#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## ASTROPORT API SERVER http://${myHOST}:1234 ## ATOMIC GET REDIRECT TO ONE SHOT WEB SERVICE THROUGH PORTS ## ASYNCHRONOUS IPFS API ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "${MY_PATH}/tools/my.sh" PORT=12345 YOU=$(myIpfsApi); ## API of $USER running ipfs echo "YOU=$YOU" LIBRA=$(myIpfsGw) ## SWARM#0 ENTRANCE URL echo "LIBRA=$LIBRA" TUBE=$(myTube) echo "TUBE=$TUBE" mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/ ~/.zen/game/players/localhost ## CHECK FOR ANY ALREADY RUNNING nc ncrunning=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w 'nc -l -p 1234' | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) [[ $ncrunning ]] && echo "ERROR - API Server Already Running - ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&getipns " && exit 1 ## NOT RUNNING TWICE # Some client needs to respect that HTTPCORS="HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ${myASTROPORT} Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET Server: Astroport.ONE Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 " echo "_________________________________________________________ $(date)" echo "LAUNCHING Astroport API Server - TUBE : $LIBRA - " echo echo "GCHANGE ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&g1pub" echo "OPEN TW ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&g1pub=astro" echo "GCHANGE MESSAGING ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&messaging" echo "CREATE SAME PLAYER : ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&g1pub=on&email=totodu56@yopmail.com" echo echo "NEW PLAYER : ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=${RANDOM}&pepper=${RANDOM}&g1pub=on&email=astro${RANDOM}@yopmail.com" echo echo "BunkerBOX : ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&g1pub=_URL_&email=totodu56@yopmail.com" echo echo "TESTCRAFT ${myASTROPORT}/?salt=totodu56&pepper=totodu56&testcraft=on&nodeid=12D3KooWK1ACupF7RD3MNvkBFU9Z6fX11pKRAR99WDzEUiYp5t8j&dataid=QmPXhrqQrS1bePKJUPH9cJ2qe4RrNjaJdRXaJzSjxWuvDi" echo "_________________________________________________________" function urldecode() { : "${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${_//%/\\x}"; } ############################# ########## MAIN ############### ############################# while true; do start=`date +%s` MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") # EACH VISITOR RECEIVE COMMAND RESPONSE ON ## RANDOM PORT = RESPONSE SOCKET & IPNS SESSION TOKEN [ ${PORT} -le 12345 ] && PORT=$((PORT+${RANDOM:0:2})) || PORT=$((PORT-${RANDOM:0:2})) ## RANDOM PORT SWAPPINESS AVOIDING COLLISION ## CHECK PORT IS FREE & KILL OLD ONE pidportinuse=$(ps axf --sort=+utime | grep -w "nc -l -p ${PORT}" | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | awk '{gsub(/^ +| +$/,"")} {print $0}' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) [[ $pidportinuse ]] && kill -9 $pidportinuse && echo "KILLING $pidportinuse" && continue ## CHECK 12345 PORT RUNNING (STATION FoF MAP) maprunning=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w '_12345.sh' | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) [[ ! $maprunning ]] \ && echo '(ᵔ◡◡ᵔ) LAUNCHING '${myASTROPORT}:'12345 (ᵔ◡◡ᵔ)' \ && exec $MY_PATH/_12345.sh & ############### ACTIVATE USE ON QUICK IPFS DRIVE ### CREATE IPNS KEY - ACTIVATE WHITH ENOUGH BOOTSTRAP #~ echo #~ ipfs key rm ${PORT} > /dev/null 2>&1 #~ SESSIONNS=$(ipfs key gen ${PORT}) #~ echo "IPNS SESSION ${myIPFS}/ipns/$SESSIONNS CREATED" ### # USE IT # ### MIAM=$(echo ${PORT} | ipfs add -q) ### ipfs name publish --allow-offline -t 180s --key=${PORT} /ipfs/$MIAM & ############### ############### # RESET VARIABLES SALT=""; PEPPER=""; APPNAME="" ############### ############### ############### ############### templates/index.http # REPLACE myHOST in http response template (fixing next API meeting point) echo "$HTTPCORS" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.myHOST.http myHtml >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.myHOST.http sed -i -e "s~\"${myIPFS}/\"~\"$(myIpfs)\"~g" \ -e "s~http://${myHOST}:12345~http://${myHOST}:${PORT}~g" \ ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.myHOST.http ############################################################################ ## SERVE LANDING REDIRECT PAGE ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.myHOST.http on PORT 1234 (LOOP BLOCKING POINT) ############################################################################ REQ=$(cat $HOME/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.myHOST.http | nc -l -p 1234 -q 1) ## # WAIT FOR 1234 PORT CONTACT URL=$(echo "$REQ" | grep '^GET' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | cut -d '?' -f2) HOSTP=$(echo "$REQ" | grep '^Host:' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | cut -d '?' -f2) HOST=$(echo "$HOSTP" | cut -d ':' -f 1) ############### ############### ############### ############### ############################################################################ [[ $URL == "/test" || $URL == "" ]] && continue echo "************************************************************************* " echo "ASTROPORT 1234 UP & RUNNING.......................... http://$HOST:1234 PORT" echo "${MOATS} NEXT COMMAND DELIVERY PAGE http://$HOST:${PORT}" [[ $XDG_SESSION_TYPE == 'x11' ]] && espeak "Ding" >/dev/null 1>&2 echo "URL" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.url ## LOGGING URL ############################################################################ start=`date +%s` ############################################################################ ## / CONTACT if [[ $URL == "/" ]]; then echo "/ CONTACT : $HOSTP" echo "$HTTPCORS DING $(date)" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & end=`date +%s` echo " (‿/‿) $myHOST:$PORT / Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. continue fi ############################################################################ # URL DECODING ############################################################################ echo "==================================================" echo "GET RECEPTION : $URL" arr=(${URL//[=&]/ }) ##################################################################### ### GIT PULL ?? ##################################################################### if [[ ${arr[0]} == "poule" ]]; then echo "UPDATING CODE git pull > ~/.zen/tmp/.lastpull" echo "$HTTPCORS" > ~/.zen/tmp/.lastpull git pull >> ~/.zen/tmp/.lastpull rm ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest (cat ~/.zen/tmp/.lastpull | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue fi # CHECK APPNAME APPNAME=$(urldecode ${arr[4]} | xargs) WHAT=$(urldecode ${arr[5]} | xargs) OBJ=$(urldecode ${arr[6]} | xargs) VAL=$(urldecode ${arr[7]} | xargs) ########## CHECK GET PARAM NAMES ################################################################################################### [[ ${arr[0]} == "" || ${arr[1]} == "" ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - MISSING DATA" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue ################################################################################################### # API ZERO ## Made In Zion & La Bureautique if [[ ${arr[0]} == "salt" ]]; then [[ ! $APPNAME || $SALT == "pepper" ]] && echo "NO APPNAME - BAD APP - CONTINUE" && continue ############################################################################ # WRITING API # SALT # PEPPER # MAKING THE KEY EXIST ######### ################### KEY GEN ################################### echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> Application LaBureautique >><< APPNAME = $APPNAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" SALT=$(urldecode ${arr[1]} | xargs); [[ ! $SALT ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - SALT MISSING" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue PEPPER=$(urldecode ${arr[3]} | xargs) [[ ! $PEPPER ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - PEPPER MISSING" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue ## SAVE "salt" "pepper" DEBUG REMOVE OR PASS ENCRYPT FOR SECURITY REASON echo "PLAYER : \"$SALT\" \"$PEPPER\" : $APPNAME ($WHAT)" echo "\"$SALT\" \"$PEPPER\"" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.june # CALCULATING ${MOATS}.secret.key + G1PUB ${MY_PATH}/tools/keygen -t duniter -o ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.key "$SALT" "$PEPPER" G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.key | grep 'pub:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) [[ ! ${G1PUB} ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - (╥☁╥ ) - KEYGEN COMPUTATION DISFUNCTON" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue echo "G1PUB : ${G1PUB}" ## CALCULATING ${MOATS}.${G1PUB}.ipns.key ADDRESS ipfs key rm ${G1PUB} > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.${G1PUB}.ipns.key ${MY_PATH}/tools/keygen -t ipfs -o ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.${G1PUB}.ipns.key "$SALT" "$PEPPER" ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key import ${G1PUB} -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.