#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ################################################################################ # Create and print VOEUX. # Attributed to a place shared through Astroport Ŋ1 confidence network IPFS layer # PARAMETRES # Promesse de virement du MONTANT, le nom du joueur PLAYER et sa G1PUB. ################################################################################ MONTANT="$1" PLAYER="$2" G1PUB="$3" QRTW="$4" # Nombre de QR + TW5 à créer [[ $MONTANT == "" ]] && MONTANT="_?_" [[ $PLAYER == "" ]] && PLAYER=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player 2>/dev/null) PSEUDO=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.pseudo 2>/dev/null) [[ $PLAYER == "" ]] && echo "Second paramètre PLAYER manquant" && exit 1 [[ $G1PUB == "" ]] && G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.g1pub 2>/dev/null) [[ $G1PUB == "" ]] && echo "Troisième paramètre G1PUB manquant" && exit 1 [[ $QRTW == "" ]] && QRTW=1 ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w "${PLAYER}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) [[ $ASTRONAUTENS == "" ]] && echo "ASTRONAUTE manquant" && exit 1 echo "Bienvenue $PSEUDO ($PLAYER) : $G1PUB" echo "Astronaute Ŋ1 :$ASTRONAUTENS" echo # BACKING UP IPNS rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/index.html ipfs --timeout 5s get -o ~/.zen/tmp/index.html /ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS if [ ! -f ~/.zen/tmp/index.html ]; then echo "ERROR IPNS TIMEOUT" TW=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html | tail -n 1) ipfs name publish --key=$G1PUB /ipfs/$TW else cp ~/.zen/tmp/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html fi # CREATION DE $QRTW BILLETS DE $MONTANT DU boucle=0; while [ $boucle -lt $QRTW ] do boucle=$((boucle+1)) SALT=$(${MY_PATH}/tools/diceware.sh 3 | xargs) PEPPER=$(${MY_PATH}/tools/diceware.sh 1 | xargs) echo "Entrez un Titre pour ce Voeu" read TITRE PEPPER=$(echo "$TITRE" | sed -r 's/\<./\U&/g' | sed 's/ //g') echo "# CREATION CLEF DE VOEUX" ${MY_PATH}/tools/keygen -t duniter -o ~/.zen/tmp/qrtw.dunikey "$SALT" "$PEPPER" WISHKEY=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/qrtw.dunikey | grep "pub:" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) echo "# NOUVEAU VOEU ASTRONAUTE" mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/voeux/$WISHKEY/ ${MY_PATH}/tools/keygen -t ipfs -o ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/voeux/$WISHKEY/qrtw.ipfskey "$SALT" "$PEPPER" VOEUXNS=$(ipfs key import $WISHKEY -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/voeux/$WISHKEY/qrtw.ipfskey) # CRYPTO BUG. TODO use natools to protect and share key with Ŋ1 only ;) myIP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) echo " QR code fonctionnel sur réseau IP local (qo-op) : $myIP" echo "# CREATION WORLD UPGRADE DATABASE" MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/ echo $PEPPER > ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/.pepper echo "# CREATION TW" # ipfs cat /ipfs/bafybeihxqfukhb7jplda5kc32d7nq6oudgp3icy5zxxyxp6vcubg4g3myq > ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/twdefault.html cp ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/twdefault.html ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html # PERSONNALISATION sed -i "s~_BIRTHDATE_~${MOATS}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~_PSEUDO_~${PSEUDO}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~_PLAYER_~${PLAYER}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~_G1PUB_~${G1PUB}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~_WISHKEY_~${WISHKEY}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~_NUMBER_~${SALT}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~_SECRET_~${PEPPER}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html # IPNS KEY is WISHKEY / VOEUXNS sed -i "s~_MEDIAKEY_~${WISHKEY}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~k2k4r8naeti1ny2hsk3a0ziwz22urwiu633hauluwopf4vwjk4x68qgk~${VOEUXNS}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html # ASTROPORT RELAY sed -i "s~ipfs.infura.io~tube.copylaradio.com~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~$myIP~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html sed -i "s~https://ipfs.bluelightav.org~" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["http://'$myIP':8080", "", "http://astroport", "https://astroport.com", "https://qo-op.com", "https://tube.copylaradio.com" ]' echo "# CREATION QR CODE" HOST="$(hostname).local" qrencode -s 6 -o "$HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.WISHLINK.png" "http://$myIP:8080/ipns/$VOEUXNS" qrencode -s 6 -o "$HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.ASTROLINK.png" "http://$myIP:8080/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" qrencode -s 6 -o "$HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.G1ASTRO.png" "$G1PUB" qrencode -s 6 -o "$HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.G1WISH.png" "$WISHKEY" qrencode -s 6 -o "$HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.IPNS.png" "/ipns/$VOEUXNS" # Bricolage avec node tiddlywiki (TODO add tiddler with command line) # cd ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY tiddlywiki $WISHKEY --load ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html --savewikifolder ./tw/ cd - # PREMIER TYPE convert $HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.WISHLINK.png -resize 300 /tmp/QR.png convert ${MY_PATH}/images/logoastro.png -resize 220 /tmp/ASTROLOGO.png convert ${MY_PATH}/images/logojeu.png -resize 260 /tmp/MIZLOGO.png composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +350+10 /tmp/ASTROLOGO.png ${MY_PATH}/images/Brother_600x400.png /tmp/astroport.png composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +0+0 /tmp/QR.png /tmp/astroport.png /tmp/one.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 35 -fill black -draw "text 320,250 \"$PSEUDO\"" /tmp/one.png /tmp/hop.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 30 -fill black -draw "text 20,320 \"$PEPPER\"" /tmp/hop.png /tmp/pseudo.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 30 -fill black -draw "text 320,300 \"$SALT\"" /tmp/pseudo.png /tmp/salt.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 40 -fill black -draw "text 320,350 \"$PEPPER\"" /tmp/salt.png /tmp/player.png # SECOND TYPE convert $HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.G1WISH.png -resize 300 /tmp/G1.png convert $HOME/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/QR.IPNS.png -resize 300 /tmp/IPNS.png composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +300+0 /tmp/G1.png ${MY_PATH}/images/Brother_600x400.png /tmp/astroport.png composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +0+0 /tmp/IPNS.png /tmp/astroport.png /tmp/one.png composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +320+280 /tmp/MIZLOGO.png /tmp/one.png /tmp/two.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 28 -fill black -draw "text 32,350 \"$PEPPER\"" /tmp/two.png /tmp/play.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 50 -fill black -draw "text 30,300 \"Ğ1 RÊVE\"" /tmp/play.png /tmp/voeu.png # IMAGE IPFS IREVE=$(ipfs add -Hq /tmp/voeu.png | tail -n 1) sed -i "s~bafybeidhghlcx3zdzdah2pzddhoicywmydintj4mosgtygr6f2dlfwmg7a~${IREVE}~g" ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/index.html # PRINTING LP=$(ls /dev/usb/lp* | head -n1) [[ ! $LP ]] && echo "NO PRINTER FOUND - Brother QL700 validated" # && exit 1 echo "IMPRESSION VOEU" brother_ql_create --model QL-700 --label-size 62 /tmp/player.png > /tmp/toprint.bin 2>/dev/null sudo brother_ql_print /tmp/toprint.bin $LP brother_ql_create --model QL-700 --label-size 62 /tmp/voeu.png > /tmp/toprint.bin 2>/dev/null sudo brother_ql_print /tmp/toprint.bin $LP # COPY QR CODE TO PLAYER ZONE cp /tmp/player.png /tmp/voeu.png ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/voeux/$WISHKEY/ # PUBLISHING echo "## ${PLAYER} RECORDING YOU WISH INTO BLOCKCHAIN" echo "ipfs add -rHq ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/ ipfs name publish --key=${WISHKEY} /ipfs/\$IPUSH" IPUSH=$(ipfs add -rHq ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/ | tail -n 1) echo $IPUSH > ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/.chain # Contains last IPFS backup PLAYER KEY echo $MOATS > ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHKEY/.moats ipfs name publish --key=${WISHKEY} /ipfs/$IPUSH 2>/dev/null echo "CAPSULE A REVE $PEPPER :$VOEUXNS" done exit 0