#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.2 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ # Activate SUPPORT MODE: open ssh over IPFS MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "$MY_PATH/../tools/my.sh" ######################################################################## YOU=$(myIpfsApi) || er+=" ipfs daemon not running" [[ "$YOU" == "" || "${IPFSNODEID}" == "" ]] && echo "ERROR : $er " && exit 1 ######################################################################## ## THIS SCRIPT COPY BOOSTRAP PUBKEY ### AND OPEN IPFS P2P SSH FORWARD ON CHANNEL # Make Station publish SSH port on "/x/ssh-$(IPFSNODEID)" ######################################################################## ## use STOP or OFF to finish forwarding PARAM="$1" if [[ "${PARAM,,}" == "off" || "${PARAM,,}" == "stop" ]]; then ipfs p2p close --all rm ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/x_ssh.sh 2>/dev/null rm ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/y_ssh.pub 2>/dev/null echo "STOP" && exit 0 fi ############################################ ## DISTRIBUTE DRAGON SSH WOT SEED # A_boostrap_ssh.txt ############################################ while IFS= read -r line do LINE=$(echo "$line" | grep "ssh-ed25519" | grep -Ev "#") # Remove # & not ssh-ed25519 [[ ! ${LINE} ]] && continue if [[ ! $(cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | grep "${LINE}") ]] then echo "# ADDING ${LINE} to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "${LINE}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys else echo "TRUSTING ${LINE}" fi done < ${MY_PATH}/../A_boostrap_ssh.txt ############################################ ## PUBLISH SSH PUBKEY OVER IPFS ## KITTY ssh-keygen style [[ -s ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub ]] && cp ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/y_ssh.pub ## DRAGONz PGP/SSH style (https://pad.p2p.legal/keygen) gpg --export-ssh-key $(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player) 2>/dev/null > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/z_ssh.pub [[ -z ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/z_ssh.pub ]] && rm ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/z_ssh.pub # remove empty file ############################################ ### FORWARD SSH PORT over /x/ssh-${IPFSNODEID} ############################################ echo "Lanching /x/ssh-${IPFSNODEID}" [[ ! $(ipfs p2p ls | grep "/x/ssh-${IPFSNODEID}") ]] \ && ipfs p2p listen /x/ssh-${IPFSNODEID} /ip4/ ipfs p2p ls echo ############################################ ## PREPARE x_ssh.sh ## REMOTE ACCESS COMMAND FROM DRAGONS ############################################ PORT=22000 PORT=$((PORT+${RANDOM:0:3})) echo '#!/bin/bash if [[ ! $(ipfs p2p ls | grep x/ssh-'${IPFSNODEID}') ]]; then ipfs --timeout=10s ping -n 4 /p2p/'${IPFSNODEID}' [[ $? == 0 ]] \ && ipfs p2p forward /x/ssh-'${IPFSNODEID}' /ip4/'${PORT}' /p2p/'${IPFSNODEID}' \ && ssh '${USER}'@ -p '${PORT}' \ || echo "CONTACT IPFSNODEID FAILED - ERROR -" fi ' > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/x_ssh.sh cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/x_ssh.sh echo " /| /\\ /^^^/ |^\Z / | | \Z / | / @ \Z / / \_______ ( \ _ / \Z / / / ( ---- /G |\ |Z / / / ( / ---- \ /---'/\ |Z / / / \/--' /--/ /Z / / | /--/ |Z / / \_______ / /--/ |Z \ / / --/ /--/ \Z | / / / /--/ \Z / / |--| \Z/ / |---| / /----' \---| /^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z \-/ \Z / / | \Z \---' |\________| |_______ |Z \--' /\/ \|_|_|_|| |_|_|_|_|\_ |Z '------' / / / |_ /Z \---' | / `````` /Z \--' /\/ \ _____________/Z '------' \ " ############################################ echo "CONNECT WITH THIS COMMAND" echo "ipfs cat /ipns/${IPFSNODEID}/x_ssh.sh | bash" ############################################ exit 0