${G1PUB}.ipns.key ) [[ ! ${ASTRONAUTENS} ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - (╥☁╥ ) - ASTRONAUTENS COMPUTATION DISFUNCTON" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue echo "TW ADDRESS : $myIPFS/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" echo ################### KEY GEN ################################### # Get PLAYER wallet amount ( ## SUB PROCESS COINS=$($MY_PATH/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.key balance) echo "+++ WALLET BALANCE _ $COINS (G1) _" [[ $COINS == "" || $COINS == "null" ]] && $MY_PATH/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.key send -d "${G1PUB}" -t "BRO." -m "TAPA DE JUNE ? VA AVEC >>> https://cesium.app >>> (ᵔ◡◡ᵔ) FLASHER TON G1VISA " end=`date +%s` echo "G1WALLET (☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. ) & ######################################## ######################################## ## ARCHIVE TOCTOC ${WHAT}S KEEP LOG (TODO : ERASE) ######################################## mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/.toctoc/ ISTHERE=$(ls -t ~/.zen/game/players/.toctoc/*.${G1PUB}.ipns.key 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d '.' -f 1) TTIME=$(echo $ISTHERE | rev | cut -d '.' -f 4 | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev) if [[ ! $ISTHERE ]]; then echo "${APPNAME} 1ST TOCTOC : ${MOATS}" cp ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.* ~/.zen/game/players/.toctoc/ else ## KEEP 1ST CONTACT ONLY OLDONE=$(ls -t ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/*.${G1PUB}.ipns.key | tail -n 1) DTIME=$(echo $OLDONE | rev | cut -d '.' -f 4 | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev) [[ $DTIME != ${MOATS} ]] && rm ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/$DTIME.* fi ######################################## ## APPNAME SELECTION ######################## ######################################## ############################################## # MESSAGING ############################################## if [[ $APPNAME == "messaging" ]]; then ( ## & SUB PROCESS echo "Extracting ${G1PUB} messages..." ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/timeout.sh -t 12 \ ${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.key read -n 10 -j > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messin.${G1PUB}.json [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messin.${G1PUB}.json || $(grep -v -E 'Aucun message à afficher' ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messin.${G1PUB}.json) == "True" ]] && echo "[]" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messin.${G1PUB}.json ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/timeout.sh -t 12 \ ${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.secret.key read -n 10 -j -o > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messout.${G1PUB}.json [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messout.${G1PUB}.json || $(grep -v -E 'Aucun message à afficher' ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messout.${G1PUB}.json) == "True" ]] && echo "[]" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messout.${G1PUB}.json echo "Creating messages In/Out JSON ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json" echo '[' > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messin.${G1PUB}.json >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json echo "," >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/messout.${G1PUB}.json >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json echo ']' >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json ## ADDING HTTP/1.1 PROTOCOL HEADER echo "$HTTPCORS" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect sed -i "s~text/html~application/json~g" ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect ## SEND REPONSE PROCESS IN BACKGROUD cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & #~ ( ## USING IPNS SESSION KEY #~ REPONSE=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.messaging.json | ipfs add -q) #~ ipfs name publish --allow-offline --key=${PORT} /ipfs/$REPONSE #~ echo "SESSION ${myIPFS}/ipns/$SESSIONNS " #~ ) & end=`date +%s` dur=`expr $end - $start` echo ${MOATS}:${G1PUB}:${PLAYER}:${APPNAME}:$dur >> ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings | tail -n 1 ) & ## & SUB PROCESS end=`date +%s` echo " Messaging launch (☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. continue fi ######################## MESSAGING END ######################################## # G1PUB WITH NO EMAIL -> Open Gchange Profile & Update TW cache ######################################## if [[ "$APPNAME" == "g1pub" && "$OBJ" != "email" ]]; then [[ ${WHAT} == "astro" ]] && REPLACE="$LIBRA/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" \ || REPLACE="$myGCHANGE/#/app/user/${G1PUB}" echo ${REPLACE} ## REDIRECT TO TW OR GCHANGE PROFILE sed "s~_TWLINK_~${REPLACE}/~g" ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/index.302 > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect ## USED BY https://git.p2p.legal/La_Bureautique/zeg1jeux/src/branch/main/lib/Fred.class.php#L81 echo "url='"${REPLACE}"'" >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect ### REPONSE=$(echo $myGCHANGE/#/app/user/${G1PUB}/ | ipfs add -q) ### ipfs name publish --allow-offline --key=${PORT} /ipfs/$REPONSE ### echo "SESSION ${myIPFS}/ipns/$SESSIONNS " ( cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 ${MY_PATH}/tools/TW.cache.sh ${ASTRONAUTENS} ${MOATS} ) & end=`date +%s` echo $APPNAME" (0‿‿0) ${WHAT} Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. continue fi ######################################## ######################################## ######################################## #TESTCRAFT=ON nodeid dataid ######################################## ######################################## if [[ "$APPNAME" == "testcraft" ]]; then ( # testcraft & SUB PROCESS start=`date +%s` ## RECORD DATA MADE IN BROWSER (JSON) NODEID=$(urldecode ${arr[7]} | xargs) DATAID=$(urldecode ${arr[9]} | xargs) ## export PLAYER ${MY_PATH}/tools/TW.cache.sh ${ASTRONAUTENS} ${MOATS} ## IS IT INDEX JSON echo "${PLAYER} $APPNAME IS ${WHAT}" mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER} [[ $WHAT == "on" ]] && WHAT="json" # data mimetype (default "on" = json) ## TODO : modify timeout if isLAN or NOT [[ $isLAN ]] && WAIT=3 || WAIT=12 echo "1ST TRY : ipfs --timeout ${WAIT}s cat /ipfs/$DATAID > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT}" ipfs --timeout ${WAIT}s cat /ipfs/$DATAID > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} echo "" > ~/.zen/tmp/.ipfsgw.bad.twt # TODO move in 20h12.sh if [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} ]]; then echo "IPFS TIMEOUT >>> (°▃▃°) $DATAID STILL MISSING GATEWAY BANGING FOR IT (°▃▃°)" array=(${myIPFSGW}/ipfs/:hash https://ipns.co/:hash https://dweb.link/ipfs/:hash https://ipfs.io/ipfs/:hash https://ipfs.fleek.co/ipfs/:hash https://ipfs.best-practice.se/ipfs/:hash https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/:hash https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/:hash https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/:hash https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/:hash) # size=${#array[@]}; index=$(($RANDOM % $size)); echo ${array[$index]} ## TODO CHOOSE RANDOM # official ipfs best gateway from https://luke.lol/ipfs.php for nicegw in ${array[@]}; do [[ $(cat ~/.zen/tmp/.ipfsgw.bad.twt | grep -w $nicegw) ]] && echo "<<< BAD GATEWAY >>> $nicegw" && continue gum=$(echo "$nicegw" | sed "s~:hash~$DATAID~g") echo "LOADING $gum" curl -m 5 -so ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} "$gum" [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "(✜‿‿✜) BYPASSING" if [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} ]]; then MIME=$(mimetype -b ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT}) GOAL=$(ipfs add -q ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT}) if [[ ${GOAL} != ${DATAID} ]]; then echo " (╥☁╥ ) - BAD ${WHAT} FORMAT ERROR ${MIME} - (╥☁╥ )" ipfs pin rm /ipfs/${GOAL} rm ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} # NOT A JSON AVOID BANISHMENT echo $nicegw >> ~/.zen/tmp/.ipfsgw.bad.twt continue else ## GOT IT !! IPFS ADD ipfs pin add /ipfs/${GOAL} ## + TW ADD (new_file_in_astroport.sh) echo "(♥‿‿♥) FILE UPLOAD OK"; echo break fi else echo " (⇀‿‿↼) - NO FILE - (⇀‿‿↼)" continue fi done fi ## NO DIRECT IPFS - GATEWAY TRY ## REALLY NO FILE FOUND !!! [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} ]] && \ echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR (╥☁╥ ) - $DATAID TIMEOUT - (╥☁╥ )" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & ## SPECIAL index.[json/html/...] MODE. [[ ${WHAT} == "index" ]] && cp ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/index.json ## TODO MAKE MULTIFORMAT DATA & INDEX # RWHAT=$(echo "$WHAT" | cut -d '.' -f 1) # TWHAT=$(echo "$WHAT" | cut -d '.' -f 2) # cp ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${RWHAT}.${TWHAT} ## REPONSE ON PORT echo "$HTTPCORS" > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect sed -i "s~text/html~application/json~g" ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${APPNAME}/${PLAYER}/${MOATS}.data.