
140 lines
4.6 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import email.policy
import itertools
import os
from import Iterable
from email.parser import BytesParser
from ..wheelfile import WheelFile
def _compute_tags(original_tags: Iterable[str], new_tags: str | None) -> set[str]:
"""Add or replace tags. Supports dot-separated tags"""
if new_tags is None:
return set(original_tags)
if new_tags.startswith("+"):
return {*original_tags, *new_tags[1:].split(".")}
if new_tags.startswith("-"):
return set(original_tags) - set(new_tags[1:].split("."))
return set(new_tags.split("."))
def tags(
wheel: str,
python_tags: str | None = None,
abi_tags: str | None = None,
platform_tags: str | None = None,
build_tag: str | None = None,
remove: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Change the tags on a wheel file.
The tags are left unchanged if they are not specified. To specify "none",
use ["none"]. To append to the previous tags, a tag should start with a
"+". If a tag starts with "-", it will be removed from existing tags.
Processing is done left to right.
:param wheel: The paths to the wheels
:param python_tags: The Python tags to set
:param abi_tags: The ABI tags to set
:param platform_tags: The platform tags to set
:param build_tag: The build tag to set
:param remove: Remove the original wheel
with WheelFile(wheel, "r") as f:
assert f.filename, f"{f.filename} must be available"
wheel_info = + "/WHEEL")
info = BytesParser(policy=email.policy.compat32).parsebytes(wheel_info)
original_wheel_name = os.path.basename(f.filename)
namever ="namever")
build ="build")
original_python_tags ="pyver").split(".")
original_abi_tags ="abi").split(".")
original_plat_tags ="plat").split(".")
tags: list[str] = info.get_all("Tag", [])
existing_build_tag = info.get("Build")
impls = {tag.split("-")[0] for tag in tags}
abivers = {tag.split("-")[1] for tag in tags}
platforms = {tag.split("-")[2] for tag in tags}
if impls != set(original_python_tags):
msg = f"Wheel internal tags {impls!r} != filename tags {original_python_tags!r}"
raise AssertionError(msg)
if abivers != set(original_abi_tags):
msg = f"Wheel internal tags {abivers!r} != filename tags {original_abi_tags!r}"
raise AssertionError(msg)
if platforms != set(original_plat_tags):
msg = (
f"Wheel internal tags {platforms!r} != filename tags {original_plat_tags!r}"
raise AssertionError(msg)
if existing_build_tag != build:
msg = (
f"Incorrect filename '{build}' "
f"& *.dist-info/WHEEL '{existing_build_tag}' build numbers"
raise AssertionError(msg)
# Start changing as needed
if build_tag is not None:
build = build_tag
final_python_tags = sorted(_compute_tags(original_python_tags, python_tags))
final_abi_tags = sorted(_compute_tags(original_abi_tags, abi_tags))
final_plat_tags = sorted(_compute_tags(original_plat_tags, platform_tags))
final_tags = [
if build:
final_tags.insert(1, build)
final_wheel_name = "-".join(final_tags) + ".whl"
if original_wheel_name != final_wheel_name:
del info["Tag"], info["Build"]
for a, b, c in itertools.product(
final_python_tags, final_abi_tags, final_plat_tags
info["Tag"] = f"{a}-{b}-{c}"
if build:
info["Build"] = build
original_wheel_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(f.filename), original_wheel_name
final_wheel_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f.filename), final_wheel_name)
with WheelFile(original_wheel_path, "r") as fin, WheelFile(
final_wheel_path, "w"
) as fout:
fout.comment = fin.comment # preserve the comment
for item in fin.infolist():
if item.is_dir():
if item.filename == f.dist_info_path + "/RECORD":
if item.filename == f.dist_info_path + "/WHEEL":
fout.writestr(item, info.as_bytes())
if remove:
return final_wheel_name