#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ################################################################################ # Inspect game wishes, refresh latest IPNS version # Backup and chain [[ $PLAYER == "" ]] && PLAYER=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player 2>/dev/null) ############################################ echo "## PLAYER TW" for PLAYER in $(ls ~/.zen/game/players/); do echo "PLAYER : $PLAYER" PSEUDO=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.pseudo 2>/dev/null) ## REFRESH ASTRONAUTE TW ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep $PLAYER | cut -d ' ' -f1) [[ ! $ASTRONAUTENS ]] && echo "Missing $PLAYER IPNS KEY -- EXIT --" && exit 1 rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/astro mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/astro echo "Getting latest online TW..." YOU=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1); LIBRA=$(head -n 2 ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/A_boostrap_nodes.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2) echo "$LIBRA/ipns/$voeuns" [[ $YOU ]] && ipfs --timeout 12s cat /ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS > ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html \ || curl -so ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html "$LIBRA/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" if [ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html ]; then echo "ERROR IPNS TIMEOUT. Unchanged local backup..." continue else ## Replace tube links with downloaded video ## TODO create LOG tiddler $MY_PATH/TUBE.copy.sh ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html $PLAYER ## LAN TO WAN MIGRATION myIP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) sed -i "s~${myIP}~g" ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html echo "Setting new IP : $myIP" echo "DIFFERENCE ?" DIFF=$(diff ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html) if [[ $DIFF ]]; then echo "Backup & Upgrade TW local copy..." cp -f ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.backup.html # UNNECESSARY .chain cp ~/.zen/tmp/astro/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html else echo "No change since last Refresh" fi fi # Get PLAYER wallet amount BAL=$($MY_PATH/../tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey balance) echo "PLAYER : (G1) $BAL" ########################## # Generate G1BARRE for each wish for g1wish in $(ls ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/voeux/); do wishname=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/voeux/$g1wish/.title) wishns=$(ipfs key list -l | grep $g1wish | cut -d ' ' -f1) echo "MISE A JOUR G1BARRE pour VOEU $wishname : " echo "G1WALLET $g1wish" echo "G1VOEUTW /ipns/$wishns" # Create last g1barre G1BARRE="https://g1sms.fr/g1barre/image.php?pubkey=$g1wish&target=1000&title=$wishname&node=g1.duniter.org&start_date=2022-08-01&display_pubkey=true&display_qrcode=true&progress_color=ff07a4" echo "curl -o ~/.zen/tmp/g1barre.png $G1BARRE" rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/g1barre.png curl -so ~/.zen/tmp/g1barre.png "$G1BARRE" # Verify file exists & non/empy before copy new version in "world/$g1wish" [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/g1barre.png ]] && echo "No Image ! ERROR. PLEASE VERIFY NETWORK LOCATION FOR G1BARRE" && continue cp ~/.zen/tmp/g1barre.png ~/.zen/game/world/$g1wish/g1barre.png ##################################################################" OLDIG1BAR=$(cat ~/.zen/game/world/$g1wish/.ig1barre) BAL=$($MY_PATH/../tools/jaklis/jaklis.py balance -p $g1wish ) echo "MONTANT (G1) $BAL" ##################################################################" IG1BAR=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/world/$g1wish/g1barre.png | tail -n 1) if [[ $OLDIG1BAR != "" && $OLDIG1BAR != $IG1BAR ]]; then # Update echo "NEW VALUE !! Updating G1VOEU Tiddler /ipfs/$IG1BAR" ## Replace IG1BAR "in TW" ipfs value (hash unicity is cool !!) sed -i "s~${OLDIG1BAR}~${IG1BAR}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html echo $IG1BAR > ~/.zen/game/world/$g1wish/.ig1barre echo "Update new g1barre: /ipfs/$IG1BAR" MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") echo "Avancement blockchain TW $PLAYER : $MOATS" cp ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain.$MOATS TW=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html | tail -n 1) echo "ipfs name publish --key=$PLAYER /ipfs/$TW" ipfs name publish --key=$PLAYER /ipfs/$TW # MAJ CACHE TW $PLAYER echo $TW > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain echo $MOATS > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.moats echo ##################################################################" ##################################################################" fi ### NO OLDIG1BAR, MEANS FIRST RUN if [[ $OLDIG1BAR == "" ]]; then # CREATE Tiddler TEXT="

"${wishname}"" # NEW G1BAR TIDDLER echo "## Creation json tiddler : G1${wishname} /ipfs/${IG1BAR}" echo '[ { "title": "'G1${wishname}'", "type": "'text/vnd.tiddlywiki'", "ipns": "'/ipns/$wishns'", "ipfs": "'/ipfs/$IG1BAR'", "player": "'/ipfs/$PLAYER'", "text": "'$TEXT'", "tags": "'g1voeu g1${wishname} $PLAYER'" } ] ' > ~/.zen/tmp/g1${wishname}.bank.json rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/newindex.html echo "Nouveau G1${wishname} :$ASTRONAUTENS" tiddlywiki --verbose --load ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html \ --import ~/.zen/tmp/g1${wishname}.bank.json "application/json" \ --output ~/.zen/tmp --render "$:/core/save/all" "newindex.html" "text/plain" echo "PLAYER TW Update..." if [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/newindex.html ]]; then echo "Mise à jour ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html" cp -f ~/.zen/tmp/newindex.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html fi echo $IG1BAR > ~/.zen/game/world/$g1wish/.ig1barre fi done ############################ ## ASTRONAUTE SIGNALING ## [[ ! $(grep -w "$ASTRONAUTENS" ~/.zen/game/astronautes.txt ) ]] && echo "$PSEUDO:$PLAYER:$ASTRONAUTENS" >> ~/.zen/game/astronautes.txt ############################ MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") [[ $DIFF ]] && cp ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain.$MOATS TW=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html | tail -n 1) ipfs name publish -t 72h --key=$PLAYER /ipfs/$TW [[ $DIFF ]] && echo $TW > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain echo $MOATS > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.moats echo "================================================" echo "$PLAYER :$ASTRONAUTENS" echo "================================================" done ################################################################# ## IPFSNODEID ROUTING ## PUBLISHING ASTRONAUTS LIST ## EVOLVE TO P2P QOS MAP ROUTING=$(ipfs add -q ~/.zen/game/astronautes.txt) echo "PUBLISHING IPFSNODEID / Astronaute List" ipfs name publish /ipfs/$ROUTING exit 0