COMBINE ALL JSON & play with colors

This commit is contained in:
fred 2023-12-18 17:27:06 +01:00
parent 252709f8d9
commit e320ed4161
2 changed files with 31 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -330,6 +330,17 @@ echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url='/ipfs/${ZCHAIN}' />" > ~/.z
# Loop through each *.rss.json file and append its content to the array
for file in ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${UMAP}/RSS/*.rss.json; do
# Use jq to extract the JSON array from each file
data=$(jq '.' "$file")
# Convert the array to a single JSON object
merged_json=$(jq -n '{"data": [ $json_array[] ]}')
echo "$merged_json" > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/RSS/all.json
############################ PUBLISHING UMAP

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@ -8,6 +8,19 @@ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative
MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized
. "$MY_PATH/"
## Mélange de peintures et création dun secret partagé (Diffie-Hellman)
function get_hex_code_from_image() {
local image_path=$1
# Use identify to get the average color of the image
average_color=$(convert "$image_path" -format "%[pixel:s]\n" info: | head -n 1)
# Extract RGB values and convert to hex
hex_code=$(printf "#%02x%02x%02x\n" \
$(echo $average_color | sed 's/.*(\([0-9]\+\),\([0-9]\+\),\([0-9]\+\)).*/\1 \2 \3/'))
echo "$hex_code"
[[ ! -s ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey ]] && PLAYER=".current"
@ -34,6 +47,7 @@ color_hex=$(echo -n ${IPFSNODEID} | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')
convert -size 100x100 xc:"#${color_hex}" ~/.zen/tmp/base_white.png
echo "Base Hex: #$color_hex"
get_hex_code_from_image ~/.zen/tmp/base_white.png
# Step 3: Mixing Colors
composite -compose Multiply ~/.zen/tmp/base_white.png \
@ -41,29 +55,10 @@ composite -compose Multiply ~/.zen/tmp/base_white.png \
xdg-open ~/.zen/tmp/mixed_color.png
get_hex_code_from_image ~/.zen/tmp/mixed_color.png
echo "Sharing 'mixed_color.png' on ipfs pubsub channel"
# Step 4: Exchange Mixed Colors using IPFS pubsub
ipfs_pubsub_pub_cmd="ipfs pubsub pub $ipfs_pubsub_channel"
ipfs_pubsub_sub_cmd="ipfs pubsub sub $ipfs_pubsub_channel"
$ipfs_pubsub_pub_cmd < ~/.zen/tmp/mixed_color.png
# Wait for Bob to publish his mixed color
echo "Waiting for Other to publish his mixed color..."
mixed_bob_ipfs=$(eval $ipfs_pubsub_sub_cmd)
echo "Received Bob's mixed color from IPFS pubsub."
# Save Bob's mixed color to a file
echo "$mixed_bob_ipfs" > ~/.zen/tmp/mixed_bob_from_ipfs.png
# Step 5: Final Color Agreement
composite -compose Multiply ~/.zen/tmp/mixed_bob_from_ipfs.png \
~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/private_color.png \
echo "Completed. You have a ~/.zen/tmp/shared_secret.png"
xdg-open ~/.zen/tmp/shared_secret.png
echo "WAITING FOR ANOTHER mixed_color to reveal our shared secret"
# Final Color Agreement
#~ composite -compose Multiply ~/.zen/tmp/input_mixed_color.png \
#~ ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/private_color.png \
#~ ~/.zen/tmp/shared_secret.png