#shellcheck shell=sh set -eu CRED_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/credentials" DUBP_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/mnemonic" EWIF_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.ewif" JWK_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.jwk" NACL_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.nacl" P2P_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.p2p" PEM_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.pem" PUBSEC_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.pubsec" SEED_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.seed" SSB_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.ssb" WIF_FILE="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}/username.wif" gpg() { GNUPGHOME="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}" command gpg "$@" } keygen() { if [ -x ./keygen.py ]; then GNUPGHOME="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}" ./keygen.py "$@" elif [ -x ./bin/keygen ]; then GNUPGHOME="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}" ./bin/keygen "$@" else GNUPGHOME="${SHELLSPEC_TMPBASE}" command keygen "$@" fi } Describe 'Dependency' Describe 'pinentry:' It 'is available' When run pinentry --help The output should include 'pinentry' The status should be success The stderr should be present End End Describe 'python3:' It 'is available' When run python3 --help The output should include 'python3' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End End Describe 'keygen' Describe '--help:' It 'prints help' When run keygen --help The output should include 'usage:' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '--version:' It 'prints version' When run keygen --version The output should include 'v0.0.5' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe 'username password:' It 'prints base58 public key for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen username password The output should include '4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-p username password:' It 'prints prefixed base58 public key for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -p username password The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-s username password:' It 'prints base58 secret key for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -s username password The output should include 'K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-ps username password:' It 'prints prefixed base58 secret key for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -ps username password The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-k username password:' It 'prints base58 public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -k username password The output should include '4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pk username password:' It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pk username password The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt b36mf username password:' It 'prints prefixed base36 multiformat public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt b36mf username password The output should include 'pub: k51qzi5uqu5dhhsbw068pust1xf763zdmyu2mb8rf6ewu2oz3in3a2g6pgtqy3' The output should include 'sec: kmxn88f5mep5chc4tc002gyhtl9vgiluellgje285y2hn5a5kjdvqge7oeb0jryupt1q09w48h2nxg0ofcjco0wjwa824v3p9tvw6us9gdkb' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt b58mf username password:' It 'prints prefixed base58 multiformat public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt b58mf username password The output should include 'pub: z5AanNVJCxnJNiidpTZyuYzkQcrHRCyhxMV7Z4KYDV1MYy2ETMrEbUn' The output should include 'sec: z4gg7xjCuszBpvNVcDAmNYVNrZxwXfDDQGoAShWmmQBkWRzZbR8A4ZBpkk4iTj3YSLBxvGZRf1AjCyGDdczhs7tshCsbFK4e' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt b58mh username password:' It 'prints prefixed base58 multihash public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt b58mh username password The output should include 'pub: 12D3KooWDMhdm5yrvtrbkshXFjkqLedHieUnPioczy9wzdnzquHC' The output should include 'sec: 23jhTarm17VAHUwPkHD2Kv5sPfuQrsXSZUzKUrRkP2oP8bgnLjVExhG4AVoayCLxbXN4g2pjVG5qiJRucUtogbj7zGapz' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt b64mh username password:' It 'prints prefixed base64 multihash public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt b64mh username password The output should include 'pub: ACQIARIgNJoTbvcP+m51+XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas=' The output should include 'sec: CAESQA+XqCWjRqCjNe9oU3QA796bEH+T+rxgyPQ/EkXvE2MvNJoTbvcP+m51+XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas=' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt base58 username password:' It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt base58 username password The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt base64 username password:' It 'prints prefixed base64 