${WHAT} >> ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & ## REPONSE ON IPFSNODEID ( start=`date +%s` echo "¯\_༼༽_/¯ $IPFSNODEID $PLAYER SIGNALING" ROUTING=$(ipfs add -rwq ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/* | tail -n 1 ) ipfs name publish --allow-offline /ipfs/$ROUTING echo "DONE" end=`date +%s` dur=`expr $end - $start` echo ${MOATS}:${G1PUB}:${PLAYER}:SELF:$dur >> ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings | tail -n 1 ) & end=`date +%s` dur=`expr $end - $start` echo ${MOATS}:${G1PUB}:${PLAYER}:${APPNAME}:$dur >> ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings | tail -n 1 ) & # testcraft & SUB PROCESS end=`date +%s` echo "(☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. continue fi ############################################## # GETIPNS ############################################## if [[ $APPNAME == "getipns" ]]; then echo "$HTTPCORS /ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}"| nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & end=`date +%s` echo $APPNAME "(☉_☉ ) /ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS} Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. continue fi ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # API ONE : ?salt=PHRASE%20UNE&pepper=PHRASE%20DEUX&g1pub=on&email=EMAIL&pseudo=PROFILENAME if [[ ${OBJ} == "email" && "${VAL}" != "" ]]; then [[ $APPNAME != "g1pub" ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - BAD COMMAND $APPNAME" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && echo "(☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $(date +%s) - $start` seconds. && continue start=`date +%s` # WHAT can contain urlencoded FullURL EMAIL="${VAL}" PSEUDO=$(urldecode ${arr[9]} | xargs) [[ ! ${EMAIL} ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - MISSING ${EMAIL} FOR ${WHAT} CONTACT" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && echo "(☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $(date +%s) - $start` seconds. && continue ## CHECK WHAT IS EMAIL if [[ "${EMAIL}" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$ ]]; then echo "VALID EMAIL OK" else echo "BAD EMAIL" (echo "$HTTPCORS KO ${EMAIL} : bad '" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue fi ## CREATE PSEUDO FROM if [[ ! $PSEUDO ]]; then PSEUDO=$(echo ${EMAIL} | cut -d '@' -f 1) PSEUDO=${PSEUDO,,}; PSEUDO=${PSEUDO%%[0-9]*}${RANDOM:0:4} fi if [[ ! -d ~/.zen/game/players/${EMAIL} ]]; then echo "# ASTRONAUT NEW VISA Create VISA.new.sh in background (~/.zen/tmp/email.${EMAIL}.${MOATS}.txt)" ( startvisa=`date +%s` [[ "$SALT" == "0" && "$PEPPER" == "0" ]] && SALT="" && PEPPER="" # "0" "0" means random salt pepper echo "VISA.new : \"$SALT\" \"$PEPPER\" \"${EMAIL}\" \"$PSEUDO\" \"${WHAT}\"" > ~/.zen/tmp/email.${EMAIL}.${MOATS}.txt $MY_PATH/tools/VISA.new.sh "$SALT" "$PEPPER" "${EMAIL}" "$PSEUDO" "${WHAT}" >> ~/.zen/tmp/email.${EMAIL}.${MOATS}.txt $MY_PATH/tools/mailjet.sh "${EMAIL}" ~/.zen/tmp/email.${EMAIL}.${MOATS}.txt ## Send VISA.new log to EMAIL end=`date +%s` dur=`expr $end - $startvisa` echo ${MOATS}:${G1PUB}:${PLAYER}:VISA:$dur >> ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/_timings | tail -n 1 ) & echo "$HTTPCORS -


- GW - /ipns/$IPFSNODEID" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & continue else # ASTRONAUT EXISTING ${EMAIL} CHECK=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${EMAIL}/secret.june | grep -w "$SALT") [[ $CHECK ]] && CHECK=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${EMAIL}/secret.june | grep -w "$PEPPER") [[ ! $CHECK ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS - WARNING - PLAYER ${EMAIL} ALREADY HERE" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && echo "(☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $(date +%s) - $start` seconds. && continue fi ################################################################################################### end=`date +%s` echo " (☓‿‿☓) Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. fi ## RESPONDING cat ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.index.redirect | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > ~/.zen/tmp/coucou/${MOATS}.official.swallow & echo "HTTP 1.1 PROTOCOL DOCUMENT READY" echo "${MOATS} -----> PAGE AVAILABLE -----> http://${myHOST}:${PORT}" end=`date +%s` echo $type" (J‿‿J) Execution time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. fi ## END IF SALT ############################################## # /?player=PLAYER&APPNAME=WHAT&OBJ=VAL ############################################## if [[ ${arr[0]} == "player" ]]; then PLAYER=$(urldecode ${arr[1]} | xargs) APPNAME=$(urldecode ${arr[2]} | xargs) WHAT=$(urldecode ${arr[3]} | xargs) OBJ=$(urldecode ${arr[4]} | xargs) VAL=$(urldecode ${arr[5]} | xargs) echo "- $PLAYER - $APPNAME : $WHAT $OBJ $VAL" ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w $PLAYER | cut -d ' ' -f1) [[ ! $ASTRONAUTENS ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS UNKNOWN PLAYER $PLAYER - EXIT" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue ############################################## # PAY : /?player=PLAYER&pay=1&dest=G1PUB ############################################## if [[ $APPNAME == "pay" ]]; then echo "$HTTPCORS" > ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http if [[ $WHAT =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey -n $myDATA pay -a ${WHAT} -p ${VAL} -c 'Bro' -m" ${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey pay -a ${WHAT} -p ${VAL} -c 'Bro' -m 2>&1 >> ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http fi if [[ "$WHAT" == "history" ]]; then sed -i "s~text/html~application/json~g" ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http ${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey history -j >> ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http fi if [[ "$WHAT" == "get" ]]; then sed -i "s~text/html~application/json~g" ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http ${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey get >> ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http fi if [[ "$WHAT" == "balance" ]]; then ${MY_PATH}/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey balance >> ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http fi cat ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http cat ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.pay.$WHAT.http | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & end=`date +%s` echo "(G_G ) G1BANK Operation time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. continue fi ############################################## # MOATUBE : /?player=PLAYER&moa=json&tag=FILTER ############################################## if [[ $APPNAME == "moa" ]]; then [[ ! $VAL ]] && VAL="G1CopierYoutube" echo "EXPORT MOATUBE $PLAYER $VAL" echo "$HTTPCORS" > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.$PLAYER.http sed -i "s~text/html~application/json~g" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.$PLAYER.http tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/game/players/support@qo-op.com/ipfs/moa/index.html --output ~/.zen/tmp/ --render '.' "$PLAYER.moatube.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' "[tag[$VAL]]" cat ~/.zen/tmp/$PLAYER.moatube.json >> ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.$PLAYER.http cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.$PLAYER.http | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & continue fi fi ############################################## # /?player=PLAYER&APPNAME=WHAT&OBJ=VAL ############################################## ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # API TWO : ?qrcode=G1PUB if [[ ${arr[0]} == "qrcode" ]]; then ## Astroport.ONE local use QRCODE Contains ${WHAT} G1PUB QRCODE=$(echo $URL | cut -d ' ' -f2 | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d '&' -f 1) && echo "QRCODE : $QRCODE" g1pubpath=$(grep $QRCODE ~/.zen/game/players/*/.g1pub | cut -d ':' -f 1 2>/dev/null) PLAYER=$(echo "$g1pubpath" | rev | cut -d '/' -f 2 | rev 2>/dev/null) ## FORCE LOCAL USE ONLY. Remove to open 1234 API [[ ! -d ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER} || ${PLAYER} == "" ]] && (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - QRCODE - NO ${PLAYER} ON BOARD !!" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue ## USE SECOND HTTP SERVER TO RECEIVE PASS ## Demande de copie d'une URL reçue. if [[ ${arr[2]} == "url" ]]; then wsource="${arr[3]}" [[ ${arr[4]} == "type" ]] && CHOICE="${arr[5]}" || CHOICE="Youtube" ## CREATION TIDDLER "G1Voeu" G1CopierYoutube # CHOICE = "Video" Page MP3 Web ~/.zen/Astropor.ONE/ajouter_media.sh "$(urldecode $wsource)" "$PLAYER" "$CHOICE" & echo "## Insertion tiddler : G1CopierYoutube" echo '[ { "title": "'${MOATS}'", "type": "'text/vnd.tiddlywiki'", "text": "'$(urldecode $wsource)'", "tags": "'CopierYoutube ${WHAT}'" } ] ' > ~/.zen/tmp/${WHAT}.${MOATS}.import.json ## TODO ASTROBOT "G1AstroAPI" READS ~/.zen/tmp/${WHAT}.${MOATS}.import.json (echo "$HTTPCORS OK - ~/.zen/tmp/${WHAT}.${MOATS}.import.json WORKS IF YOU MAKE THE WISH voeu 'AstroAPI'" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue else (echo "$HTTPCORS ERROR - ${arr[2]} - ${arr[3]} UNKNOWN" | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && continue fi fi done exit 0