################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## API: ZONE ## Used by OSM2IPFS map_render.html & other UPlanet Client App # ?zone=DEG&ulat=LAT&ulon=LON ## Search for TW numbers in received zone # >> return json ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "${MY_PATH}/../tools/my.sh" start=`date +%s` echo "PORT=$1 THAT=$2 AND=$3 THIS=$4 APPNAME=$5 WHAT=$6 OBJ=$7 VAL=$8 MOATS=$9 COOKIE=$10" PORT="$1" THAT="$2" AND="$3" THIS="$4" APPNAME="$5" WHAT="$6" OBJ="$7" VAL="$8" MOATS="$9" COOKIE="$10" ### transfer variables according to script HTTPCORS="HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET Server: Astroport.ONE Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 " function urldecode() { : "${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${_//%/\\x}"; } ## RUNNING UPLANET LAT/LON TW DETECTION mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ # PREPARE HTTP RESPONSE (application/json) echo "${HTTPCORS}" > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http sed -i "s~text/html~application/json~g" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GET/?zone=0.001&ulat=0.02&ulon=0.01 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEG="${THAT}" [[ -z ${DEG} ]] && DEG=1 # DEG=$(echo "${DEG} * 10" | bc -l ) LAT="${THIS}" [[ -z $LAT ]] && LAT=0.00 LON="${WHAT}" [[ -z $LON ]] && LON=0.00 LAT=$(makecoord ${LAT}) LON=$(makecoord ${LON}) JSON="ZONE_${LAT}_${LON}_${DEG}.json" $(${MY_PATH}/../tools/getUMAP_ENV.sh "${LAT}" "${LON}" | tail -n 1) echo "UMAPG1PUB=$UMAPG1PUB UMAPIPNS=$UMAPIPNS SECTORG1PUB=$SECTORG1PUB SECTORIPNS=$SECTORIPNS REGIONG1PUB=$REGIONG1PUB REGIONIPNS=$REGIONIPNS LAT=$LAT LON=$LON SLAT=$SLAT SLON=$SLON RLAT=$RLAT RLON=$RLON" ## SECTOR LEVEL if [[ ${DEG} == "0.01" ]]; then SLAT="${LAT::-1}" SLON="${LON::-1}" SECTOR="_${SLAT}_${SLON}" echo "SECTOR = ${SECTOR}" ZONEINDEX=$SECTORIPNS [[ ! $ZONEINDEX ]] && ZONEINDEX="/ipns/"$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_${SLAT}_${SLON}/_*_*/SECTORNS | tail -n 1) [[ ! $ZONEINDEX ]] && ZONEINDEX="/ipns/"$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_${SLAT}_${SLON}/_*_*/SECTORNS | tail -n 1) ZONEG1PUB=$SECTORG1PUB [[ ! $ZONEG1PUB ]] && ZONEG1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_${SLAT}_${SLON}/_*_*/SECTORG1PUB | tail -n 1) [[ ! $ZONEG1PUB ]] && ZONEG1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_${SLAT}_${SLON}/_*_*/SECTORG1PUB | tail -n 1) LAT=${SLAT} LON=${SLON} JSON="ZONE${SECTOR}_${DEG}.json" fi ## REGION & ABOVE LEVEL if [[ ${DEG} == "0.1" || ${DEG} == "1" ]]; then RLAT="$(echo ${LAT} | cut -d '.' -f 1)" RLON="$(echo ${LON} | cut -d '.' -f 1)" REGION="_${RLAT}_${RLON}" echo "REGION = ${REGION}" ZONEINDEX=$REGIONIPNS [[ ! $ZONEINDEX ]] && ZONEINDEX="/ipns/"$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_${RLAT}_${RLON}/_*_*/_*_*/REGIONNS | tail -n 1) [[ ! $ZONEINDEX ]] && ZONEINDEX="/ipns/"$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_${RLAT}_${RLON}/_*_*/_*_*/REGIONNS | tail -n 1) ZONEG1PUB=$REGIONG1PUB [[ ! $ZONEG1PUB ]] && ZONEG1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_${RLAT}_${RLON}/_*_*/_*_*/REGIONG1PUB | tail -n 1) [[ ! $ZONEG1PUB ]] && ZONEG1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${RLAT}_${RLON}/_*_*/_*_*/REGIONG1PUB | tail -n 1) LAT=${RLAT} LON=${RLON} JSON="ZONE${REGION}_${DEG}.json" fi echo " JSON = ${JSON}" if [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON} ]]; then ## UMAP LEVEL if [[ ${DEG} == "0.001" ]]; then swarmnum=$(ls -d ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${LAT}_${LON}/TW/* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) nodenum=$(ls -d ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${LAT}_${LON}/TW/* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) totnum=$(( swarmnum + nodenum )) echo " ## UMAP _${LAT}_${LON} = ${totnum} PLAYERs" UMAPNS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${LAT}_${LON}/TODATENS | tail -n 1) [[ ! $UMAPNS ]] && UMAPNS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${LAT}_${LON}/TODATENS | tail -n 1) G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${LAT}_${LON}/G1PUB | tail -n 1) [[ ! $G1PUB ]] && G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${LAT}_${LON}/G1PUB | tail -n 1) echo '{ "gridNumbers": [ {"lat": '${LAT}', "lon": '${LON}', "number": "(_'${LAT}'_'${LON}') = '${totnum}'", "ipns": "'${myIPFS}/ipns/${UMAPNS}/_index.html'" } ] }' \ > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid cp ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON} cat ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON} >> ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ end=`date +%s` echo "(UMAP)_${LAT}_${LON} $UMAPNS Operation time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. exit 0 fi ############################################## ## SEARCH FOR UPLANET TW NUMBERS IN THAT ZONE echo '{ "gridNumbers": [' >> ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid for i in $(seq 0 9); do ZLAT=$(echo "$LAT + ${DEG} * $i" | bc -l) [[ -z ${ZLAT} ]] && ZLAT=0 for j in $(seq 0 9); do ZLON=$(echo "$LON + ${DEG} * $j" | bc -l) [[ -z ${ZLON} ]] && ZLON=0 echo " ## SEARCH UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${ZLAT}*_${ZLON}*" swarmnum=$(ls -d ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/*/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${ZLAT}*_${ZLON}*/TW/* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) nodenum=$(ls -d ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/__/_*_*/_*.?_*.?/_${ZLAT}*_${ZLON}*/TW/* 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) totnum=$(( swarmnum + nodenum )) [[ $totnum -gt 9 ]] && displaynum="X" || displaynum=$totnum [[ $displaynum != "0" ]] && echo '{"lat": '${ZLAT}', "lon": '${ZLON}', "number": "'${displaynum}'", "ipns": "'${ZONEINDEX}'" } ,' >> ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid \ && echo "${DEG} :" '{"lat": '${ZLAT}', "lon": '${ZLON}', "number": "'${totnum}'", "ipns": "'${ZONEINDEX}'" }' done done [[ ! $(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid | tail -n 1 | grep 'gridNumbers' ) ]] \ && sed -i '$ d' ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid ## REMOVE LAST ',' echo ']}' >> ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid echo "## ADD TO CACHE ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON}" cp ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON} fi cat ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON} | jq -c ### SEND RESPONSE ON PORT cat ~/.zen/tmp/${JSON} >> ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http ( cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http | nc -l -p ${PORT} -q 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 rm ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/http.grid 2>/dev/null rm ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}.http && echo "BLURP ${JSON}" ) & ## CLEANING rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ ## TIMING end=`date +%s` echo "(ZONE) Operation time was "`expr $end - $start` seconds. exit 0