env update

This commit is contained in:
Yann Autissier 2022-06-28 13:30:38 +02:00
parent a75d5b4645
commit b149a01b75
1 changed files with 13 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
# target .env: Update .env
## it updates .env file when .env.dist file is newer
# target .env: Update file .env
## it updates file .env when file .env.dist is newer
.env: .env.dist
$(call .env,,,$(wildcard $(CONFIG)/$(ENV)/$(APP)/.env .env.$(ENV)))
# target .env-clean: Remove .env
# target .env-clean: Remove file .env
## it removes file .env
.PHONY: .env-clean
rm -i .env || true
# target .env-update: Update file ENV_FILE
## it updates file ENV_FILE with missing values from file ENV_DIST
## it can override ENV_DIST with values from file ENV_OVER
.PHONY: .env-update
$(call INFO,.env-update,$(ENV_FILE)$(comma) $(ENV_DIST)$(comma) $(ENV_OVER))
$(foreach env_file,$(ENV_FILE),$(call .env,$(env_file),$(or $(ENV_DIST),$(env_file).dist),$(ENV_OVER)))
# include .env file
-include .env
@ -70,7 +79,7 @@ endef
# sort alphabetically
# add variables definition to the .env file
define .env_update
$(call INFO,.env_update,$(env_file) $(env_dist) $(env_over))
$(call INFO,.env_update,$(env_file)$(comma) $(env_dist)$(comma) $(env_over))
touch $(env_file) $(if $(VERBOSE)$(DEBUG),,2> /dev/null)
printenv \
|awk -F '=' 'NR == FNR { if($$1 !~ /^(#|$$)/) { A[$$1]; next } } !($$1 in A)' - $(env_dist) \