public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt base64 username password The output should include 'pub: NJoTbvcP+m51+XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas=' The output should include 'sec: D5eoJaNGoKM172hTdADv3psQf5P6vGDI9D8SRe8TYy80mhNu9w/6bnX5fDGuZaodo6kjVkPRRLAuOoCZXwGhqw==' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt duniter username password:' It 'prints prefixed duniter public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt duniter username password The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt ipfs username password:' It 'prints prefixed ipfs public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt ipfs username password The output should include 'PeerID: 12D3KooWDMhdm5yrvtrbkshXFjkqLedHieUnPioczy9wzdnzquHC' The output should include 'PrivKEY: CAESQA+XqCWjRqCjNe9oU3QA796bEH+T+rxgyPQ/EkXvE2MvNJoTbvcP+m51+XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas=' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkt jwk username password:' It 'prints prefixed jwk public and secret keys for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -pkt jwk username password The output should include 'pub: {"crv":"Ed25519","kty":"OKP","x":"NJoTbvcP-m51-XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas"}' The output should include 'sec: {"crv":"Ed25519","d":"D5eoJaNGoKM172hTdADv3psQf5P6vGDI9D8SRe8TYy8","kty":"OKP","x":"NJoTbvcP-m51-XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas"}' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe '-pkm "tongue cute mail ...":' It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for mnemonic "tongue cute mail ..."' When run keygen -pkm "tongue cute mail fossil great frozen same social weasel impact brush kind" The output should include 'pub: 732SSfuwjB7jkt9th1zerGhphs6nknaCBCTozxUcPWPU' The output should include 'sec: 4NHNg9KSp81nXAN4Gmwx4EZ9bCdahnJ9jozJa1cGj9oDvzx9kCtNSvasqTZVm6VJXBQxyakZ5uZnj8AS6g87kK3x' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${CRED_FILE}" printf 'username\npassword\n' > "${CRED_FILE}" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for username and password read from credentials file"' When run keygen -pki "${CRED_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: credentials' End rm -f "${CRED_FILE}" End Describe "-pki ${DUBP_FILE}" printf 'tongue cute mail fossil great frozen same social weasel impact brush kind\n' > "${DUBP_FILE}" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for mnemonic read from dubp file"' When run keygen -pki "${DUBP_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 732SSfuwjB7jkt9th1zerGhphs6nknaCBCTozxUcPWPU' The output should include 'sec: 4NHNg9KSp81nXAN4Gmwx4EZ9bCdahnJ9jozJa1cGj9oDvzx9kCtNSvasqTZVm6VJXBQxyakZ5uZnj8AS6g87kK3x' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: mnemonic' End rm -f "${DUBP_FILE}" End Describe "-f jwk -o ${JWK_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${JWK_FILE}" It 'writes secret key to a JWK file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f jwk -o "${JWK_FILE}" username password The path "${JWK_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${JWK_FILE}" should include '{"crv":"Ed25519","d":"D5eoJaNGoKM172hTdADv3psQf5P6vGDI9D8SRe8TYy8","kty":"OKP","x":"NJoTbvcP-m51-XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas"}' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${JWK_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from JWK file"' When run keygen -pki "${JWK_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: jwk' End rm -f "${JWK_FILE}" End Describe "-f nacl -o ${NACL_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${NACL_FILE}" It 'writes secret key to a libnacl file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f nacl -o "${NACL_FILE}" username password The path "${NACL_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${NACL_FILE}" should include '{"priv": "0f97a825a346a0a335ef68537400efde9b107f93fabc60c8f43f1245ef13632f349a136ef70ffa6e75f97c31ae65aa1da3a9235643d144b02e3a80995f01a1ab", "verify": "349a136ef70ffa6e75f97c31ae65aa1da3a9235643d144b02e3a80995f01a1ab", "sign": "0f97a825a346a0a335ef68537400efde9b107f93fabc60c8f43f1245ef13632f"}' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${NACL_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from libnacl file"' When run keygen -pki "${NACL_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: nacl' End rm -f "${NACL_FILE}" End Describe "-f ewif -o ${EWIF_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${EWIF_FILE}" It 'writes encrypted secret key to a ewif file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f ewif -o "${EWIF_FILE}" username password The path "${EWIF_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${EWIF_FILE}" should include 'Type: EWIF' The contents of file "${EWIF_FILE}" should include 'Version: 1' The contents of file "${EWIF_FILE}" should include 'Data: 