* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Camel\Tests\Format; use Camel\Format\ScreamingSnakeCase; class ScreamingSnakeCaseTest extends FormatTest { public function getFormatInstance() { return new ScreamingSnakeCase(); } public function provideValidJoins() { return array( array(array('hello', 'world'), 'HELLO_WORLD'), array(array('HeLlO', 'wOrLd'), 'HELLO_WORLD'), array(array('HELLO', 'WORLD'), 'HELLO_WORLD'), array(array('hello', 'my', 'world'), 'HELLO_MY_WORLD'), ); } public function provideValidSplits() { return array( array('hello_world', array('hello', 'world')), array('HELLO_WORLD', array('HELLO', 'WORLD')), array('HELLO_MY_WORLD', array('HELLO', 'MY', 'WORLD')), ); } }