time +from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX + + +class Profiles(CesiumCommon): + # Configure JSON document SET to send + def configDocSet(self, name, description, city, address, pos, socials, avatar): + timeSent = int(time()) + + data = {} + if name: data['title'] = name + if description: data['description'] = description + if address: data['address'] = address + if city: data['city'] = city + if pos: + geoPoint = {} + geoPoint['lat'] = pos[0] + geoPoint['lon'] = pos[1] + data['geoPoint'] = geoPoint + if socials: + data['socials'] = [] + data['socials'].append({}) + data['socials'][0]['type'] = "web" + data['socials'][0]['url'] = socials + if avatar: + avatar = open(avatar, 'rb').read() + avatar = base64.b64encode(avatar).decode() + data['avatar'] = {} + data['avatar']['_content'] = avatar + data['avatar']['_content_type'] = "image/png" + data['time'] = timeSent + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + data['version'] = 2 + data['tags'] = [] + + document = json.dumps(data) + + return self.signDoc(document) + + # Configure JSON document GET to send + def configDocGet(self, profile, scope='title', getAvatar=None): + + if getAvatar: + avatar = "avatar" + else: + avatar = "avatar._content_type" + + data = { + "query": { + "bool": { + "should":[ + { + "match":{ + scope:{ + "query": profile,"boost":2 + } + } + },{ + "prefix": {scope: profile} + } + ] + } + },"highlight": { + "fields": { + "title":{}, + "tags":{} + } + },"from":0, + "size":100, + "_source":["title", avatar,"description","city","address","socials.url","creationTime","membersCount","type","geoPoint"], + "indices_boost":{"user":100,"page":1,"group":0.01 + } + } + + document = json.dumps(data) + + return document + + # Configure JSON document SET to send + def configDocErase(self): + timeSent = int(time()) + + data = {} + data['time'] = timeSent + data['id'] = self.pubkey + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + data['version'] = 2 + data['index'] = "user" + data['type'] = "profile" + + document = json.dumps(data) + + return self.signDoc(document) + + def sendDocument(self, document, type): + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + if type == 'set': + reqQuery = '{0}/user/profile?pubkey={1}/_update?pubkey={1}'.format(self.pod, self.pubkey) + elif type == 'get': + reqQuery = '{0}/user,page,group/profile,record/_search'.format(self.pod) + elif type == 'erase': + reqQuery = '{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod) + + result = requests.post(reqQuery, headers=headers, data=document) + if result.status_code == 200: + # print(result.text) + return result.text + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document...\n" + result.text + '\n') + + def parseJSON(self, doc): + doc = json.loads(doc)['hits']['hits'] + if doc: + pubkey = { "pubkey": doc[0]['_id'] } + rest = doc[0]['_source'] + final = {**pubkey, **rest} + return json.dumps(final, indent=2) + else: + return 'Profile vide' diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/qrcode-reader.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/qrcode-reader.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f92bfcd17 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/qrcode-reader.py @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +from io import BytesIO +import base64, base58, varint, os, json +# from lib.cesium import CesiumPlus as cs + +## BytesIO adds a stream interface to bytes +## Exemple: +qr = BytesIO(bytes.fromhex("8316140212c28e52e034ecaf684fa3e5d755db519074f27ad086bddffd26b386e55f3b623ca01f0177c0f8ce5f6a69764c7bc10263ec")) + +## Read from a file: +# qr = open("qrcode-AXfA-M5faml2THvBAmPs.bin","rb") +# qr = BytesIO(qr.read()) + +## Check magic number +assert qr.read(3) == b"\x83\x16\x14" + +## Read data type +data_type = varint.decode_stream(qr) + +## Read price type +raw_price_type = varint.decode_stream(qr) +price_type = raw_price_type >> 4 +amount_len = raw_price_type & 0b1111 + +## Read pubkey +pubkey = qr.read(32) +pubkey_b58 = base58.b58encode(pubkey) +# print("Pubkey: {}".format(pubkey_b58.decode("utf-8"))) + +## Read amount + +if price_type == 0: # Free price, ignore amount + qr.read(amount_len) + print("Free price") + +elif price_type == 1: # Units + amount = varint.decode_stream(qr) + # print("Price: {} Ğ1".format(amount/100)) + +elif price_type == 2: # UD + amount_n = varint.decode_stream(qr) + amount_e = varint.decode_stream(qr) + amount = amount_n * 10 ** -amount_e + # print("Price: {} UD_Ğ1".format(amount.decode("utf-8"))) + +else: + qr.read(amount_len) + print("Error: unknown price type, ignoring price") + +## Read data + +if data_type == 0: # No data + data = None + print("There is no data") + +elif data_type == 1: # Plain text + data = qr.read() + print("Data:") + print(data) + +elif data_type == 2: # Ğchange ad + data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(qr.read(16)) + # print("Ğchange ad ID: {}".format(data.decode("utf-8"))) + + +## Get gchange-pod datas + +item = os.popen("./../jaklis/jaklis.py getoffer -i {0}".format(data.decode("utf-8"))) +# item = cs.getOffer(id) + + +jsonR = json.load(item) +item_time = jsonR['creationTime'] +item_name = jsonR['title'] +item_description = jsonR['description'] +item_image = jsonR['thumbnail'] +isImage = '_content' in item_image +if (isImage): + print(item_image['_content']) + +# print(jsonR) +print(item_time) +print(item_name) +print(item_description) + diff --git a/tools/jaklis/lib/stars.py b/tools/jaklis/lib/stars.