2w6iPHHjrfGT3HWvNV1cw3ZpGXAAQtfYzRxDXUkyW2y5WBorLtDUY' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${EWIF_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from EWIF file"' When run keygen -pki "${EWIF_FILE}" -v username password The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: ewif' End rm -f "${EWIF_FILE}" End Describe "-o ${PEM_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${PEM_FILE}" It 'writes pkcs8 secret key to a pem file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -o "${PEM_FILE}" -t ipfs username password The path "${PEM_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${PEM_FILE}" should include '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----' The contents of file "${PEM_FILE}" should include 'MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIA+XqCWjRqCjNe9oU3QA796bEH+T+rxgyPQ/EkXvE2Mv' The contents of file "${PEM_FILE}" should include '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-f pem -o ${PEM_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${PEM_FILE}" It 'writes pkcs8 secret key to a pem file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f pem -o "${PEM_FILE}" -t ipfs username password The path "${PEM_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${PEM_FILE}" should include '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----' The contents of file "${PEM_FILE}" should include 'MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIA+XqCWjRqCjNe9oU3QA796bEH+T+rxgyPQ/EkXvE2Mv' The contents of file "${PEM_FILE}" should include '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${PEM_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from pkcs8 pem file"' When run keygen -pki "${PEM_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: pem' End rm -f "${PEM_FILE}" End Describe "-f p2p -o ${P2P_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${P2P_FILE}" It 'writes libp2p secret key to a p2p file for user "username" and password "password"' decode_p2p() { xxd -p "${P2P_FILE}" } not_xxd() { ! which xxd >/dev/null 2>&1 } Skip if 'You should install xxd' not_xxd When run keygen -f p2p -o "${P2P_FILE}" username password The path "${P2P_FILE}" should exist The result of function decode_p2p should include '080112400f97a825a346a0a335ef68537400efde9b107f93fabc60c8f43f' The result of function decode_p2p should include '1245ef13632f349a136ef70ffa6e75f97c31ae65aa1da3a9235643d144b0' The result of function decode_p2p should include '2e3a80995f01a1ab' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${P2P_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from p2p file"' When run keygen -pki "${P2P_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: p2p' End rm -f "${P2P_FILE}" End Describe "-f pubsec -o ${PUBSEC_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${PUBSEC_FILE}" It 'writes base58 public and secret keys to a pubsec file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f pubsec -o "${PUBSEC_FILE}" username password The path "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'Type: PubSec' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'Version: 1' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-o ${PUBSEC_FILE} -t duniter username password:" rm -f "${PUBSEC_FILE}" It 'writes duniter public and secret keys to a pubsec file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -o "${PUBSEC_FILE}" -t duniter username password The path "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'Type: PubSec' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'Version: 1' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${PUBSEC_FILE} -t ipfs:" It 'prints prefixed ipfs public and secret keys for base58 keys read in a pubsec file' When run keygen -pki "${PUBSEC_FILE}" -t ipfs -v The output should include 'PeerID: 12D3KooWDMhdm5yrvtrbkshXFjkqLedHieUnPioczy9wzdnzquHC' The output should include 'PrivKEY: CAESQA+XqCWjRqCjNe9oU3QA796bEH+T+rxgyPQ/EkXvE2MvNJoTbvcP+m51+XwxrmWqHaOpI1ZD0USwLjqAmV8Boas=' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: pubsec' End rm -f "${PUBSEC_FILE}" End Describe "-pki ${SSB_FILE}:" printf '{ "curve": "ed25519", "public": "cFVodZoKwLcmXbM6UeASdl8+7+Uo8PNOuFnlcqk7qUc=.ed25519", "private": "lUqlXYxjkM0/ljtGnwoM0CfP6ORA2DKZnzsQ4dJ1tKJwVWh1mgrAtyZdszpR4BJ2Xz7v5Sjw8064WeVyqTupRw==.ed25519", "id": "@cFVodZoKwLcmXbM6UeASdl8+7+Uo8PNOuFnlcqk7qUc=.ed25519" }\n' > "${SSB_FILE}" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from ssb file"' When run keygen -pki "${SSB_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 8ZWCTFBUczYRucyvTgJL6oefj28u243LYU4ZjYKn4XDG' The output should include 'sec: 3z7vcMHQhnVPTEEaFQ5gxn2NHkmJsFHkZ4W2aoAvt3Jt5ZYhFV1M6NEkm7Lr75pEF61oSkQVsaih9cQWBP2JmbVQ' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: ssb' End rm -f "${SSB_FILE}" End Describe "-f seed -o ${SEED_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${SEED_FILE}" It 'writes encoded secret key to a wif file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f seed -o "${SEED_FILE}" username password The path "${SEED_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${SEED_FILE}" should include '0f97a825a346a0a335ef68537400efde9b107f93fabc60c8f43f1245ef13632f' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${SEED_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from seed file"' When run keygen -pki "${SEED_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: seed' End rm -f "${SEED_FILE}" End Describe "-f wif -o ${WIF_FILE} username password:" rm -f "${WIF_FILE}" It 'writes encoded secret key to a wif file for user "username" and password "password"' When run keygen -f wif -o "${WIF_FILE}" username password The path "${WIF_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${WIF_FILE}" should include 'Type: WIF' The contents of file "${WIF_FILE}" should include 'Version: 1' The contents of file "${WIF_FILE}" should include 'Data: 7972e1McMMURp9R1MDCH1UMEEnF2bKAjc2WtEW3JyAVwMVT' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End End Describe "-pki ${WIF_FILE}:" It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 key read from WIF file"' When run keygen -pki "${WIF_FILE}" -v The output should include 'pub: 4YLU1xQ9jzb7LzC6d91VZrYTEKS9N2j93Nnvcee6wxZG' The output should include 'sec: K5heSX4xGUPtRbxcZh6zbgaKbDv8FeVc9JuSNWtUs7C1oGNKqv7kQJ3DHdouTPzoW4duKKnuLQK8LbHKfN9fkjC' The status should be success The stderr should include 'input file format detected: wif' End rm -f "${WIF_FILE}" End Describe '-t gpg username password birthday:' It 'creates a password protected gpg key for user "username"' Skip "You should implement it !" When run keygen -t pgp username password birthday The status should be success End End Describe '-pkg username:' gpg --batch --import --quiet specs/username.asc It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for ed25519 gpg key matching uid "username"' When run keygen -pkg username The output should include 'pub: 2g5UL2zhkn5i7oNYDpWo3fBuWvRYVU1AbMtdVmnGzPNv' The output should include 'sec: 5WtYFfA26nTfG496gAKhkrLYUMMnwXexmE1E8Q7PvtQEyscHfirsdMzW34zDp7WEkt3exNEVwoG4ajZYrm62wpi2' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End gpg --batch --delete-secret-and-public-key --yes 4D1CDB77E91FFCD81B10F9A7079E5BF4721944FB End Describe '-pkg username@protected password:' gpg --batch --import --quiet specs/username_protected.asc It 'prints prefixed public and secret keys for ed25519 gpg key matching uid "username@protected" and locked with password "password"' When run keygen -pkg username@protected password The output should include 'pub: C1cRu7yb5rZhsmRHQkeZxusAhtYYJypcnXpY3HycEKsU' The output should include 'sec: VWaEdDroSCoagJDsBnDNUtXJtKAJYdqL6XKNiomz8DtiyF44FvpiMmhidXt2j8HhDBKPZ67xBGcZPnj4Myk6cB8' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End gpg --batch --delete-secret-and-public-key --yes 6AF574897D4979B7956AC31B6222A29CBC31A087 End Describe '-pkg usersame:' gpg --batch --import --quiet specs/usersame.asc It 'prints prefixed base58 public and secret keys for rsa gpg key matching uid "usersame"' When run keygen -pkg usersame The output should include 'pub: EGdSY9fKom7MnvHALNQU7LUoEEE2sju5ntL9eRXJ5tTM' The output should include 'sec: 4jPG9MH9LVA7HhcfFs41pXVjxDQLdgu3Mtc64Ph6U3vUMNWfJqTBdFFaviq5r6zJC8PpWUiaUhjVnYAa2E9UrFTZ' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End gpg --batch --delete-secret-and-public-key --yes 845E099CFD17FD07346F9D26CAB2E65557C656DF End Describe '-pkg usersame@protected password:' gpg --batch --import --quiet specs/usersame_protected.asc It 'prints prefixed public and secret keys for rsa gpg key matching uid "usersame@protected" and locked with password "password"' When run keygen -pkg usersame@protected password The output should include 'pub: 6KNNPBxkMYnccYvpePBKDewZ3JiQnmWA4e7QSsvZUzLM' The output should include 'sec: 4q4SM9qoWc2eLtfYWs7K9hb7oSCNjCLc8U6ELNrScteVGVnSBP4YMDM5V8RPsHURqCqP5ndPkqGoB74cmRxfJro7' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End gpg --batch --delete-secret-and-public-key --yes 78BC5CD37664E5C1AA85AC97ABC22BF0C070C9AD End Describe "-g -o ${PUBSEC_FILE} -t duniter username:" rm -f "${PUBSEC_FILE}" gpg --batch --import --quiet specs/username.asc It 'writes duniter public and secret keys to a pubsec file for gpg key matching uid "username"' When run keygen -g -o "${PUBSEC_FILE}" -t duniter username The path "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should exist The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'Type: PubSec' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'Version: 1' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'pub: 2g5UL2zhkn5i7oNYDpWo3fBuWvRYVU1AbMtdVmnGzPNv' The contents of file "${PUBSEC_FILE}" should include 'sec: 5WtYFfA26nTfG496gAKhkrLYUMMnwXexmE1E8Q7PvtQEyscHfirsdMzW34zDp7WEkt3exNEVwoG4ajZYrm62wpi2' The status should be success The stderr should equal "" End gpg --batch --delete-secret-and-public-key --yes 4D1CDB77E91FFCD81B10F9A7079E5BF4721944FB End End