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5eee3392c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/lib/stars.py @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +import os, sys, ast, requests, json, base58, base64, time, string, random, re +from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt +from time import sleep +from hashlib import sha256 +from datetime import datetime +from termcolor import colored +from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX + +class ReadLikes(CesiumCommon): + # Configure JSON document to send + def configDoc(self, profile): + if not profile: profile = self.pubkey + + data = {} + data['query'] = {} + data['query']['bool'] = {} + data['query']['bool']['filter'] = [ + {'term': {'index': 'user'}}, + {'term': {'type': 'profile'}}, + {'term': {'id': profile}}, + {'term': {'kind': 'STAR'}} + ] + # data['query']['bool']['should'] = {'term':{'issuer': self.issuer}} + data['size'] = 5000 + data['_source'] = ['issuer','level'] + data['aggs'] = { + 'level_sum': { + 'sum': { + 'field': 'level' + } + } + } + + return json.dumps(data) + + def sendDocument(self, document): + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + result = requests.post('{0}/like/record/_search'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document) + + if result.status_code == 200: + # print(result.text) + return result.text + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text + '\n') + + def parseResult(self, result): + result = json.loads(result) + totalLikes = result['hits']['total'] + totalValue = result['aggregations']['level_sum']['value'] + if totalLikes: + score = totalValue/totalLikes + else: + score = 0 + raw = result['hits']['hits'] + finalPrint = {} + finalPrint['likes'] = [] + for i in raw: + issuer = i['_source']['issuer'] + # print(issuer) + gProfile = self.getProfile(issuer) + try: + pseudo = gProfile['title'] + except: + pseudo = '' + try: + payTo = gProfile['pubkey'] + except: + payTo = '' + id = i['_id'] + level = i['_source']['level'] + if issuer == self.pubkey: + finalPrint['yours'] = { 'id' : id, 'pseudo' : pseudo, 'payTo' : payTo, 'level' : level } + else: + finalPrint['likes'].append({ 'issuer' : issuer, 'pseudo' : pseudo, 'payTo' : payTo, 'level' : level }) + finalPrint['score'] = score + + return json.dumps(finalPrint) + + def getProfile(self, profile): + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + data = {} + data['query'] = {} + data['query']['bool'] = {} + data['query']['bool']['filter'] = [ + {'term': {'_index': 'user'}}, + {'term': {'_type': 'profile'}}, + {'term': {'_id': profile}} + ] + data['_source'] = ['title','pubkey'] + + data = json.dumps(data) + + result = requests.post('{0}/user/profile/_search'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=data) + result = json.loads(result.text)['hits']['hits'] + for i in result: + return i['_source'] + + +#################### Like class #################### + + +class SendLikes(CesiumCommon): + # Configure JSON document to send + def configDoc(self, profile, likes): + if not profile: profile = self.pubkey + if likes not in range(0, 6): + sys.stderr.write(colored('Votre like doit être compris entre 0 et 5.\n', 'red')) + return False + + + timeSent = int(time.time()) + + data = {} + data['version'] = 2 + data['index'] = "user" + data['type'] = "profile" + data['id'] = profile + data['kind'] = "STAR" + data['level'] = likes + data['time'] = timeSent + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + + document = json.dumps(data) + + # Generate hash of document + hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper() + + # Generate signature of document + signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode() + + # Build final document + data = {} + data['hash'] = hashDoc + data['signature'] = signature + signJSON = json.dumps(data) + finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)} + finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON) + + return finalDoc + + def sendDocument(self, document, pubkey): + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + result = requests.post('{0}/user/profile/:id/_like'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document) + + if result.status_code == 200: + print(colored("Profile liké avec succès !", 'green')) + return result.text + elif result.status_code == 400: + resultJson = json.loads(result.text) + if 'DuplicatedDocumentException' in resultJson['error']: + rmLike = UnLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod) + idLike = rmLike.checkLike(pubkey) + if idLike: + document = rmLike.configDoc(idLike) + rmLike.sendDocument(document, True) + sleep(0.5) + self.sendDocument(document, pubkey) + return resultJson['error'] + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + resultJson['error'] + '\n') + else: + resultJson = json.loads(result.text) + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + resultJson['error'] + '\n') + + +#################### Unlike class #################### + + +class UnLikes(CesiumCommon): + # Check if you liked this profile + def checkLike(self, pubkey): + readProfileLikes = ReadLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod) + document = readProfileLikes.configDoc(pubkey) + result = readProfileLikes.sendDocument(document) + result = readProfileLikes.parseResult(result) + result = json.loads(result) + + if 'yours' in result: + myLike = result['yours']['id'] + return myLike + else: + sys.stderr.write("Vous n'avez pas liké ce profile\n") + return False + + # Configure JSON document to send + def configDoc(self, idLike): + timeSent = int(time.time()) + + data = {} + data['version'] = 2 + data['index'] = "like" + data['type'] = "record" + data['id'] = idLike + data['issuer'] = self.pubkey + data['time'] = timeSent + + document = json.dumps(data) + + # Generate hash of document + hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper() + + # Generate signature of document + signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode() + + # Build final document + data = {} + data['hash'] = hashDoc + data['signature'] = signature + signJSON = json.dumps(data) + finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)} + finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON) + + return finalDoc + + def sendDocument(self, document, silent): + + headers = { + 'Content-type': 'application/json', + } + + # Send JSON document and get JSON result + result = requests.post('{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document) + + if result.status_code == 200: + if not silent: + print(colored("Like supprimé avec succès !", 'green')) + return result.text + else: + sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text + '\n') diff --git a/tools/jaklis/paiements.py b/tools/jaklis/paiements.py new file mode 100755 index 000000000..dde58da69 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/paiements.py @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +""" +ZetCode Tkinter tutorial + +In this example, we use the pack +manager to create a review example. + +Author: Jan Bodnar +Website: www.zetcode.com +""" + +import PySimpleGUI as sg +from lib.gva import GvaApi +import sys, os, threading +from shutil import copyfile +from os.path import join, dirname +from dotenv import load_dotenv +from lib.natools import get_privkey +import requests + +class StdoutRedirector(object): + def __init__(self, text_widget): + self.text_widget = text_widget + + def write(self, s): + self.text_widget.insert('end', s) + self.text_widget.see('end') + + def flush(self): + pass + + +MY_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/' + +# Get variables environment +if not os.path.isfile(MY_PATH + '.env'): + copyfile(MY_PATH + ".env.template",MY_PATH + ".env") +dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__),MY_PATH + '.env') +load_dotenv(dotenv_path) + +dunikey = os.getenv('DUNIKEY') +if not os.path.isfile(dunikey): + HOME = os.getenv("HOME") + dunikey = HOME + dunikey + if not os.path.isfile(dunikey): + sys.stderr.write('Le fichier de trousseau {0} est introuvable.\n'.format(dunikey)) + sys.exit(1) +node = os.getenv('NODE') +issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey + + +def ProceedPaiement(recipient, amount, comment): + if not recipient: + raise ValueError("Veuillez indiquer un destinataire de paiement") + elif not amount: + raise ValueError("Veuillez indiquer le montant de la transaction") + + amount = int(float(amount.replace(',','.'))*100) + print("Paiement en cours vers", recipient) + gva = GvaApi(dunikey, node, recipient) + gva.pay(amount, comment, False, False) + + recipient = amount = comment = None + + +sg.theme('DarkGrey2') +layout = [ [sg.Text('Noeud utilisé: ' + node)], + [sg.Text('Votre clé publique: ' + issuer)], + [sg.Text('')], + [sg.Text('Destinataire: '), sg.InputText(size=(55, None),default_text=issuer)], + [sg.Text('Montant: '), sg.InputText(size=(7, None)), sg.Text('Ḡ1')], + [sg.Text('Commentaire:'), sg.InputText(size=(55, None))], + [sg.Button('Envoyer')] ] + +# Create the Window +window = sg.Window('Paiement Ḡ1 - GVA', layout) +# availablePubkeys = requests.get('https://g1-stats.axiom-team.fr/data/wallets-g1.txt') +while True: + try: + event, values = window.read() + if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: + break + if event == 'Envoyer': + ProceedPaiement(values[0], values[1], values[2]) + except Exception as e: + loc = window.CurrentLocation() + sg.popup(e, title="ERREUR", button_color=('black','red'), location=(loc)) + else: + loc = window.CurrentLocation() + sg.popup(f'Transaction effectué avec succès !', title="Envoyé", location=(loc)) + + +window.close() diff --git a/tools/jaklis/requirements.txt b/tools/jaklis/requirements.txt new file mode 100755 index 000000000..67be2607d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +wheel +base58 +pybase64 +duniterpy==0.62.0 +termcolor +python-dotenv +gql==3.0.0a5 +#gql==2.0 +requests diff --git a/tools/jaklis/setup.sh b/tools/jaklis/setup.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..222e4ba9a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/jaklis/setup.sh @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +for i in gcc python3-pip python3-setuptools libpq-dev python3-dev python3-wheel; do + if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $i 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then + [[ ! $j ]] && sudo apt update + sudo apt install -y $i + j=1 + fi +done + +pip3 install -r requirements.txt +chmod u+x jaklis.py